TV / Radio Yokoso JKT48 (2014/12/14~2015/03/08)

Discussion in 'JKT48 News & Releases' started by CherryBlossom48, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. leongekicau

    leongekicau Kenkyuusei

    Apr 8, 2014
    After a long time, I finally finished the draft.
    I present to you the script and translation of the 1st Episode!

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    #Episode 1: Tokyo.

    Presenter(P):Terbang dari Indonesia menuju negeri sakura
    Member episode hari ini adalah Shania, Jeje, Tata dan Andela
    Yokoso JKT48 akan mengajak kalian semua untuk menemukan berbagai pengalaman unik, menarik dan tidak boleh terlewatkan di Jepang
    Siap untuk keseruan hari ini?

    <Lokasi: Kare design, Senayan city lt 6>
    Mel: Haruka kok nyebelin banget sih? (?)
    Har: Iih gak nyebelin. (?)
    Mel: Indonesia gimana.
    Har: Seneng.
    Mel: Masa? Emang udah jago bahasa Indonesianya?
    Har: Iya dong!
    Mel: Seru tapi yah Indonesia yah? Suka apa aja coba?
    Har: Suka makanan.
    Mel: Apa, kok makanan semua?
    Har: Uh? (?)
    Mel: Eh ngomong-ngomong si Jeje, Shania, Tata, Andela belum pada pulang yah pada ke Jepang yah.
    Har: Kok gak pulang-pulang yah?
    Mel: Tau...
    Others: Spada~ Woo. Selamat kembali. Halo. Hi. Apa kabar Haruka. Baik. Udah lama gak ketemu ya.
    Udah lama gak ketemu iih, udah lama gak ketemu.
    And: Aduh, aduh.
    Mel: Lah.
    Others: Duh.
    And: Bantuin bawa kek~
    Tl notes: Medok accent is so cute.
    Others: Udah, Udah. Dari mana aja dong?
    And: Barangnya berat banget~
    Others: Maap, kita lupa. Barangnya mana?
    And: Iih gak kangen kangenan dulu sama aku~
    Others: Udah, udah lah ayo buru. Udah iya. Penasaran gak kita ngapain aja disana.
    Mel: Ceritanya seru gak disana?
    Others: Seru banget. Yang pasti seru.
    Sha: Kejadian-kejadiannya unik ya. Lebih baik...
    Others: Lihat sana.

    All: (Scream), Tokyo~
    Jj: Guys, guys ada yang tau gak ini sekarang kita mau kemana?
    Ta: Gak tau.
    Sha: Nah ini nih.
    And: Itu apaan tinggi-tinggi -bleep- banget.
    Ta: Eh ini -bleep- tinggi nih.
    Jj: Ini Tokyo sky tree... (chaos). Eh kalo di Indonesia....

    P: Salah satu lokasi yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh para wisatawan di Tokyo adalah Tokyo sky tree.
    Tingginya yang mencapai 634 meter, membuat Tokyo sky tree menjadi menara radio paling tinggi di dunia

    Ta: Ah. Eh itu liat eh, liat itu siapa eh.
    Jj: Mana?
    Ta: Itu.
    Jj: Itu siapa?
    Sha: Weh siapa tuh?
    Tour Guide(TG): JKT48, Selamat pagi
    Others: Selamat pagi~
    TG: Selamat datang JKT48.
    Others: Oh Yokoso. Yey.
    TG: Senang berjumpa dengan kalian.
    P: Guide paling pertama kita adalah pembawa acara yang terkenal dari TV-Tokyo, Sayaka Suguro.
    TG: Tau gak kalian sekarang lagi dimana?
    Others: Tau tau tau tau.
    TG: Pertama, Andela coba kasih tahu Tokyo ada dimana? Doko desyo
    Sekarang giliran Tata.
    Ta: Ini yah?
    TG: Ooh waka(?). Sekarang giliran Shania
    Ta: Muka gak kegencet(?)
    Sha: Ini kalo mau jawabannya sama gimana? Tumpuk?
    Others: Sebelahannya aja, sebelahan, sebelahan, sebelahan.
    Sha: Ya udahlah gakpapa biar muka Tata gua..
    TG: Lalu giliran Jeje.
    Jj: Emang di sini Kang?
    Jj: Kompak kita kompak ho.ho.ho.ho.hoi.
    TG: Ini loh jawaban yang benar, di sini.
    All: Yahh~
    Jj: Gakpapa itu usaha usaha.
    TG: Andela milihnya jauh banget. Tokyo terletak di tengah tengah Jepang.
    P: Ya, Tokyo adalah ibukota negara Jepang.
    Tokyo merupakan kota metropolitan dimana kebudayaan traditional Jepang bercampur dengan kebudayaan modern.
    Ini membuat Tokyo menjadi magnet bagi ribuan turis dari segala penjuru asia.
    TG: Mari kita ke puncak Tokyo sky tree, menara radio tertinggi di dunia.
    All: Yok~ Ok.
    And: Aku(?) juga naek ya?
    Others: Bisa. Ayo ayo dong Bisa dong.
    Sha(?): Bisa. Manjat ayo lomba kalo bisa..
    P: Pertama-tama kita akan naik lift yang sangat cepat.
    Sangkin cepatnya, lift ini dapat naik hingga 300m dalam waktu kurang dari 1 menit.
    All: Whoo.
    TG: Kita sudah sampai.
    <Selamat, sampai juga akhirnya!!>
    (Who): Gila itu rumah rumah....
    TG: Dari atas sini, kita bisa melihat kota Tokyo
    And: Ada Mobil~

    <Galeri observasi (450m)>
    <Tiket reservasi: 2570 yen (18+), 2060yen (12 - 17)>
    Ta: ..banget
    (Who): Ih liat ada kapal kapal kapal.
    (Who): Itu sungai apa?
    TG: Itu adalah sungai Sumida.
    Jj(?): Itu gedung gedung yang geda aja..
    TG: Sou desune. Sugoi ippai sashin totemas kedo.
    Tl notes: Indonesian and selfie... better love story than ____
    TG: Semuanya, coba lihat ke arah sana.
    Sangat jauh yang terlihat berwarna putih.
    P: Inilah puncak gunung tertinggi di Jepang. Gunung Fuji.
    TG: Semuanya, coba kalian berdiri disini.
    And&Sha: Whuu. Anjir.
    P: Tempat para member berdiri saat ini terbuat dari kaca loh.

