I quite liked her and am sad that she in graduating ... but if she want to move forward and feels that is the best way for her to do so then so be it.
The only posting from people on s48 was for her graduation. No one even posting anything after my post several months ago. It's probably better for her to do something better for her career.
@kenchanayoh Maybe she's not popular on stage48 but we are such a small part of the fandom and besides that, she made it in the ssk in the last 3 years with 17,000 votes which is not bad ( and personally I don't think she has bulk voters because she's not pushed at all so there might be people who vote 2 or 3 times but most of them vote once). On the other hand, I agree with you about graduation. She was kinda ignored and didn't helped her with her dream so it's better to start earlier (when she's young) than when she's like 25.
I'm creating a message book for her graduation. Details are here. http://salutethesoukantoku.tumblr.com/post/136494522871/project-message-book-for-isohara-kyokas
I 'm going to really miss Kyonchan. I watch a lot of stages and it was always a great performance whenever she was the center for any unit. Today on her Twitter was this excellent drawing by our beloved Airin I'll post the full pic because it's so great. Also Tsundere! from her graduation stage with her BFFs from other teams; Egochan and Harutamu -
Spoiler: #0131 ~ SKE48 Spoiler: #0131 SKE48 Mobile for SMARTPHONE ##(I haven't seen any translation of her final blog-post;as always, if there are any errors, please notify me。) BLOG TOP NEXT 磯原杏華 TOP 磯原杏華 月別 PREV ∞.2500日 ∞.2500DAYS 2016.01.31 23:45 今日はSKE48に入って2500日目 Today is the 2500th day since I entered SKE48 活動最終日です。 and also the last day of my activities。 そんな今日は仙台にて全国握手会でした。 I spent such a day in Sendai for the national HS。 もうね、本当にたくさんの方が来てくださいました! Honestly, so many people came today! 一瞬でも私のことを応援してくださってた方や はじめましての方も 今日来れないって言ってた方も いつも来てくださる方も Whether it be those who've supported me for even just a moment, or those I am meeting for the first time, or those who said that they can't make it today, or those who always come-- 本当にたくさんの方が仙台まで駆け付けてくださって 行列っぷりにも驚きましたし、顔がわかる方の 多さにも2500日の重みを感じましたし みんなの想いがとーっても嬉しかったです。 There were truly so many people who came all the way to Sendai; I was very surprised at all the line-up, and while seeing so many familiar faces lent great weight to the accumulation of these 2500 days, I felt sooo happy with everyone's feelings。 本当に素敵な方に恵まれました。 I've been surrounded by such wonderful people。 ありがとうございます。 Thank-you very much。 会話しててあんなこともあったなー、 こんなこともあったなー、 この人これがキッカケだったんだー この人そんなとこまで見ててくれたんだー ああ、実はこんな風に想ってくれてたんだ、 While conversing, topics like that sort of thing happened too~, this incident occurred as well~, for this person this was what started it~, this person noticed even that aspect~, ahh, in reality I was thought of in such a way; なーんていろんな記憶と感情が甦っては溢れて 忙しい一日でした。 with all kinds of memories&feelings being revived&brimming, it turned out to be a very busy day。 忙しかったけど、SKE48に入ってよかったなって 心から思える一日になりました。 It was busy, but it became a day where I was able to think, "I'm glad I joined SKE48" from the bottom of my heart。 みんなのおかげ。 ありがとう。 It's thanks to everyone。 Thank-you。 