I'd refer her as Mew chan now. As Mew is pronounced Miyu too. As the Pokemon & an indie rock band of same name.
In case you mean the closing speech, I proceeded to write down a translation of it as well based on the transcript from the blog of good ol' Memolist. Spoiler 藤崎未夢「今日はお誕生日当日にこんなに素敵な生誕祭を開いてくださって、そしてたくさんのお祝い本当にありがとうございます」拍手 Miyu: "Thank you so very much for having organized such a splendid Seitansai today, right on the day of my own birthday, and for all the congratulations you have beeing giving me." (Applauses) 「さっきお手紙にもあったように、去年までの私はこの劇場に遊びに来たり、福袋を買いに来たり(客笑) 色んなイベントに参加したり、ほんとに普通にNGTが大好きな女の子だったんですけど、今こうしてステージに立てているのは今年の1月に皆さんがドラフト会議で私をNGTに加入させてくださったからです。本当にありがとうございます」拍手 "Like the letter just before also pointed out, until last year I was someone who used to come have fun here at this very theater regularly, I would also go buy the New Year Lucky Bags (audience laughs), and attended all sorts of events, in other words I was a girl who had been loving NGT even in my ordinary life. If I am standing here on this stage today, it's thanks to to everyone who allowed me to join NGT during the Draft Meeting on this January. I am truly grateful for this." (Applauses) 「私がそのずっとNGTが結成されるっていう時からずっとこのグループに入りたいと思っていて、そんな夢を皆さんは叶えてくださって、私は今ここにいるんですけど、その夢だったステージに立てるようになって、NGTに加入してからは本当に毎日が凄く充実していました。 "Ever since the time NGT was formed, I had always been meaning to join this group one day. Now that everyone has made this dream come true for me, here I finally am now. By getting to stand on this stage, which was my dream, I am honest in saying that every single day ever since entering NGT had felt so gratifying. でも、その一方で、アイドルのファンとして見てきた部分では見えなかったようなつらいことだったりとかもたくさんあって。でもそんな時に皆さんが凄く優しい言葉をかけてくださって、いま劇場公演に出れるようになったりとか、ほんとに皆さんの支えがあってここまで来れたなって凄く思います。 However, on the other hand, it turns out that the side of the job which I used to watch as an idol fan also hid behind so many hardships that I couldn't have noticed back then. But regardless, with everyone of you giving me your caring words, I then managed to make my appearance at the theater performances as I am now. I'll say it seriously, I strongly feel that I wouldn't have made it so far if it weren't for everyone lending me your support. そして、ここまで支えてくださったのは家族もファンの方ももちろんなんですけど、悩んだ時に相談に乗ってくださったり、私が1人でいる時に声をかけてくださった先輩方だったり、同じ、今は研究生公演に向けて一緒に頑張ってる研究生だったり、ほんとにたくさんの人に支えられてここまで来れてるなって凄く実感しています。 What's more, while the ones who supported me were of course also my family and fans, I also had my senpais there, who offered me their counseling on those times I was troubled with doubts, and who spoke up to me on those times I was alone on my own. In the same way, there are also the other Kenkyuusei members, with whom I am training hard together in preparation for the next Kenkyuusei theater stage. I can realize it firstand how it is thanks to such a great number of people supporting me, that I could get up to this point. だから、18歳の私は、そんな皆さんにしっかりと自分の気持ちを伝えられるようになりたいです。 And so, as a 18-year-old, I want to be able to get my own feelings across to everyone as clearly as possible, then. 私はあまり素直になれないところがあって、自分の気持ちをちゃんと言えなかったりとかするところがあるんですけど、今日みたいな、ほんとに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいなので、その感謝の気持ちを皆さんにちゃんと伝えたり、自分が思ってることを皆さんにちゃんと伝えて、もっとファンの皆さんとの絆を深めていきたいなって思います。 There's still a side of me where I have trouble being open-hearted, where I have trouble expressing my own sentiments properly, but just like today, I am truly full of gratitude, and so I want to go on to communicate such a sense of gratitude to everyone, and along with that, also strengthen the bonds I have with my fans even more. まだアイドルとして始まったばかり、1年も経っていませんが、これからつらいことたくさんあると思うんですけど、今日ここにいる皆さん、そしていつも応援してくださってる皆さんがいたら何でも乗り越えられると思うので、ずっと私と一緒についてきてください。今日は本当にありがとうございました」拍手 I have just started my journey as an idol, not even one year has passed, and I'm sure there are going to be many tough moments lying ahead. But still, I feel like I can overcome anything, as long as everyone who is present here today, and everyone who's supporting me as always, will be with me. Please, keep following me along all together, then. And a sincere thank you for this day." (Applauses)
This is horrible. Mew has so much potentials. Cute face = idol worth Cute voice = seiyuu worth Nice body = gravure worth Hope the best for her even if she needs to going somewhere, hope her new management aware her potentials.