    <Dek observasi (350m)>
    P: Tinggiya adalah 350m. Di bagian bawah menara raksasa ini ada pusat perbelanjaan yang bernama Solamachi.
    Tempat yang sangat cocok untuk membeli cindera-mata khas jepang. Kita lihat yuk ada apa aja di sini.
    Translator(T): Itu sampel-sample yang ada di restoran ya.
    And: Ih bikin(?) aku kaget busanya
    TG: Honmono mitai desuyone. Kalian mau beli sesuatu gak?
    All: Mau!
    TG: Haitakumasuyone.
    P: Ups Tidak semudah itu mereka bisa belanja. Mari kita main kendama battle. Sebuah permainan traditional dari Jepang.
    TG: Kompetisi untuk memenangkan hadiah belanja, Kendama batoru~
    All: Yey!
    TG:Apa kalian tau kendama itu apa?
    P: Pemenang akan ditentukan dari berapa banyak bola yang dapat mendarat di atas kendama.
    TG: Mari kita mulai permainannya. Yoi stato. Ganbatte!
    And Iih!
    TG: 30 detik lagi. Ayo coba terus!
    T: Yey bisa.
    Ta: Bisa, bisa. Ini mah gampang.
    Jj: Satu.
    TG: 20 detik lagi. Sugoii~
    Ta: 3..2.1. Dah bye bye.
    TG: Hai owari~ Migoto desuta. Andela mendapat 3.
    Sha: ..dah banyak.
    Others: ..Ajarin dong itu.
    TG: Penantang berikutnya adalah Tata
    Ta: Gwa mau banyak(?) sumpah(?) lebih dari apapun.
    P: Tata terlihat penuh semangat tapi sayangnya cuman dapat dua.
    TG: Owari desu~
    Tl notes: Andela rubbing it on Tata lol.
    Others: Dua
    P: Shania, aduh masa nol besar sih Shania?
    TG: Kalau ngga bisa dapat 3x kamu kalah!
    <Gagal deh shopping>
    Ta: Ci ayo Ci!
    P: Akhirnya tiba giliran Jeje.
    T: Nah.
    All: Wow.
    T: Harus keras(?). ..oh dua~
    Ta: Ayo Ci ayo Ci
    T: Cepetan cepetan 30 detik lagi jangan banyak ngomong(?).
    Sha: Terlalu kebanyakan gaya lu..
    All: 3...2..1. Jannen.
    P: Jeje dan Andela seimbang. Pemenang ditentukan oleh siapa yang terlebih dahulu berhasil mendaratkan bola kendama.
    TG: yoi stato.
    And: gua gua gua.
    T: Andela, hadianya seratus ribu rupiah.
    P: Saatnya berbelanja. Selamat yah Andela mendapat 1000 yen.
    And: Arigatou gozaimasu. Jeng jeng~

    <Kare design>
    Har: Tadi pada nonton ya Sky tree ya?
    Others: Ya Sky tree.
    Mel: Itu apa namanya, bisa ngeliat apa aja sih diatas?
    Others: Ada apa aja..
    Har: Ada sugai.
    Tl notes: Haruka mispronounced sungai
    Mel: Sungai~
    Har: Sungai. Trus ..yang kotak kotak.
    Mel: Jembatan. Jembatan. Teluk Tokyo itu.
    Har. Engak, ini beach.
    Mel: Odeiba, Odeiba itu.
    Others: Odaiba.
    Mel: Pas naek serem gak?
    (who): Kalo aku sih biasa aja. Eh Udah dong.
    And: Eh, eh eh. Aku ada oleh oleh.
    Ta: Pengang, Pengang kupingku.
    Others: Apa? ..Oleh oleh buat aku?
    All: Yey!
    Har: Ayo sini.
    Mel: Haa~
    Har: Yes!
    (who): Itu buat oleh-oleh. Buat kita semua.
    (who): nghitung hayo.
    All: Satu, dua, tiga. Yey!
    Ta: ..Ya udah aku Ini aja deh.
    Har: Yay, cookie.
    Mel: Ini rasa apa?
    Ta: Enak enak, coba..
    Others: Coba yuk coba.
    Har: Cookie.
    And: Aku ambilin dong.
    Mel: (Trying to read the cookie) ..Coba baca, coba eh.
    Har: Tokyo sky tree, history cookie.
    Mel: Asek!
    Others: Enak. Ih yummy!

    <Next on>
    (who): Bantu dong.
    Ta: Keren gak?
    Other: Apa, apa?
    Sha: ..Juga boleh.

    <Kare Design>
    Har: Nah, tadikan makan cookies.
    Others: Terus?
    Har: Di Jepang tuh makan apa?
    Others: Mo, mo, motonjameki
    Ta: Oh ya, terus tadi kita juga jalan-jalan kemana.
    Jj: Lu pikun lu?
    Ta: Jalan-jalan kemana?
    Jj: Ke Harajuku
    Ta: Itu jalanan-jalanan..
    Mel: Oh ke Harajuku, belanja dong?
    Sha: Iyah bisa dilihat sendirilah, Nanti pokoknya kita play aja yah. Play!