もちろんいろんな事情で今日来れなかった人も いらっしゃるだろうし、SKEに入ってよかったって 思えたのは今日に限ってのことでもないし ここでいう"みんな"は"アイドル・磯原杏華"に 関わってくれたすべての人を指す"みんな" Of course, due to various circumstances there are also those who were unable to come today, and being able to feel glad that I joined SKE is not caused solely by what's happened today; the "everyone" I'm speaking of here refers to all of "everyone" who has involved themselves with "Idol-Isohara Kyoka"。 本当にありがとう。 I'm truly grateful。 私がSKEに入ったのは、自分からではありません。 実をいうと、母が勝手に書類を送ってました。 From my own initiative, my SKE-entrance didn't start。 To be honest, it was my mother who arbitrarily sent in the application form。 私はダンスはやったことなかったし 歌を歌うのも好きじゃなかったから アイドルなんて絶対向いてない。やるもんか。 って思ってました。 I hadn't ever done dance, and because I didn't particularly like singing songs or anything, There's absolutely no way I have an affinity for being an idol。As if I'm actually going to do it? That's what I thought。 でも一次審査に受かったし、せっかくだから 行くだけ行ってみよう。 But since I'd already passed the first screening and all, I thought I might as well try going just to see。 そんな興味から始まった私の2500日。 その興味がとても濃い2500日の始まりでした。 From that spark of interest came the beginning of my 2500-Days。 From that spark of interest came the start of a very deep/saturated 2500-Days。 私がツラいと言われるような境遇になる度に 書類を勝手に送ったのは自分だから、と 心配してくる母がいました。 When I entered circumstances that would be considered painful, my mother worried about me, since it was herself who had arbitrarily sent in that application form。 そうやって心配する母の姿を見る度に あの日オーディションに行くと決めたのは 自分だから、自分の選んだ道だからどんなことも 乗り越えるし、絶対に目標を達成するって 言い張ってました。 Looking at my mother worrying about me like this, I spoke out:"Since it was I myself who decided on that day to go-to the audition, this is the path I've chosen for myself, so regardless of what happens I'll overcome it and absolutely achieve my goals"。 でも内心母の立場に自分がなったら絶対自分を 責めるだろうなとは思っていて娘が出来たら 絶対アイドルはやらせない!とも思ってました。 However, in my heart, I thought that if I were the mother, I'd definitely reproach myself;I also thought that, if I ever had a daughter, I will absolutely never have her become an idol! でもね。 But, you know。 アイドルになって我慢することも多いし 悩むこともたくさんあるし 比べられて生きていくのはツラいし きっと他にも楽しい10代の過ごし方はいくらでも あったんだろうけど今日を迎えてみて Becoming an idol, there's much to put up with, there are many things to worry about/think over, living while being constantly compared to others is really painful as well, and surely there must have been so many other fun ways to spend my teenage-years, but reaching today, 私アイドルになれてよかったって思いました。 I felt glad that I became an idol。 だから書類を送ってくれた母には 本当に感謝しています。 That's why, to the mother who sent in that application, I'm really thankful for it。 私がアイドルになれたっていうよりも 私をアイドルにしてくれるみんながいた。 Rather than "my having become an idol", it's more of there being "everyone who recognized me/made me as an idol"。 そんなみんなに出会えたからアイドルを やってこれた。 みんなに出会えたことが私のアイドルとしての誇り It's because I was able to meet all of you that I worked as an idol。 Being able to meet everyone is the pride of my idol life。 本当にありがとう。 Really, thank-you。 みんなに出会えてよかった。 I'm glad I was able to meet all of you。 私の卒業にむけて餞をしてくださった スタッフのみなさん、 そしてメンバーのみんな。 All the staff&members who for my graduation prepared a farewell/sending-off party。 いつも支えられてきました。 I've always been supported by them up until now。 私の最後の握手が終わったあと、ファンのみんなに 改めて挨拶をしに行こうと歩き出したら 2時間以上前に終わってたはずの2期生の5人と 親友のゆうちゃんが花スティックとアルバムと プレゼントを持って出てきてくれて。 After I'd finished my last HS, when I'd set out to greet the fans anew, the 5 2nd-Gens who'd already finished over two hours prior, and my best-friend Yuu-chan appeared, bearing flower-stick(s), an album, and present(s)。 びっくりした。 I was really surprised。 