1. Check the 2023 Stage48 Member Ranking Results, how did your Oshimen rank this year?

Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion

Discussion in 'Announcements & News' started by aakun, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. aakun

    aakun Kenkyuusei

    Mar 26, 2009
    AKBINGO's page looks amazing [clap] <3 i have the ratings for all the episodes, if you want add them later on. i'll help you if you want to put some screen caps of episodes for the reviews and i'll try to write difference sectons for the different games too

    *2.4% NTV 01/24 25:59 [新]AKB1じ59ふん!
    *1.6% NTV 01/31 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *2.0% NTV 02/07 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *1.7% NTV 02/14 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *2.7% NTV 02/21 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *1.1% NTV 02/28 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *1.5% NTV 03/06 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *2.3% NTV 03/13 25:59 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *1.2% NTV 03/20 27:29 AKB1じ59ふん!
    *1.6% NTV 03/27 26:19 AKB1じ59ふん![終]


    3.1% NTV 0804/07月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!(乙女が禁断のM字開脚&粉まみれ(秘)恥顔披露)
    4.1% NTV 0804/14月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!(体操着で汗かきベソかき粉まみれ)
    2.2% NTV 0804/21月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!(乙女同士の禁断の愛に全員あ然/お尻ダンス)
    2.3% NTV 0804/28月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!(体操着少女股割り披露に一同ア然(秘)お宝映像)
    2.6% NTV 0805/05月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!(制服少女がもだえ泣き)
    1.7% NTV 0805/12月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「制服少女がアレを素手で…大号泣&収録中断」
    2.4% NTV 0805/19月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「アイドルの危なーい秘密を大暴露略奪愛発覚」
    3.3% NTV 0805/26月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「アイドルが芸人と熱愛発覚/彼氏は全裸好き」
    2.3% NTV 0806/02月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「コスプレ祭水着ナース」
    2.9% NTV 0806/09月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん ! 「コスプレ祭激萌えミニスカポリスvs高速ベロ」
    1.6% NTV 0806/16月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「浮気&自己中&逆ギレ…アイドルの本音爆発」
    1.8% NTV 0806/23月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「アイドルの元カレ登場」
    2.9% NTV 0806/30月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「新たな個性派芸人続々登場にメンバー大興奮」
    4.3% NTV 0807/07月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「禁断の一目ぼれ!?アイドルがヤンキーに告白」
    3.1% NTV 0807/14月 25:14-25:44 AKB0じ59ふん!「激ヤバ写真流出にアイドル生命が大ピンチ!」
    3.7% NTV 0807/21月 25:09-20:39 AKB0じ59ふん!「ハイキングQ太郎が粉アイドルに欲情&興奮」
    3.4% NTV 0807/28月 24:59-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「浴衣!バドガール!さらし!夏のコスプレ祭」
    1.9% NTV 0808/04月 25:49-26:19 AKB0じ59ふん!「限界ギリギリの大胆コスプレ!裸にYシャツ」
    2.5% NTV 0808/11月 24:59-25:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「髭男爵vs粉アイドル仁義なき戦い」
    2.7% NTV 0808/18月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「アイドルの楽屋に潜入」
    1.9% NTV 0808/25月 25:44-25:14 AKB0じ59ふん!「突然の卒業メンバー涙」
    2.9% NTV 0809/11月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「アイドルのHな寝起き」
    3.5% NTV 0809/08月 25:29-25;59 AKB0じ59ふん!「豊乳美女が乱入で騒然」
    2.9% NTV 0809/15月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「卒業かけたソロデビュー曲初公開に全員号泣」
    3.9% NTV 0809/22月 25:29-25:59 AKB0じ59ふん!「アイドルのHな健康診断&南海山ちゃん興奮」
    2.4% NTV 0809/29月 24:59-24:29 AKB0じ59ふん!「制服娘がキャバ嬢に変身!危ない(秘)初体験」(最終回)