    P: Para member melanjutkan perjalanan mengunakan bis.
    TG: Kita mau cari makanan yang sudah ada sejak lama. Apa kalian tau Monja?
    Sha: Suki, suki, suki, suki!
    TG: Oh honto? shiteru?
    T: Tau ya.
    Sha: Tau, tau, tau Monjayaki.
    TG: Siapa diantara kalian yang sudah pernah makan? Oh, Futari ga nai.
    P: Makan siang hari ini adalah kuliner Jepang yang sudah ada sejak lama. Kalian tau apa itu monja?
    Di daerah Tsukishima ini banyak sekali kios makanan yang menjajakan monja yang merupakan makanan tradisional di Tokyo.
    Kali ini para member pergi ke Kotobukiya. Kios makanan monja yang paling terkenal disini.
    Yang dipesan adalah monja yang paling terkenal disini, Mentaiko cheese monia.
    Mentaiko sendiri adalah campuran telor ikan kod dengan garam dan lada.
    Setelah sayurnya matang, campur semuanya. Jadilah monjayaki yang sangat lezat.
    And: Em enak. Ini pertama kali makan dan ini enak banget. Aku suka keju juga.
    Sha: Aku suka banget sama keju, dan ini keju semua dan kejunya meleleh di mulut.
    TG: Apa di Indonesia ada yang seperti ini?
    And: Aku belom pernah makan
    Ta: Belom
    Sha: Apa ya?
    And: Ini pertama kali makan.
    Jj: ..Martabak.
    Sha: Martabak deh kayaknya.
    Jj: Martabak.
    TG: Marutaba~
    P: Para member telah mengisi perut mereka dengan makanan nikmat khas Tokyo. Dari Tsukishima tujuan berikutnya adalah~
    TG: Ayo kita beli pakaian di Harajuku.
    Others: Mau!
    And: Apa tuh ya?
    P: Waduh waduh, ternyata idol bisa "pelor" alias nempel molor kayak begini nih.
    Tibalah kita di Harajuku. Di jalan Takeshita ini, begitu banyak terlihat budaya modern di sepanjang mata memandang.
    Tl notes: Nempel means stuck while molor means sleeping in Indonesian slank. Together means a person who just need to lie and immediately sleep afterwards
    Jj: Ini tuh kayak ini yah, kayak tempat fashion berjalan yah?
    TG: Tempatnya keren ya.
    Sha: Colourful banget yah
    Ta?: Kayak rame gituloh.
    Jj: Kayak tempat fashion walk berjalan gitu.
    TG: Bahkan saat hari kerja, tempar ini selalu ramai.
    Jj?: Gwa mau yang tadi tuh, yang merah kotak-kotak.
    Ta: Ih itu lucu.
    (who): Ih lucu banget ini.
    TG: Itu namanya fashion lolita.
    All: Hello, konichiwa. Kawaii, kawaii teitemasu.
    (who): dua-duanya.
    And: Aku suka yang itu. Lucuya ini.
    (Who): Tangannya simpel.
    P: Lolita adalah gaya berpakaian yang datang dari pengaruh barat, yang dikembangkan lebih jauh oleh Orang-orang Jepang.
    Lolita sendiri mencerminkan kepolosan seorang perempuan yang cantik.
    TG: Kalian mau coba?
    All: Mau!
    TG: Ayo kita ketokonya.

    P: Ini dia mall Laforet harajuku. Ada lebih dari 100 toko terkenal di dalam mal ini.
    Lolita adalah specialisasi dari toko yang satu ini, toko Metamorphose.
    TG: Kira-kira siapa yang cocok jadi lolita?
    Jj,And: JeDel, Jeje Andela.
    Tl notes: Andela IMBA for Lolita! A bad matchmaker.
    P: Tim Jeje dengan model Andela.
    Sha,Ta: SanTa, Shania Tata. Yey!
    P: Tim Shania dengan Tata.
    T: Ini punya challange ..15 menit.
    TG: Mulai!
    P: 15 menit telah berlalu. Tim pertama adalah Shania dan Tata.
    Sha: Ok, ini dia Tata dari tim SanTa.

    Sha: Jeng jeng.
    Others: Wow!
    (who): Ini kenapa, kenapa..
    TG: Lucu sekali.
    And: Tapi bagusnya.. (whatever they are talking about)
    P: Berikutnya adalah tim Jeje dan Andela
    Jj: Satu. Dua. Tiga. Ini dia Andela.
    Others: Wow.
    P: Persaingan yang sangat ketat. Kira-kira tim manakah yang menang?
    TG: Silahkan dipilih pemenangnya.
    All: Waah!
    T: Andela!
    P: Selamat buat Jeje dan Andela. Hadiahnya dibagi rata yah.
    TG: Selamat ya.
    Others: Yey.
    TG: Pemenang berhak mendapatkan 1 set gaun ini.
    Jj,And: Woo~
    And: Asek! hahahaha.
    Jj: ..dapet plintiran anting(?)
    Tl notes: I'm assuming the earring.
    And: Plintiran, iyah iyah bener.

    <Kare design>
    Sha: Gua udang ngitungin rambut.
    And: Yey~
    (who): Ini bocah..
    Others: Ih lucu. Lucu banget. Baru aku liat, lucu banget.
    Jj: perkenalkan stylist baru.
    Mel: Oh hai Jeje. Jeje..
    Sha: Lucu yah. Haruka pernah kayak gini gak?
    Har: Pernah.
    And: Perrnah?
    Ta: Kamu punya gak baju lolita?
    Har: Punya, yang pink.
    Jj: Oh iya, daripada kayak orag gila ya. Berhalusinasi. Mending liat ke situ tu.

