Hashimoto Kanna / Rev. from DVL

Discussion in 'The STAGE48 Idol Emporium' started by mayuoshi, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. shabondama

    shabondama Kenkyuusei

    Sep 29, 2013
    Aaah I'm so tempted to buy her PB! I want more previews >_<
  2. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  3. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    Info on 3rd single is out and it looks glorious! (Yukki is centering 3rd row)
    It's a Kanna/Nagisa/Miho triple center!

    REAL -real-/Koiiro passion

    release date: 3.12 (European standard of dates)

    for additional details consult the website: http://rev.jp.net/ma_single.php?p=735

    (the one with DVD)
    1.REAL-リアル- / REAL-real-
    2.恋色パッション / Koiiro passion
    3.束の間の幸福論 / tsukanoma no kofukuron

    1.REAL-リアル-(ミュージックビデオ) / Music Video
    2.REAL-リアル-(ミュージックビデオ ダンスver.) / Music Video dance version

    3.A-side pictures
    4.Aiiro choreography video (?why is this listed under pictures???)

    Extras(1st press):
    1. two-shot with one random girl out of 12 (going from assumption of translation, I think this is their way of promoting other girls, lol)
    2. high touch event participation coupon
    3. Lottery participation coupon (?)

    (Hashimoto Kanna x Aikatsu Collab version)
    1.恋色パッション / Koiiro passion
    2.REAL-リアル- / REAL-real-
    3.恋のMonster. / Ai no Monster.

    Extras(1st press):
    1.event participation coupon - details will be announced later (quite literary)
    2.original Aikatsu card

    (The so called web type)
    1.REAL-リアル- / REAL-real-
    2.恋色パッション / Koiiro passion
    3.LiVE & Peace
    4.外環状線 / Sotokanjousen (? hokakanjousen?) Google translate gives: 'outer ring line', so, I guess I'd go with soto?
    7.LiVE & PEACE<instrumental>

    single hand shake participation coupon

    I think thew application/payment for the this types HS events starts at 11月10日? (in case it says payment, then application starts NOW)
    January 10 (Sat) Osaka: Mido Hall
    January 11 (day) Fukuoka: scalar Espacio
    January 17 (Saturday), the 18th (Sun) Tokyo: Hugh Rick Hall
    January 24 (Sat) Osaka: Mido Hall

    Details will be announced soon.

    P.S. it feels kind of horrible, but Motona Kyouka is sitting this round out too, I wonder what the hell she got punished for, to sit out 2 singles.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  4. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    videos I posted were removed, have Twitter popularity for this month!

    Name 5.09 4.1 10.11
    Hashimoto Kanna 80 K 80.3 K 81 K
    Imai Hitomi 6'290 6'336 6'426
    Akiyama Miho 5'542 5'665 5'785
    Shinomiya Nagisa 5'421 5'531 5'598
    Washio Miki 5'319 5'405 5'475
    Nishioka Yuna 5'290 5'375 5'451
    Kouya Honami 4'380 4'473 4'569
    Hashimoto Yukina 3'892 4'073 4'167
    Fujimoto Reina 2'517 2'605 2'681
    Chikaraishi Nanami 2'399 2'503 2'581
    Takahashi Nanami 2'314 2'427 2'513
    Furusawa Saki 2'196 2'302 2'382
    Motono Kyuoka 2'111 2'218 2'309
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  5. yukiDARUMArin

    yukiDARUMArin Kenkyuusei

    Jul 10, 2014

    if the video does not show watch the video here
  6. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    ^Thank you very much.
    Wow, I like this PV *_* except the light are too much during the dancing (Yukki has great position right behind Kanna AND is visible, lol)


    PV preview in 720p

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  7. kimunlimited

    kimunlimited Member Stage48 Donor

    Oct 27, 2011
    Too busy these days, I just remember this!
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Weekly Playboy 2014 No.46

    if the video does not show watch the video here




    if the video does not show watch the video here
    アイドルグループ「Rev.from DVL(レブ・フロム・ディー・ブイ・エル)」のメンバーで、“天使すぎる”アイドルとして話題の橋本環奈さんが11月13日、東京都内で行われたオンラインゲーム「モンスターハンター メゼポルタ開拓記」のイベントに登場した。