    2.6% NTV 0810/01水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルに会える!?制服娘キャバ初体験) (新番組)
    2.1% NTV 0810/08水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(乙女に大人の危ないHな恋愛指南)
    3.0% NTV 0810/15水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(制服少女の股関節写真でスタジオ悲鳴)
    3.8% NTV 0810/22水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(ミニスカ娘恥ずかし姿)(史上初!本当にアイドルが抱けるイベント写真でスタジオ悲鳴)
    2.5% NTV 0810/29水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(生き別れ母と28年ぶり涙の再会…TV史上初の衝撃展開にメンバー号泣)
    2.9% NTV 0811/05水 24:39-25:09 AKBINGO!(コスプレ娘が萌え接客/アイドル(秘)制服温泉)
    4.0% NTV 0811/12水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(制服少女が怪しい健康器具を体験)(アイドルがアポなしロケで危機)
    2.7% NTV 0811/19水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(お尻&股間失言連発でアイドル生命の危機!乙女の顔もアレまみれ)
    4.5% NTV 0811/19水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(CD1万枚売れなきゃ卒業!ガチ企画ついに結果発表で全員が号泣)
    2.9% NTV 0812/03水 24:39-25:19 AKBINGO!(お色気先生&体操服娘&ミニスカ嬢に人気芸人のアレがカッチカチ)
    4.1% NTV 0812/10水 24:39-25:19 AKBINGO!(人気芸人がアイドルに本気ギレ/制服少女のボイン発言に芸人興奮)
    1.6% NTV 0812/17水 26:09-26:39 AKBINGO!(乙女が禁断のセクシーコスプレ祭イロ萌えア)
    3.4% NTV 0812/24水 24:59-25:29 AKBINGO!(イロ萌えアXマス(秘)コスプレSPミニスカサンタとパジャマ妹が…)
    2.5% NTV 0812/31水 26:15-26:45 AKBINGO!(晴れ着で(秘)新年会!初どっきりでアイドルの本性を暴け)
    2.7% NTV 0901/07水 24:59-25:29 AKBINGO!(フジテレビvs日テレ仁義なき戦いアイドリングが番組に殴りこみ!)
    2.3% NTV 0901/14水 24:59-25:29 AKBINGO!(フジの刺客アイドリングとバトルついに決戦)
    4.3% NTV 0901/21水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(女子高生の危ない秘密がわかる!過酷新企画)
    3.1% NTV 0901/28水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルをファン自宅にアポなしデリバリー)
    3.0% NTV 0902/04水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(制服少女が絶叫&赤面!アイドルの卒業アルバム暴露で疑惑が浮上)
    3.5% NTV 0902/11水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(男子の夢!アイドルの彼氏になれる条件とは)
    3.0% NTV 0902/18水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(秘)ドッキリでアイドルの本性暴露あの清純美少女が男の悪口大連発)
    2.6% NTV 0902/25水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルの限界を探る!?禁断の(秘)人体実験)
    2.6% NTV 0903/04水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルが芸能界入りをきっかけにケンカ別れした親友と涙の再会)
    2.3% NTV 0903/11水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルがヘン顔対決&美少女(秘)悪口バトル&三輪車で日テレ縦断)
    2.5% NTV 0903/18水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(今年で廃校涙の卒業式サプライズライブ感動)
    2.7% NTV 0903/25水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(秘)催眠術でアイドル苦手克服作戦衝撃映像!)
    2.6% NTV 0904/01水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルの(秘)楽屋暴露話)
    3.5% NTV 0904/08水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(仁義なきアイドル抗争で暴言連発)
    2.3% NTV 0904/15水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(AKB検定超人集結!最強ファンNo.1決定戦)
    3.5% NTV 0904/22水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(今までありがとう!大島麻衣涙の卒業SP)
    3.3% NTV 0904/29水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(ウソ発見器アイドルの本性を暴け)
    3.8% NTV 0905/06水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(恐怖の占いSP!当たりすぎる新手相占い)
    3.7% NTV 0905/13水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルの部屋の秘密)
    3.7% NTV 0905/20水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(大島麻衣が卒業…涙のラストラン)
    3.8% NTV 0905/27水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(エース対決恐怖の心理ゲームで仰天事実発覚)
    2.6% NTV 0906/03水 24:39-25:09 AKBINGO!(アイドルが料理初体験…有吉涙目)
    3.4% NTV 0906/10水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルが縄跳びガチンコ対決)
    3.3% NTV 0906/17水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(アイドルが花嫁修業で料理初体験vs毒舌有吉)
    3.8% NTV 0906/24水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)合コン&デート私服vsおネエ植松)
    3.9% NTV 0907/01水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(AKB48世界進出記念!体で覚える超スパルタ仏語講座)
    3.5% NTV 0907/08水 24:54-25:24 AKBINGO!(AKB48学園祭に潜入!シークレットライブやっちゃうよSP)
    3.7% NTV 0907/15水 24:29-25:59 AKBINGO!(カレの自宅にお呼ばれしたら…!?アイドルが勝負私服でガチンコ対決)