    P: Daerah berikutnya adalah daerah Tama. Dan lokasi pertama yang kita tuju disini adalah~
    All: Yey.
    TG: Sanrio puroland.
    T: Kalian jadi semangat yah?
    P: Sanrio Puroland. Taman bermain yang sangat terkenal ini merupakan tempat tinggal Hello kitty dan berbagai karakter sanrio yang lain.
    Others: Kittyland(?)
    TG: Cepat sekali.
    P: Inilah Lady kitty house. Hello kitty yang asli ada didalam.
    TG: Karena Kitty sangat sibuk, dia cuma bisa ketemu 1 orang.
    Others: Yahh~
    Ta: Ya udah AKU!
    TG: Ok, kita tentukan dengan game.
    All: Yah..
    TG: Mari kita mulai gamenya (Jankenpon/gamsuit Jepang).
    P: Suit pukul tangkis adalah suit batu gunting kertas biasa, namun pemenang suit dapat memukul yang kalah dengan stik kertas seperti ini.
    Bagi yang kalah suit, orang tersebut harus melindungin dirinya dengan memakai helm. Ini merupakan permainan tradisional dari Jepang.
    Pertama Andela melawan Tata.
    Others: Cepetyah. Hayo loh.
    TG: Aman. Tata yang kalah.
    T: Tata salah maen.
    Ta: Ini hello kittynya ketemu.
    T: (?)Maen masa sama dia(?).
    P: Kedua,Jeje melawan Shania.
    TG: Jeje yang menang.
    P: Final, Jeje melawan andela.
    T: Haha, Ngaco.
    Jj: We are the champion my friend~
    P: Karena pemenangnya adalah Jeje, Jeje dapat bertemu dengan hello kitty.
    TG: Iterasyai.
    Jj: Argh, kaget ada orang. Lucu banget. Kawaii~. Kayak apa sih, kayakhidup gitu loh, kayak real banget.
    P: Member yang kalah harus sabar menunggu Jeje diluar yah.
    Jj: Hai~ Argh hehe.
    Others: Bagus gak? Foto? Aku foto dong.

    Others: Tuh lucu kan?
    Sha: Eh Tata, Tata kenapa? Tata iri ya?
    Mel: Haruka udah pernah belom?
    Har: Gak pa pa kok.
    Mel: Eh lihat nih, Haruka aja belo pernah tau. Jeje udah pernah.
    Jj: Kamu kan orang Jepang.
    Har: Kita ada yang lain gak?
    Ta: Ada ada. Coklat factory, ..Melody.
    Mel: Wih Melody.
    Sha: Ada yang kayak istana boneka gitu yah? Ada yang kayak istana boneka gitu tapi isinya hello kitty sama yang lain-lain.
    And: Tapi ada oleh-oleh sebelah sini di..
    Ta: Eh ya?
    Mel: Mau!
    Jj: Baik ye dia beli oleh-oleh mulu.
    Other: Iya bener.
    Har: Apa tuh?
    Sha: Kan kita patungan belinya.
    Mel: Ih mau lucu~
    Jj: ..Kayaknya. Kok Har mukalu kok jelek banget sih Har? Emang ada apaan? Berani gak makan?
    Har: Ini kan...
    And: Apaan, itu dari Jepang kok. Roti kok. Ayo ayo ayo.
    Others: Udah udah..
    Har: Enggak, tunggu!
    Sha: Beli beli doang, lucu-lucuan.
    Har: Ini kan di itu.
    Jj: Apa dong?
    Har: Namanya Russian cookie.
    Others: Trus?
    Mel: Ini lucu tauk, pasti enak.
    Tl notes: Lol so naive.
    And: Kenapa, Hosian?
    Tl notes: Oh you lol.
    Ta: Russian.
    Har: Isinya dua belas, tapi enaknya sepuluh doang.
    Others: Huh!
    Jj: Pantesan mukanya begitu.
    Sha: Ya udah kita buka, kita cari yang enak.
    Har: Aku buka ya?
    Ta: Ati-ati..
    Jj: Pelan-pelan dong coy.
    Mel: Sayang banget ini gambarnya~
    Har: Ih mau?
    Jj: Buat bungkus kado lagi ya?
    Mel: Iya~
    Ta: Hati-hati.
    Jj: Jaman dulu banget lu bungkus kadonya.. gitu
    Ta: My god coy my god.
    Ha(r?): Iih tabung(?)
    Ta: Gak kelihatan!
    Sha: Satu dua tiga.
    Mel: Gwa mau yang ini!
    Jj: Satu dua.
    Har(?): Argh!
    Mel: Satu dua tiga.
    Sha: Coba sekali lagi?
    Ta: <evil laugh>
    Sha: Ini kok pedes? Apa kita semua pedes ya?
    Har: Kok pedes sih?
    Mel: Kok pedes semua sih?
    Jj: Lu salah baca kali 12. Yang bener semuanya deh.
    Mel: Ini kayaknya semua deh. Sepuluh!
    Har: Aduh~
    Sha: Goblok orang Jepang yah.
    Jj: Eh lu biasa baca bahasa sansekerta ya?
    Mel: Coba lihat. Ini 10/12.
    Har: Iya.
    Mel: Berarti yang enaknya cuman ada 2. gila semuanya dapet yang pedes.
    Ta: Sumpah pedes. sumpah.
    Please check the translation down here.
    #Episode 1: Tokyo.

