NEW AKB48 television program - [AKB48 Nemousu Terebi] CSの新番組「AKB48ネ申(ネモウス)テレビ」 OA: Every Sunday morning at 1:00AM starting 2008-07-13 on CS Family Theater channel, duration 1/2 hour, total 12 episodes 『AKB48ネ申(ねもうす)テレビ』 放送局: CS ファミリー劇場 放送日時: 2008年7月13日(日) スタート 毎週日曜25時00分~25時30分 (リピート放送あり) 放送回数: 全12 回 企画: 秋元康
whoa, what's it about? Someone care to translate? Anyways, I will watch it Thanks 4 the info to everyone involved
GOODNESS they keep these girls busy, don't they! But... it doesn't air until July? Thats a rather long wait.
Wow, that's in a while. Will the cast be somewhat rotating like it is now? I don't see Nacchi, nor her name, so I'm a tad worried. Are those school uniforms from Boku no Sakura? I thought they were pink... or maybe they're for K4. (Either way, they're frumpy and I hope they aren't used much at all.)
A random picture of front girls smiling...not grabbing me much yet. Is it bad that I feel that way? xD I just want to see more of the other girls. And more Team B, please. ...Hell, I'd be happy if it was just an entire show of Nacchan talking to the camera... I'll be interested to find out the concept of this show, though.
^ Whoaaaaaaaaa! Now THIS sounds VERY INTERESTING. That's just... wow, sounds too cool! Thanks for the translation Hana!
^Thanks a lot for the translation Hana!!! I'm looking forward for that first episode about boys with Meetan, Nontii and Cindy... they should have some knowledge about this
Meetan the show sounds interesting from what I've read of Hana's translation, I'll definitely have to watch the first episode.