    3.8% NTV 0907/22水 24:29-25:59 AKBINGO!(おバカアイドルにフランス人が愛のムチ!体で覚える超スパルタ仏語講座)
    4.4% NTV 0907/29水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドルの秘密を暴け…ライブ中にオナラ!?)
    3.0% NTV 0908/05水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(サプライズ連発!号泣&絶叫SP)
    3.4% NTV 0908/12水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(憧れの小橋健太に会いたい!AKBプロレス初体験)
    2.8% NTV 0908/19水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO ! (女子必見新企画!メール美人コンテスト
    4.0% NTV 0908/26水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(オードリーアイドル手料理に激怒)
    3.7% NTV 0909/02水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(史上最低の料理対決再び…オリジナル餃子でオードリーの心を掴め)
    2.5% NTV 0909/09水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)携帯メール公開で絶叫)
    3.0% NTV 0909/16水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)告白…楽屋ではパンツ1枚です!)
    3.9% NTV 0909/23水 24:38-25:08 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)自宅映像…禁断の寝室)
    2.4% NTV 0909/30水 24:39-25:09 AKBINGO!(アイドルの水着の秘密/美少女ヒーロー参上)
    2.4% NTV 0910/07水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)寝室&お風呂映像公開&教師と禁断の関係?)
    3.4% NTV 0910/14水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(バッドボーイズから衝撃発表…メンバー号泣)
    4.4% NTV 0910/21水 24:54-25:24 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)生着替えコスプレ走/ウソ発見器vs色気少女)
    2.7% NTV 0910/28水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(最強アイドル決定戦!生着替えコスプレ走で大騒動)
    3.1% NTV 0911/04水 25:29-25:59 AKBINGO!(フルポンがアイドル初体験手料理にマジ説教&乙女絶叫)
    3.3% NTV 0911/11水 24:39-25:09 AKBINGO!(今夜はアイドル熱血ガチンコ走り高跳びバトル/萌え台詞…バイトの後輩女子が!?)
    3.3% NTV 0911/18水 24:59-25:29 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)自宅映像&仰天通知表)
    2.4% NTV 0911/25水 24:34-25:04 AKBINGO!(エース前田敦子が憧れの超大物イケメン俳優と涙のご対面!)
    2.9% NTV 0912/02水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(峯岸みなみがAKB初のバク転振り付けに挑戦!)
    2.9% NTV 0912/23水 24:59-25:29 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)Xマス私服に植松晃士ダメだし…前田敦子が)
    2.7% NTV 0912/30水 24:49-25:29 AKBINGO!
    3.1% NTV 1001/06水 24:50-25:20 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)デート私服おネエ植松が一刀両断…乙女涙目)
    3.3% NTV 1001/13水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(前田敦子がアイドル初体験リポ/萌え言葉&美少女戦隊)
    3.4% NTV 1001/20水 24:29-25:59 AKBINGO!(アイドル(秘)自宅捜索&母親が暴露携帯メール危ない内容)
    2.8% NTV 1001/27水 24:29-25:29 AKBINGO!2010年もBIN!BIN!に頑張りますSP
    2.9% NTV 1002/03水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(恐怖の新企画!ムチャぶりドッジボール)
    3.8% NTV 1002/10水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!02/10水(ウソ発見器がアイドルの秘密を暴く恐怖の心理ゲーム!)
    3.4% NTV 1002/17水 24:39-25:09 AKBINGO!(アイドルを追い詰めろムチャぶりドッジボール)
    2.6% NTV 1002/24水 24:39-25:09 AKBINGO!(ウソ発見器がアイドルの素顔を暴く恐怖の心理ゲーム!場外乱闘SP)
    4.0% NTV 1003/03水 24:29-25:29 AKBINGO!今夜はひな祭りだから…2年間の名場面すべて見せちゃいますSP
    4.0% NTV 1003/10水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(禁断のキスシーン&口説き文句に前田敦子も赤面)
    3.4% NTV 1003/17水 24:44-25:14 AKBINGO!(アイドル大興奮!前田敦子がチャライケメンと禁断ラブ)
    3.6% NTV 1003/24水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(ウソ発見器がアイドルの秘密を暴く恐怖の心理ゲーム!)
    2.3% NTV 1003/31水 24:50-25:20 AKBINGO!(アイドルが知られざる(秘)過去を初告白!新企画本当にあったホッコリ話)
    2.8% NTV 1004/07水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(超緊急企画!負けたら即パイまみれ松井珠理奈炎の十番勝負)
    2.3% NTV 1004/14水 24:59-25:24 AKBINGO!(松井珠理奈炎の十番勝負完結編!/小嶋陽菜新企画始動)
    3.2% NTV 1004/21水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(清純お天気お姉さんvsツンデレ娘!史上最悪のドロ試合)
    4.4% NTV 1004/28水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(AKB卒業決意!大島優子を引き止めたメール)
    3.1% NTV 1005/05水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(小嶋陽菜テーブルクロス引き挑戦企画ついに完結!知られざる舞台裏全公開)
    2.7% NTV 1005/12水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO!(アイドル涙篠田に赤恥メーク決行&風船爆弾&電気攻撃)
    2.7% NTV 1005/19水 24:29-24:59 AKBINGO! (楽屋完全隠し撮り!アイドルの人間性暴くどっきりクイズ)