    Presenter(P): Fying from Indonesia to Japan
    The selected members for today are Shania, Jeje, Tata and Andela.
    Yokoso JKT48 will invite you to enjoy interesting and unique experience which you shouldn't miss in Japan.
    Are you ready for today's excitement?

    <Location: Kare design, Senayan city 6th floor>
    Mel: Haruka, why are you so irritating today(?)?
    Har: Iih (sound for displeasure) I'm not(?).
    Mel: What do you feel about Indonesia.
    Har: Happy.
    Mel: Really? So your Indonesian is good right? Masa?
    Har: Of course!
    Mel: But Indonesian is fun right? What do you like about it?
    Har: I like the food.
    Mel: What, why only food?
    Har: Uh(?)?
    Mel: BTW Jeje, Shania, Tata, Andela havent been back from Japan yah (use when you want to be agreed to).
    Har: Why they haven't back yet yah?
    Mel: Don't know...
    Others: Spada~ Woo. Welcome back. Hello. Hi. How are you Haruka. Good. Long time no see ya (same as yah).
    Long time no see iih, long time no see.
    And: Oww, ouch.
    Mel: Lah (similar to singaporean lah).
    Others: Duh (use to express surprise).
    And: Help me take the stuff kek~ (ending used for expressing displeasure).
    Tl notes: Javan accent is so cute.
    Others: Yes, Already. Where did you go?
    And: The goods is too heavy~
    Others: Sorry, We forgot. Where are the items?
    And: Iih why you dont greet me first~
    Others: Yes, ok lah. Come on, hurry up. Yes, already. Curious about what we're doing?
    Others: It is very exciting. Definitely fun.
    Sha: Very unique events. So its better to...
    Others: Watch it.

    All: (Scream), Tokyo~
    Jj: Guys, guys anybody know where we're going?
    Ta: No idea.
    Sha: This one nih (use to emphasize your statement).
    And: What is that very tall -bleep-.
    Ta: Eh this tall -bleep- nih.
    Jj: Here Tokyo sky tree... (chaos). Eh if in Indonesia....

    P: Tokyo sky tree is one of the popular tourist attraction in Tokyo.
    The tower height of 634m made Tokyo sky tree the tallest radio tower in the world.

    Ta: Ah. Eh Look at that eh. Look, who is she.
    Jj: Where?
    Ta: There.
    Jj: Who is that?
    Sha: Who is that?
    Tour Guide(TG): JKT48, good morning
    Others: Good morning~
    TG: Welcome JKT48.
    Others: Oh Yokoso. Yey.
    TG: Nice to see you all.
    P: Our first guid is a popular presenter from TV-tokyo, Sayaka Suguro.
    TG: Do you know where you are now?
    Others: We know, we know, we know.
    TG: First, Andela try and tell us where does Tokyo is located?
    Now is Tata's turn.
    Ta: Here yah?
    TG: Ooh she know(?). Now it is Shania's turn.
    Ta: Don't stack on my face (photo)(?).
    Sha: What if my answer is the same? Do I stack on her photo?
    Others: Just put beside it, beside it.
    Sha: Alright, I guess let I'll..
    TG: Then it is Jeje's turn.
    Jj: Is it here Kang (refer to an older man in Sundanese)?
    Jj: We're united ho.ho.ho.ho.hoi.
    TG: This is the correct answer, Here.
    All: Yahh~
    Jj: Its all right, we've tried.
    TG: Andela's answer is so far. Tokyo is located in the center of Japan.
    P: Yes, Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
    Tokyo is a metropolitant area where traditional Japanese culture combine with it's modern counterpart.
    This made Tokyo into a magnet for thousands tourist from all over Asia.
    TG: Lets go to the top section of Tokyo sky tree, the tallest radio tower in the world.
    All: Lets go~ Ok.
    And: I(?) follow ya?
    Others: Can. Come on dong can dong (use for ending).
    Sha(?): Can. We'll climb. Come one lets have a race if we can.
    P: First of all, we would take a very fast lift.
    It is so fast that the lift can reach 300m under 1 minute.
    All: Whoo.
    TG: We finally reach the destination.
    <Thank lord, finally reach the place!!>
    (Who): OMG those houses....
    TG: From the top, we can see Tokyo.
    And: There is a car~

    <Observation gallery (450m)>
    <Reservation ticket: 2570 yen (18+), 2060yen (12 - 17)>
    Ta: ..very
    (Who): Ih look, there is a boat.
    (Who): What is that river?
    TG: That is Sumida river.
    Jj(?): Those big building..
    TG: Thats true. It is surprising how many picture they take.
    Tl notes: Indonesian and selfie... better love story than _____
    TG: Everyone, look at that way. The one very far that looks white.
    P: That is the peak of the tallest mountain in Japan. Mount Fuji.
    TG: Everyone, try stand here.
    And&Sha: Whuu. Anjir (expressing disbelieve).
    P: The place where the member is standing currently is made from glasses loh.