     「モンスターハンター メゼポルタ開拓記」はオンラインゲーム「モンスターハンター フロンティアG」から生まれたシミュレーションRPG。27日からサービス開始。
  8. kimunlimited

    kimunlimited Member Stage48 Donor

    Oct 27, 2011
    Let me add this one,

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    吉本興業は、CS放送のスカパー!プレミアムサービスに、新アイドル専門チャンネル「KawaiianTV」を12月1日に開局すると11月10日、発表した。「見せすぎアイドルチャンネル」として、アイドルが24時間出演し、アイドルグループ「NMB48」「Rev.from DVL(レブ・フロム・ディー・ブイ・エル)」ら5組のアイドルが日替わりで生出演する帯番組「Kawaiian くらびぃー!」などを放送する。

     「KawaiianTV」は、アイドル生放送帯番組「Kawaiian くらびぃー!」を毎週月~金曜の午後6時~8時に放送するほか、アイドルライブ番組「Kawaiian TV LIVEサタデー」「KawaiianN TV LIVEサンデー」、NMB48に迫る「NMB48 アイドルらしくない!!」などを放送する。月額1620円で17日から加入を受け付ける。

     この日は、「Kawaiian くらびぃー!」のMCを担当する「NMB48」「Rev.from DVL」「GALETTe」「SO.ON project」「スルースキルズ」のメンバーが登場。“天使すぎる”などと話題の「Rev.from DVL」の橋本環奈さんは、「今日たくさんの方にお会いできてうれしいですし、楽しいです。2時間生放送すっごくわくわくしています」と笑顔で話した。「NMB48」の山本彩さんは、「昨日の握手会で、ファンの方に公開処刑されないようにって心配された」と話して笑わせながら、「他のアイドルの方に負けないように体を張っていきたい」と新番組に意気込みをみせた。

     この日は、新たなアイドルを発掘するアイドルオーディション「THE Kawaiian GRAND PRIX」を開催することも発表された。グランプリ獲得者には、メジャーレーベルからのデビュー、「Kawaiian TV」でのレギュラー番組などが保証されている。

     「KawaiianTV」は、スカパー!プレミアムサービスで放送するほか、12月1日から「Kawaiian TVアプリ」で配信開始予定。同アプリの利用は月額540円。「ニコニコ動画」「GYAO!」「BBTV NEXT」でも同日から配信予定。

    Rev. from DVL appeared with NMB48 and other idol group for the announcement of Kawaiin TV, they get a show in it, I assume, that's what I mostly understand.
  9. figulou

    figulou Kenkyuusei

    Jul 14, 2014
    I really love Kanna when i see her in the drama Suikyu Yankees. The new pv is amazing !! I cant' wait the full version♥♥♥but the screentime is really lame worst than 46/48 group it's the only bad thing in the group ,it's like they prevent the other to have a little spotlight .
  10. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    ^Aaaaaaaaaand I still desagree with the sentiment. Do my best!! had the best screen time distribution, yes, we get close ups of all girls so far. Just because we have not seen the full version yet it is too early to judge.
    Also, I'm Yukki's fan and she's 2nd/3rd row. (That being said I find it fascinating that more often than not promotion appearances are done by Kanna, Nagisa, Miho ... and Yukki. I'm super happy she gets exposure, but it doesn't correlate much with her position)

    edit (I don't get it... how can Nagisa screw up so many selfies?)

    Kanna's magazine schedule for this month:
    11月15日(土)発売 「DIME」(小学館)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  11. figulou

    figulou Kenkyuusei

    Jul 14, 2014
    Lol!! No in fact i speak in general not for the new pv only. And i'm very happy for Nagisa and Miho. But you know for example,in LOVE ARIGATOU except Nagisa-Miho the other members are shown 2seconds ,i abuse but i haven't the time to memorise their faces^^. And my first impression in all the pv are Hashimoto Kanna and her back dancers. But i'm happy because the musics are great, the girls are very good dancers very energetic,lot of motivation.
  12. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    ^If you wish to feel this way about other members, I'm not going to argue. I suggest you watch Do my best. Seeing how Kanna isn't even in the first row and the story PV has a heavy Nagisa focus, which the dance PV (the one that was actually aired) is the most balanced PV I've ever seen.