ゆうちゃんが持ってきてくれた花スティックは ファンのみなさんが用意してくれてたみたいで 卒業公演でたくさん花束をいただいたから もうないと思ってたのに私の生誕以来、常連? となったステッキが出てきました(T-T) The flower-stick(s) that Yuu-chan brought had apparently been prepared by all the fans; I'd received many flower-bouquets at my Graduation Theatre-Stage, so even though I'd thought there would be no more, the flower-stick(s) that had become regular?since my BD-Stage made their appearance(T-T) ありがとうございます! 本当に嬉しかった。 Thank-you very much! I was really happy。 それに、卒業公演の時に何もなかったから アルバムとかないのか、、とちょっと寂しく 思ってたら2期生のみんなが用意してくれてて 今日、分厚いアルバムとチェキのセットを くれました(T-T) Also, because there wasn't anything at the time of my Grad Theatre-Stage, while wondering a little sadly whether there wasn't maybe an album or something, the other 2nd-Gens had prepared one, and today, presented me with a bulky album&cheki-set(T-T) 同期、、(T-T)(T-T)(T-T) My peers,, (T-T)(T-T)(T-T) 嬉しすぎるよ。 懐かしい写真もいっぱいらしくて 見るのが恥ずかしいけど楽しみ。 I'm just too happy。 It seems like there are many nostalgic photos, so although it'll be embarrassing, I'm looking forward to it。 ここんとこ冷たいと思ってたら ずっと準備してくれてたのね(T-T) Recently, I'd thought that everyone was a bit cold, but you'd been preparing all this time, haven't you(T-T) ありがとう。一生大切にするよ。 Thank-you。I'll treasure it all my life。 記念にチェキで集合写真も撮りました。 そしてそれをアルバムにも貼ってくれた。 As a memento, we took a group photo with the cheki-camera(?)。 Then, we pasted that into the album as well。 チェキとかファンの方との2ポラでしか 撮ったことないから初めて持つ。 Cheki-wise, I've never taken anything with them aside from the 2-Shot Polaroids with fans, so this was my first time holding one。 大切にするね。 本当に嬉しい。 I'll cherish it。 I'm really so happy。 もうね、一生分の愛を受け取ったんじゃないか ってくらいメンバー、スタッフさん、ファンの みんなが想ってくれるからしあわせで。。 Honestly, I'm in such bliss, with everyone's caring, from the members, staff, and fans, so much it feels like I've received a lifetime's worth of love。 胸がいっぱい。 My heart is so full(of feelings)。 こんなにも盛大に背中を押してもらったから これからの人生を絶対最高のものにしようって 思えたし、気合いが入りました! Since I've been so magnificently encouraged, I'm absolutely going to make my life from now on the very best! is what I was able to feel, getting all fired up! みんなの声に応えたい。 I want to answer everyone's voice/support。 時間がかかったとしても、 見ててくださいね! Even if it had taken quite some time, please watch for me okay! 磯原杏華を応援してくださってたこと 絶対後悔させません!!! The fact that you supported Isohara Kyoka is something you shall absolutely not regret!!! 今までありがとうございました! Thank-you for everything up until now! アイドル・磯原杏華、人類一しあわせ者です! Idol-Isohara Kyoka, humanity's #1 happiest! ∞kyon∞ きょんのlevelは17上がった↑ きょんのlevelはMAXに達した。 きょんの☆は1増えた。 Kyon's level reached/raised by 17〉〉 Kyon's level has MAXED-OUT。 Kyon's STAR has increased by 1。 4715 ☆☆☆現在lv.1↑ 4715 ☆☆☆NOW Lv.1〉〉 きょんの旅はまだまだ続く。。 Kyon's journey continues。。 最後までご愛読、ありがとうございました! For reading devotedly until the end, Thank-you very much! また会う日まで。 Until next we meet。 SKE48 teamE 磯原杏華 ∞.こめはん 2016.01.31 ∞.きょんのはぁと.. 2016.01.31 ∞.こめはん 2016.01.31 このブログを読んでいる人は このメンバーのブログも読んでいます。 NEXT 磯原杏華 TOP 磯原杏華 月別 PREV BLOG TOP メンバー一覧 HOME > BLOG > 磯原杏華 ページトップへ ©AKS ~
News of Kyon after many years - she's now a host on a YouTube channel 'WaiWai' providing news from Hyuga and Nobeoka Cities in Miyazaki Prefecture. This is her latest video in a series called 'Hina Trip', in it she looks at cherry tomatoes from Tsuno Town (click on link to play): if the video does not show watch the video here There's a playlist of the series at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMe0NpfSpmsYbxBBVCZb3zFv68xHdZXue