    <Observation deck (350m)>
    P: The height is 350m. At the bottom of this tower is a mall named Solmachi.
    This place is very good for buying Japanese souvenir. Let us look what is available here.
    Translator(T): Those are sample for restaurant ya.
    And: Ih the foam makes(?) me surprised.
    TG: Looked like the real thing isn't it. Di you want to buy something?
    All: We want!
    TG: Want to buy eh.
    P: Ups its not that easy for them to go shopping. Lets play kendama battle. A traditional game from Japan.
    TG: Competition to win shopping money, kendama battle~
    All: Yey!
    TG: Do you know what is kendama?
    P: The winner would be determined from how many times the ball land on top of the kendama.
    TG: Let us start the game. Start. Good luck!
    And: Iih!
    TG: 30 more seconds. Come on keep trying!
    T: Yey I can.
    Ta: You can, you can. This one mah easy.
    Jj: One.
    TG: 20 more seconds. Awesome~
    Ta: 3..2.1. Dah bye bye.
    TG: Finished~ Great job. Andela got 3.
    Sha: ..already many.
    Others: ..Teach me that dong.
    TG: The next challanger is Tata.
    Ta: I want to get the most ball(?). I swear(?) more than anyone.
    P: Tata is full of spirit but unfortunately only get 2.
    TG: Finished~
    Tl notes: Andela rubbing it on Tata lol.
    Others: 2
    P: Shania, aww why only big zero sih Shania?
    TG: If you can't get 3x you will lose!
    <Failed to shop deh>
    Ta: Ci come on Ci (shorten from cici which is Jie Jie in mandarin)!
    P: Finally time for Jeje's turn.
    T: Nah.
    All: Wow.
    T: Must be stronger(?). ..oh 2~
    Ta: come one Ci come one Ci
    T: Hurry up, 30 more seconds. Don't talk too much(?).
    Sha: That is because you have too much act..
    All: 3...2..1. Too bad.
    P: Since Jeje and Andela has the same score, The winner would be determined by whomever manage to land the ball to the kendama first.
    TG: Start.
    And: Me me me.
    T: Andela, the price is Rp 100.000.
    P: Time for shopping. Congratulation yah Andela for getting ¥1000.
    And: Thank you very much. Jeng jeng (sound effect for guitar)~

    <Kare design>
    Har: Everyone watch the Sky tree before?
    Others: Ya Sky tree.
    Mel: What is the name before, what we can see from the top?
    Others: What is there..
    Har: There is sugai.
    Tl notes: Haruka mispronounced sungai
    Mel: Sungai (river)~
    Har: River. Then ..the square.
    Mel: Bridge. Bridge. The Tokyo bay.
    Har. No, this is beach.
    Mel: Odeiba, the Odeiba.
    Others: Odaiba.
    Mel: Are you scared when you go to the top?
    (who): For me it is nothing special. Eh stop it.
    And: Eh, eh eh. I have gifts.
    Ta: My ear is ringing.
    Others: What? for me?
    All: Yey!
    Har: Give it here.
    Mel: Haa~
    Har: Yes!
    (who): That is for gifts, for us all.
    (who): Let us count.
    All: 1, 2, 3. Yey!
    Ta: ..Fine, I'll take this then.
    Har: Yay, cookie.
    Mel: What is the taste?
    Ta: Tasty tasty, try..
    Others: Try yuk try.
    Har: Cookie.
    And: Take one for me dong.
    Mel: (Trying to read the cookie) ..Try to read it, try eh.
    Har: Tokyo sky tree, history cookie.
    Mel: Cool!
    Others: Tasty. Ih yummy!

    <Next on>
    (who): Help me dong.
    Ta: Is it good looking?
    Other: What, What?
    Sha: ..Also can.

    <Kare Design>
    Har: Nah, we was eating cookie before.
    Others: So?
    Har: What did you eat in Japan?
    Others: Mo, mo, motonjameki
    Ta: Oh ya, Where did we go to?
    Jj: Have you gone senile?
    Ta: Where did we go?
    Jj: To Harajuku
    Ta: There we're strolling..
    Mel: Oh gone to Harajuku, shopping dong?
    Sha: Yes, you can see it yourself lah. Anyway later we play aja yah. Play!

    P: The member continue the journey using bus.
    TG: We're going to eat a food that has been cooked since the old days. Do you know about monja?
    Sha: I like, I like, I like, I like!
    TG: Oh really? you know?
    T: Know ya.
    Sha: I know Monjayaki.
    TG: Who has tried the food? Oh, 2 hasn't eaten it yet.
    P: Today's lunch is a Japanese food that has been for a long time. Do you know what is monja?
    In Tsukishima there is a lot of Monja stall which is a traditional food in Tokyo.
    This time the member would go to Kotobukiya. Monja restaurant that is most famous around here.
    The one ordered is the most popular menu here, Mentaiko cheese monia.
    Mentaiko is a mixture of cod fish egg with salt and pepper.
    After the vegetable is cooked, mix all of it. Then it becomes a tasty Monjayaki.
    And: Em tasty. This is the first time i ate this and it is very delicious. I love cheese too.
    Sha: I really love cheese and this is full of it. The cheese melt in my mouth.
    TG: Is there a food like this in Indonesia?
    And: I've never eaten this kind of food before.
    Ta: Not yet.
    Sha: What ya?
    And: This is my first time eating it.
    Jj: ..Martabak.
    Sha: Probably martabak (potentially the sweet version).
    Jj: Martabak.
    TG: Martabak~
    P: The member has filled their stomach with tasty Tokyo food. From Tsukishima, the next destination is~
    TG: Let us go shopping for clothes in Harajuku.
    Others: Want!
    And: What is that ya?
    P: Waduh waduh, It seemed that an idol can "pelor" a.k.a Easy sleeper like this.
    Finally we reach in Harajuku. In Takeshita street, so many modern Japanese culture where eyes can see.
    Tl notes: Nempel means stuck while molor means sleeping in Indonesian slank. Together means a person who just need to lie and immediately sleep afterwards.
    Jj: This is like this yah, Like a walking fashion show yah?
    TG: The place is cool ya.
    Sha: Its very colourful yah
    Ta?: Like very crowded.
    Jj: Its like a place for fashion show.
    TG: Even when it is week day, the place always crowded.
    Jj?: I want the one before, the red one in plaid pattern.
    Ta: Ih That is cute.
    (who): Ih this one is so cute.
    TG: That is Lolita fashion.
    All: Hello. They say your dress is cute.
    (who): Both of them.
    And: I like that one. This one is cute.
    (Who): The sleeve is simple.
    P: Lolita is a dress style which is influence by western style, that is developed further by Japanese.
    Lolita shows the innocence of a beautiful girl.
    TG: Do you wnat to try?
    All: Yes!
    TG: Lets go to the shop.