    and about the questionnaires yes i meant something like that, just to not make the page look too huge. and yeah if you want to do it do it XD as long as the translators are ok with it shouldn't be a problem




    tell me what you think about it and if we should add anything more
  2. sada

    sada Kenkyuusei

    May 3, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    If we're doing it like how AON suggested than I'll just fix up some pages I added.

    Yeah, I'll do stage pages and songs.
  3. Lariemeeva

    Lariemeeva Kenkyuusei

    Apr 2, 2008
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    So I had no idea we had to follow a certain layout, but I just finished from Chikariina's. It's the normal wiki style.

    Using RSL's layout, I even added a few more things and made her a page on Wikipedia. I think his layout looks neat and simple.

    Edit 2
    I'm going to work on Aki's page, and edit the overall members page of SKE to match AKB's format.
  4. Lariemeeva

    Lariemeeva Kenkyuusei

    Apr 2, 2008
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    Done. I created and edited all pages. I'll start working on individual members today, after finishing Aki's of course.

    I think I'll go with this format right now (the one I used for Chikariina)

    '''XX XX''' is a member of [[XX48]]'s [[Team X]], formally from [[Team X]] / [[XX48]]'s [[Research Students]]


    * '''Name:'''
    * '''Nickname:'''
    * '''Birthdate:'''
    * '''Birthplace:'''
    * '''Blood Type:'''
    * '''Generation:'''
    * '''Catchphrase:'''
    * '''Height:'''
    * '''Bust:'''
    * '''Waist:'''
    * '''Hips:'''
    * '''Agency:'''
    * '''Hobbies:'''
    * '''Special talent:'''
    * '''Units:'''


    == AKB48 song appearances == or == SKE48 song appearances ==

    === Singles ===
    * Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」

    === B-Sides ===
    * Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 ([[Under Girls/Theater Girls/Team B.L.T]])

    === Units ===

    ==== Official Stage Units ====
    * Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 (Team X X Stage)

    ==== Substitute Stage Units ====
    * Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 (Team X X Stage) (XX XX substitute)

    ==== Shuffle Stage Units ====
    * Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 (XX Concert)

    * [XXXX.XX.XX] Insert Title "Insert Romanized Title"
    * [XXXX.XX.XX] Insert Title "Insert Romanized Title"

    * [XXXX.XX.XX] Insert Title "Insert Romanized Title"

    ==Media appearances==

    Channel - Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 (XXXX/XX/XX)

    Channel/FM - Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 (XXXX/XX/XX)

    * Channel/FM - Insert Title 「Insert Foreign Title」 (XXXX/XX/XX)

    == Performances ==

    === AKB48 stages ===
    * Team X X Stage " Insert Title"
    * Team X X Stage " Insert Title"

    * Insert Title 「Insert foreign Title」(XXXX/XX/XX)

    * Insert Title 「Insert foreign Title」 (XXXX/XX/XX)

    * Insert Title 「Insert foreign Title」 (XXXX/XX/XX)

    == External links ==
    * [AKB48 Official Profile]
    * [XX XX Official Blog]

    One more thing, aakun, I think it's best to replace all kenkyuusei with Research Students, since that's what they're categorized under in S48 wiki. We should also have someone work on Best setlists as soon as possible for both AKB and SKE.
  5. aakun

    aakun Kenkyuusei

    Mar 26, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    instead of doing that, i just redirected the pages. this may be useful to those who don't know btw, if you want to (for example) redirect "Namida Surprise" to "Namida Surprise!", you open a page for "Namida Surprise" and paste #REDIRECT [[Page Name (in this case, "Namida Surprise!")]] and problem solved. i think we should do a better page later for both AKB and SKE (and in the future NMB)'s kenkyuseis but that's not important for now so forget about it.