I'm not a perv but if she begins posing in mizugi that would be kickass! She could compete Kuromiya Rei of Ladybaby in a term of gravure. They're both 18 now. Voice? Watch any of her videos so you know about her gorgeous voice. Because of her, I reconsider about putting an end to NGT48 because she's a Niigata native and making the Niigata based group no more would make her need to move to another city with 48 group if only her parents let her go also if only she wants to.
Mew just graduated from highschool, omedetou! OK Mew, time for leave your parents and move to STU48 as NGT48 is dead.
Congrats to Fujisaki Miyu for being the new center of the new single "Sherbet Pink". https://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/akb48/news/202006110000770.html She's only a Kenkyuusei but is cute, young and full of promise. Very positive news for NGT, looking forward to the new NGT and the young recruits. Kitahara Rie must be proud. The future seems to be getting brighter, lockdowns are easing, NGT revival, PS5 and Xbox conference soon. ^_^
Miyu is featured in an article published today on the camping website 'Hinata' in which she talks about her experiences of camping - there's a number of photos including one when she was only 8 months old: https://hinata.me/article/1265891869711887877 Google translation:
Story in Real Sound about the KKS center. "acting as a center for a single title as a research student is a very rare example for the AKB48 group as a whole. In the "AKB48 General Election Official Guidebook 2018," Etsuro Imamura, who was the theater manager at the time, said, "The type of member that NGT48 hasn't had before. She is tall and has a remarkable performance. A smile is always attractive. "Fujisaki," he said. [with reference to previous interview from 2018] Fujisaki, who is the third draft student of the same draft, says, “The face is cute, the style is good, and it looks great on the picture,” says Fujisaki, who is the tallest member of the group, including the 1st generation. In the self-introduction, she called herself "Noppo". She was the owner of an SLR camera member who was in the camera club at high school at the time, and her Instagram lined up with pictures of colorful scenery and food. For NGT48, which has been focused on the theme of “community with local communities/contribution to local communities”, regaining the trust of Niigata is the key to opening the future of the Group. For the solo concert held at the TOKYO DOME CITY HALL in January this year, 16 selected members experienced a three-day training camp in Niigata, and the distance between the first-year students and the research student members also decreased." https://realsound.jp/2020/06/post-568439.html
Yuria announced graduation at 6th Anniversary Theater show today and she's immediately nominated MiyuMiyu as the next Captain. [oversize images. The limit is 750 x 750]
Gravy NGT48 captain Miyu Fujisaki, first swimsuit gravure outstanding style lifted [ORICON exclusive cut] Miyu Fujisaki (21), the third captain of the idol group NGT48 , appears in the gravure magazine "FLASH Special Gravure BEST 2022 Early Summer" Swimsuit Total Appearance "" (Kobunsha) released on the 29th. Her first swimsuit gravure lifted her preeminent style. https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2240295/full/
Miyu goes camping at the CAPTAIN STAG Auto Campsite (for NST TV): if the video does not show watch the video here
Miyu visits the Niigata Gokoku Shrine with which she's had a connection since childhood (she shows some photos of herself there as a child) and then she goes on to the State Guest House TOKIWA where she gets to put on her dream wedding dress: if the video does not show watch the video here