    P: Here is Laforet Harajuku. There is more than 100 famous shop in the mall.
    Lolita is the specialization of the shop named Metamorphose.
    TG: Who do you think would be suitable for lolita style?
    Jj,And: JeDel, Jeje Andela.
    Tl notes: Andela IMBA for Lolita! A bad matchmaker.
    P: Team Jeje with Andela as model.
    Sha,Ta: SanTa, Shania Tata. Yey!
    P: Team Shania with Tata.
    T: This challenge ..15 minutes.
    TG: Start!
    P: 15 minute have passed. The first team is Shania and Tata.
    Sha: Ok, Here is Tata from SanTa team.

    Sha: Jeng jeng.
    Others: Wow!
    (who): Why, why is this..
    TG: So cute.
    And: But the good thing is.. (whatever they are talking about).
    P: Next is Jeje and Andela Team.
    Jj: 1. 2. 3. Here is Andela.
    Others: Wow.
    P: The competition is very close. Which team would win the game?
    TG: Please choose the winner.
    All: Waah!
    T: Andela!
    P: Congratulation for Jeje and Andela. Share the price equally ok.
    TG: Congratulation ya.
    Others: Yey.
    TG: The winner deserve to gain that set of dress.
    Jj,And: Woo~
    And: Awesome! hahahaha.
    Jj: ..Got plintiran anting(?).
    Tl notes: I'm assuming the earring.
    And: Plintiran, Yes, yes right.

    <Kare design>
    Sha: I'm finished counting my hair.
    And: Yey~
    (who): This kid..
    Others: Ih cute. Very cute. I just saw it, very cute.
    Jj: Let me introduce you to the new stylist.
    Mel: Oh hai Jeje. Jeje..
    Sha: Cute yah. Have you ever wear something like that Haruka?
    Har: I have.
    And: You have?
    Ta: Do you have a lolita dress?
    Har: I have pink one.
    Jj: Oh yes, rather than hallucinating like a crazy person. Let us look at there.

    P: The next area is Tama and the first location we're going is~
    All: Yey.
    TG: Sanrio puroland.
    T: You guys become excited yah?
    P: Sanrio Puroland. A popular theme park where hello kitty and friends live.
    Others: Kittyland(?)
    TG: So quick.
    P: This is Lady kitty house. The real hello kitty is inside.
    TG: Because kitty is very busy, she can only meet a person.
    Others: Yahh~
    Ta: Fine then, ME!
    TG: Ok, Let us decide it with a game.
    All: Yah..
    TG: Let us start the game. (Jankenpon/gamsuit Jepang).
    P: Rock-paper-scissor hit & block is a game where the winner could hit the loser with a paper stick like this.
    For the loser, the person should cover themselves using helm.This is a traditional game from Japan.
    First, Andela Vs Tata.
    Others: Hurry up. Hayo loh.
    TG: Safe. Tata lose.
    T: Tata, you played the game wrongly.
    Ta: Here i found hello kitty.
    T: (?)Really, you going to play with it(?).
    P: The second one would be Jeje against Shania.
    TG: Jeje wins.
    P: Final, Jeje VS Andela.
    T: Haha, ridiculous.
    Jj: We are the champion my friend~
    P: Since the winner is Jeje, she can meet with hello kitty.
    TG: See you later.
    Jj: Argh, there is a person there. So cute. Cute~ Look like, look alive loh. Its like very real.
    P: Member who lost must wait for Jeje outside yah.
    Jj: Hai~ Argh hehe.
    Others: Is it good? Any photo? Of course I have some.

    Others: Tuh cute right?
    Sha: Eh Tata, Whats the matter? Are you jelous?
    Mel: Haruka have you been there?
    Har: Its all right.
    Mel: Eh look at this, even Haruka hasn't been there yet. Jeje already has.
    Jj: Well you're Japanese.
    Har: Do we have anything else?
    Ta: Yes there is. Chocolate factory, ..Melody.
    Mel: Wih Melody.
    Sha: There is something like istana boneka? Something similar like istana boneka but inside is hello kitty and friends.
    And: There is gifts here..
    Ta: Eh ya?
    Mel: Gimme!
    Jj: She is so kind always buying gifts for us.
    Other: True.
    Har: What is that?
    Sha: Well we split the bill right.
    Mel: Ih I want, Cute~
    Jj: ..Har, why your face is like that? What is the matter? You're afraid of the food?
    Har: This kan...
    And: What, that is from Japan kok. Just a "bread". Come on lets try it.
    Others: Alright alright..
    Har: No, wait!
    Sha: We just bought it for fun.
    Har: This is err that.
    Jj: What dong?
    Har: The name is Russian cookie.
    Others: So?
    Mel: This is cute, so must be tasty.
    Tl notes: Lol so naive.
    And: What, Hosian?
    Tl notes: Oh you lol.
    Ta: Russian.
    Har: Inside has 12 cookies, but the tasty one only 10.
    Others: Huh!
    Jj: So that is why your face is like that.
    Sha: Fine then lets us open it and find the good one.
    Har: I'll open it yah?
    Ta: Careful.
    Jj: Slow down abit coy.
    Mel: Pity, the picture~
    Har: Ih Want?
    Jj: For wrapping gifts again?
    Mel: Yes~
    Ta: Careful.
    Jj: You're so old school for still reusing gift wrap..
    Ta: My god coy my god.
    Ha(r?): Iih tube(?)
    Ta: Can't see!
    Sha: 1 2 3.
    Mel: I want this one!
    Jj: 1 2.
    Har(?): Argh!
    Mel: 1 2 3.
    Sha: Try again?
    Ta: <evil laugh>
    Sha: Why is this spicy? Do all of us get the spicy one?
    Har: why is it spicy?
    Mel: Why all of it is spicy?
    Jj: Maybe you read it wrongly. 12. All of it is spicy
    Mel: Looks like all of it spicy. 10!
    Har: Ouch~
    Sha: This stupid Japanese.
    Jj: Eh You usually read sanskrit language ya?
    Mel: Let me see. This is 10/12.
    Har: Yes.
    Mel: That means the tasty one only 2. Gosh all of us get the spicy one.
    Ta: I swear its spicy. Seriously.
  2. sugab