    anyway, i made all the single pages already and i couldn't find good quality pictures (or not pictures at all) for some of the single's promotional images. if anyone has a good quality version (read: good quality =/= huge scan. even if a bigger version will help too) of this this this this this this this and i found no promo for sakura no hanabiratachi 2008 so if you have any please post it here and i'll edit it to make it smaller if needed and then include it in the page.

    i'll start to work in SETLIST's page today and finish one i've been doing for the janken event. i'll try to work in including pictures to the stages like i did with K6 some time soon too.

    and about the member pages... i dunno, i that that style looks too.. i don0t know, messy? XD. but i doubt anyone cares about a layout now, the girls don't even have pages! XD so it's not something we should take seriously for now imo (the only thing i dont like for sure is the blog pictures. it just doesn't look good to me but if more people like it in that way then we should leave it like that i guess...)
  6. rafaelaboy80

    rafaelaboy80 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 4, 2009
    New York
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    Well it looks like I messed up when creating Nonaka Misato's page here it doesn't show up on this page here.
    If someone doesn't mind fixing that for me since I don't know how will be very appreciated.
  7. Melos125

    Melos125 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 5, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    One Question. Where and how are we supposed to count how many total shows a stage has for those older stages other than slowly counting month by month for the last 4 years at the Official schedule site?
  8. aakun

    aakun Kenkyuusei

    Mar 26, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    you don't need to include the stuff you don't know XD and no i wouldn't do that either lol XD (well, unless one day you are THAT bored that you don't have ANYTHING better to do than that :fear:) if someone knows it i'll be updated someday
  9. Lariemeeva

    Lariemeeva Kenkyuusei

    Apr 2, 2008
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    ^I just thought the blog pictures were a great idea, I mean some of them were there already,so...
    And if by layout,you meant which one? Cause Chikariina's and Aki's are the only ones I've made so far, if they are,any better ideas?
  10. AnOriginalName

    AnOriginalName Kenkyuusei

    Apr 8, 2010
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    Thanks for all those ratings aakun! I wanted to do them before, but I had no idea how to get a hold of them.

    I like to use the wiki Piped links too
    To do a piped link to pages:
    [[Name of page you want to redirect to | What you want people to see]]
    so if I wanted to link to the AKB48 main page but just want the linked text to be 'AKB' it would look like

    And omg, yes, we totally need to create better pages for AKB and SKE ....navigating around the place is an absolute bitch. (Like to get to the AKBINGO! page using links I'd have to go through Team A's page and Takamina's page >.<)

    Ahh it's just because you forgot to capitalize her name (wiki will automatically capitalize the first letter of a title, but any capitalized letter after it will make it a completely different topic/title etc...if that made sense :XD:)
    You could redirect it or make a piped link to fix it up....but I made a new page for her (cause it looks better with the name in capitals) but I think only admins can delete the old page...
  11. aakun

    aakun Kenkyuusei

    Mar 26, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    @sada: i changed your K5 CD cover for an smaller version to fit the thumbnail because when the wiki makes the thumbnail it always looks a little distorted (the HQ picture is still there btw. i linked it in the description ;))

    i still have a lot of cd pages to do but i don't really feel like making more for now so i'll do a nemousu (4season) page later instead (and an SDN48+10! page too. the show is worth it <3)
  12. sada

    sada Kenkyuusei

    May 3, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    ^ Thank you! I made some changes here and there. If you have any problems with them or want to change them go ahead.

    I piped? the album pages to the studio recording of their stages so albums are done. Just have to write out the stages.

    Also can you remember to link the tv show pages to either the AKB or w/e page. Someone else might make the same page otherwise.

    I agree. It's really hard to navigate to one page to another. The main AKB48 page is a hassle to get around. Do you know how to put spoilers up?
  13. AikyiTaizne

    AikyiTaizne Kenkyuusei

    Feb 9, 2010
    Thornhill, Ontario
    Didn't expect my synopsis to be used for the Wiki :D

    Actually, I just came to this thread to see if anyone had been working on the variety pages because I was interested in helping out there if I could. It seems you already have it under control though ^^.

    If you would like, I could fix some of those summaries (since I kinda breezed through them when I first wrote them.)