    Problem is that most people don't give a sh*t about other members so they don't pay attention to them. Problem with LOVE -arigatou- is that the choreography is very confusing to a point that if the cameras in LIVEs weren't following Kanna, I wouldn't know where she is standing at a given point in time either because it's a chaos.
    You know what's unfair screentime distribution? Yukki not getting a close-up in Ai ni kinshai PV. That's not fair. You know what else is unfair? Kyouka being excluded for a 2nd single A-side in a row. I think she's on a B-side though, if I'm not mistaken.

    full version of REAL:

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    all in all, focus here mostly on the first three but all get close-ups, and interesting story in PV. As a Yukki fan, I can't complain, despite her supposed "3rd row" position on cover, most of the time she's in the same shot as Kanna, which means, tons of screentime. Saki's kinda barely noticable though Q_Q; She has such a pretty smile though~
    The song is ... meh though.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  13. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    relevant to Aikatsu

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Edit: 01.12 ITS TWITTER POPULARITY TIME! This time! Ameblo reader numbers included!

    Name October November December
    Hashimoto Kanna 80.3 K 81 K 82.2K
    Imai Hitomi 6'336 6'426 6'463
    Akiyama Miho 5'665 5'785 5'861
    Shinomiya Nagisa 5'531 5'598 5'653
    Washio Miki 5'405 5'475 5'522
    Nishioka Yuna 5'375 5'451 5'512
    Kouya Honami 4'473 4'569 4'613
    Hashimoto Yukina 4'073 4'167 4'264
    Fujimoto Reina 2'605 2'681 2'729
    Chikaraishi Nanami 2'503 2'581 2'631
    Takahashi Nanami 2'427 2'513 2'573
    Furusawa Saki 2'302 2'382 2'425
    Motono Kyuoka 2'218 2'309 2'370
    There are supprisingly enough very little change this single. Apparently Do my Best!! Drama PV did Nagisa and Miho more good that this. But then again, I think that even Do my Best was a better song too, lol. Though in defense, Koiiro passion is a better song that real. Let's see how it goes until the end of the year.

    Name 1.12
    Hashimoto Kanna 40'371
    Hashimoto Yukina 804
    Akiyama Miho 568
    Shinomiya Nagisa 420
    Imai Hitomi 340
    Washio Miki 334
    Nishioka Yuna 334
    Kouya Honami 321
    Takahashi Nanami 309
    Fujimoto Reina 297
    Furusawa Saki 276
    Chikaraishi Nanami 274
    Motono Kyuoka 261
    well, that's an interesting reader number, but most probably follow this through twitter
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  14. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012

    if the video does not show watch the video here\
    (I haven't mentioned it yet, but I totally love what they did with Reina's hairdo for this single)

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2014
  15. Yukitie

    Yukitie Member Stage48 Donor

    Sep 5, 2013
    Kashiwagi Yuki

    I am not sure if you have seen this already, and having checked the whole thread I can't see that it's been shared...

    On AKB Shirabe, members were asked which non-AKB idol they fear the most. Kanna Hashimoto got 86 votes from AKB members!
    She is an awesome force to be reckoned with.
    It is also what has finally made me take notice of this group from Fukuoka...
  16. mayuri91

    mayuri91 Upcoming Girls

    Apr 3, 2014
    south east asia
    if she is discovered in era where no piracy of cd, im pretty sure her group or her alone can sell hundred thousands of cd without any gimmick and would be on par like amuro or ayumi nowadays.
  17. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    @Yukitie I've watched that episode, but without subsm ty for the article.

    on topic does anyone have the sales of 1st and 2nd single for comparison?
  18. Yukitie

    Yukitie Member Stage48 Donor

    Sep 5, 2013
    Kashiwagi Yuki
    Love -Arigatou- - 13,297

    Do my best!! - 16, 280
    ^ Scroll past all the albums and most of the singles.

    Trying to find first day sales for Koi Iro Passion!
  19. figulou

    figulou Kenkyuusei

    Jul 14, 2014
    Are you the result for the single REAL??? In my opinion,it's the best song of this group i hope at least 50k ^^ . I want more exposure for this group with zero position tv show in order to see the other member ,see their personnality,except Nagisa,Mio and mostly Kanna the other are in the shadow ,i cant really choose my oshimen ^^
  20. moonlit

    moonlit Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    ^well, you can follow their blogs, and also its Miho, not Mio.
    Kanna has TeenTeen, the other members appear on features on TV, and the selection is not only Kanna/Miho/Nagisa.
    They have their own radio show called Rev. from DVL no Vitamin Revolution, Miho and Miki host a segment on another radio show Girls☆Punch.
    Its not much yet, but such things do not happen that fast, they made their major debut just this year.
    It's not like there is no way to get this information, you know.

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