    sugab Kenkyuusei

    Jan 8, 2015
    ^ wow thank you for your hardwork :1st:
    it'll be easier to watch if you edit the video with subtitle in it though.
  3. leongekicau

    leongekicau Kenkyuusei

    Apr 8, 2014
    ^care to teach me how to do that? I'm hoping someone would tell the channel owner so they can place soft/hard sub in the video.

    Not to mention it will have bigger view than if I make a news channel. If it is possible, can you check the translation.
  4. sugab

    sugab Kenkyuusei

    Jan 8, 2015
    sorry I'm not expert in that kind of thing :^^;:
  5. bubbles

    bubbles Kenkyuusei

    Jan 11, 2015
    SOS dan
    When will Naomi be in this show? I'm dying to see her in it.:cry2:
  6. zakky26

    zakky26 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 12, 2012
    The first group (jeje,Shanju,Tata and Andela) have 4 episodes....if it's the same for each group,then Naomi and other K3 members episode will start in about february 8
  7. mc_shithead

    mc_shithead Kenkyuusei

    Jul 26, 2013
    i n y o u r h e a r t #plakk
    beautiful, smart, great body, a little bit snapped and tomboyish, the 2nd in command of K3. . .yet run away because of stupid looking clown :omfg::omfg:

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    thanks Lidya, you made my morning :D
  8. Verca

    Verca Kenkyuusei

    Jan 11, 2015
    Jingu Stadium
    Iku Kubo Kakki
    Maiyan (Nogizaka46)
    Look like Yona for a little...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
  9. zakky26

    zakky26 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 12, 2012
  10. Nicronemodez

    Nicronemodez Kenkyuusei

    Jul 15, 2014
    Holy land of JKT48 Fans (FX Mall)
    oh this is a place of TV/Radio Chanel..pardon me if i post in wrong Thread...

    Ready to Yokoso JKT Episode #8.. here we go..

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    sorry no translation at the link..andd sorry if my english is bad:worthy:
  11. kokodayoo

    kokodayoo Kenkyuusei

    Jan 15, 2015
    Bed Room and Kitchen
    me too~
  12. Nicronemodez

    Nicronemodez Kenkyuusei

    Jul 15, 2014
    Holy land of JKT48 Fans (FX Mall)
    This show is actually designed as a bridge between Indonesia and Japan tourism,in this case JKT48 members assigned to indicate places of interest in the area of Japan, visiting historical places, and learn the culture and habits of Japanese society, with the bonus of visiting the exciting culinary in each district.. if some people feels like watching a group of junior high school girls doing a field trip, it's like that..some new members first visited Japan and the show is intended to Fans jkt48 and Indonesian communities that lay against the Japanese, especially teenage audience...

    but if you have any other ideas you can convey. Indonesian fans as much as possible later will convey this idea to Yokoso JKT48..
  13. oniqlo

    oniqlo Kenkyuusei

    Aug 1, 2013
    City of Riften

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    Ohh, guided by Kojima Yoshio:^^;:.
    The regretful thing about this episode: We are not allowed to watch Kojima wearing his "ordinary suit"

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    personally, the BTS is the best part from this show

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  14. oniqlo

    oniqlo Kenkyuusei

    Aug 1, 2013
    City of Riften
    I didn't understand the difficulties of waterfall training:^^;:

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    The last episode

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    The penalty game is really dangerous!!!!
    There are some professional bobsleigh athlete which have fatal injuries or died from accident in this sport.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2015
  15. zakky26

    zakky26 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 12, 2012
    It's not the waterfall that is the problem...

    It's the freezing temprature,that's the problem :D
  16. furukaze

    furukaze Kenkyuusei

    Mar 3, 2015

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    Kinal and Ayana on Japanese TV: "JKT48 x Yamada Hisashi - Indonesia & Hokkaido Kuraberu Travel"

    Seems like a continuation from the last episode of Yokoso with the same host.

    Airing on 15 March in Japan.
  17. saniam

    saniam Kenkyuusei

    Jan 7, 2013
    Beppu City
    I know this is a stupid question but did Yona speak Japanese at some part? Sorry for asking silly questions
  18. Erald

    Erald Kenkyuusei

    Aug 31, 2014
    No, she speaks ahasa Indonesia in all off that video.

    @oniqlo I'm agree with you. It is dangerous, sliding really fast on ice. Ayana got an accident, fortunately she is okay
  19. CherryBlossom48

    CherryBlossom48 Member

    Jun 3, 2012
  20. zakky26

    zakky26 Kenkyuusei

    Oct 12, 2012
    Good news for fans who enjoyed the show (including me)!!!

    Since not all of us fans liked it

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