    I would also like to help out with some other varieties if possible. Is there anything I could help out with, or is everything already covered? I'm mostly interested in working on varieties though.
  14. AnOriginalName

    AnOriginalName Kenkyuusei

    Apr 8, 2010
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    :XD: They were gooodd and convenient :XD:
    And yeah, feel free to change anything you like ^o^ but be warned, the coding is a quite messy in there (Cause I'm a coding n00b >..<)

    I think AKBINGO! is the only one we have up at the moment... so we still need pages for Shukan, Nemousu 1-3 (Aakun has Season 4 covered), AKBXX, 600sec, and any other variety show that I just can't think of at the moment... so yeah, whatever floats your boat :) any help is welcome :)
    (I swear! I'll start working on them again...soon...at some point...)
  15. AikyiTaizne

    AikyiTaizne Kenkyuusei

    Feb 9, 2010
    Thornhill, Ontario
    Okay, I just managed to take the time to go through this thread, and I would really love to help out in the variety section.

    ^I hope you don't mind if I work a little on the AKBINGO! stuff.

    I can and will gladly put a list of every member that shows up in each AKBINGO! episode (I've kind of been doing that on my own Journal already). I can also put up a personal synopsis (would making an individual page for each episode be a little insane?) for each episode detailing the segments involved. If each episode can't have an individual page (due to limit problems or whatever) I could probably put their appearances under a small section in their member page instead.
  16. AnOriginalName

    AnOriginalName Kenkyuusei

    Apr 8, 2010
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    Naahh I don't mind in the least, actually I'd love if you'd help out :XD: (you'll probably get more stuff done seeing as I'm lazy as anything [hehe] )

    I was actually thinking about creating individual pages for episodes... but I wasn't sure if that would be too crazy or not :XD: I was going to put links in the Air Dates .... so ep 1 would be [[January 24, 2008]]....
    I don't think space is too much of an issue...I think. And it would be quite cool to have individual pages instead of cramming everything into a small summary or adding even more stuff to the member's pages (like some of them aren't crammed enough already =.=).
    And btw, your journal is awesome! :worthy:
  17. aakun

    aakun Kenkyuusei

    Mar 26, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    individual pages for episodes doesn't sound that crazy at all. because yeah, too much text doesn't really look good at all. maybe instead of 1 per episode, 1 per 10 episodes or something like that.

    i did a nemousu andSDN48+10 page the other day and i think that's enough text and it doesnt really look bad at all. for shows like AKBINGO! when we always get the same games repeated, we can do pages for the games individually and have the reports done there, and then for the episode summary just like the games they are doing and the members participating.
  18. AikyiTaizne

    AikyiTaizne Kenkyuusei

    Feb 9, 2010
    Thornhill, Ontario
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    Yes that's exactly what I had in mind. A simple segments list and members list is more than enough for each episode. I can also just put in some screencaps and write the ending performance and that should be sufficient. It wouldn't be fun to watch the entire episode if someone told you everything that happens anyways.

    *Edit* I've made separate pages for Episode 94, Episode 95 and Episode 96 as a test to see how it would look. I think it looks pretty nice right now. Once I add in the pages for the game segments, it should be alright. Do you think it's missing anything?

    **Edit** Also have a peak at the incomplete Muchaburi Dodgeball page
  19. sada

    sada Kenkyuusei

    May 3, 2009
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    Okay. So how many TV show pages have been created for AKB only?
    And how many are there in total? names please.
  20. AikyiTaizne

    AikyiTaizne Kenkyuusei

    Feb 9, 2010
    Thornhill, Ontario
    Re: Stage48 Wiki - Organization & Discussion (Member Page Added)

    So far we've only got AKBINGO! (I've done about 20 episodes so far) and Nemousu TV Season 4 (aakun is working on that)

    We still need pages for all of these: (Just copy and pasted from the AKB48 section)
    AKB48+10 (2007/10~2009/09)
    Shukan AKB (2009/07/10~)
    Nemousu TV Season 1 (2008/07/13~2008/10/12)
    Nemousu TV Season 2 (2009/07/10~2009/09/18)
    Nemousu TV Season 3 (2009/10/09~2009/12/18)
    AKB 1/48 (2009/11/18~)
    Ariyoshi AKB Kyouwakoku (2010/03/29~)
    Naruhodo High School (2010/05/30)
    AKB-Kyuu Gormet Stadium (2010/06/27~2010/08/15)
    AKB48 600sec. (2010/07/05~2010/07/29)
    AKB to XX! (2010/07/13~)

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