Movie / DVD VIVA JKT48 (14/06/05)

Discussion in 'JKT48 News & Releases' started by supaisu, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    Time to make a new history # VivaJKT48 Now Playing in Cinema.
  2. AnggaBezt

    AnggaBezt Kenkyuusei

    watching the theatre as the " real show " is musch more interesting, but i should arrange a schedule for the movie anyway. its a comedy
  3. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    Yes, I am also the 8th of this month going to the theater, already missed hhahaha. VivaJKT48 in many comedy films, apalgi Tri0 Wota .. Lolllllll
  4. AnggaBezt

    AnggaBezt Kenkyuusei

    should arrange schedule for VIVA JKT48, maybe after works hour, around 21.00. but the risk is there will be only a few audience.
    cinema's ticket is around 30,000 - 75,000 for 21Cinema, based on the day. still lower than the lowest theatre ticket for Pajadora 80,000. hopefully could break record for the number of audiences
    watch the theatre for once was the same price for 3 times at cinema
  5. abaone94

    abaone94 Kenkyuusei

    I have watched the movie yesterday, and I can roughly give a score of 6.5 - 10. Pretty average and close to disappointing, if only the members and the comedy didn't save the day.

    Honestly, I find that the story of the movie is far too rushed. The alternation from one scene to another is too quick that it is a bit confusing, and the whole story doesn't really make sense. I admit that I had fun watching it, but I'm not sure that non-fans would get the idea since the story mostly revolved around the things inside the fandom. I'm also a bit bothered at how they portray the wotas as a load of overacting peoples. Though I'm fine with it, I don't know how outsiders will see it. I'm afraid that they will view JKT48 Fans even more negatively after this.

    If this movie was made to satisfy the fans, then it worked out nicely. But if it is also meant for the general public, I'd say that they've failed. Too many inside jokes ruined the movie's potential to reach even greater audience.

    So my score is still 6.5 - 10, with the good point being the comedy and the mini-live parts. Other than that, I'm not sure.
  6. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    Yes chill still plenty of time .. I also watch the 5th of June at 19.00 to take yet crowded .. In duo with his watch on Saturday .. Should I go ahead .. watch the guarantee would laugh .. cuman climax of his films are less able ..
    yes it essentially theater directly if they are in front of us so the price was reasonable 3 cinema tickets :)
  7. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    Agreed, so for the members of his water mark can not be too hasty .. .. and I see also more disjointed story at the beginning of course, continue to BKT48 there is also just cast figura, which is not as vibrant as in his teaser, maybe I can underline this film about sacrifice and hope.
    yes hopefully his films received non-fans .. and to be sure of it.
  8. anakdekan

    anakdekan Kenkyuusei

    just watch the movie well yeah i think 6,5 is a fair score for the movie,the concept is really good (kick out from the teather then try to get them back) but the excecution is not perfect too many loopholes and unclear, but nevertheless is not a bad movie either, i think non fans still can enjoy it as a light comedy teenflick about a bunch of teenager who never give up their dreams no matter what happes.
  9. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    Yes, his comedy can really .. just maybe non-fans will be wondering why in the end did not connect .. it can be moved by a scene in the midst of her ... can not climax in the end.
    But still we need to support .. because the first film in the cinema .. we will definitely be better in the future :)
  10. Vinna95

    Vinna95 Kenkyuusei

    Well, i've seen the movie, and overall score for this movie is 5/5. why? becausein this movie,the story is dramatic and funny, beside that, the plus points from this movie is the usage of so many jkt48 songs like river, heavy rotation, shonichi, wasshoi j, and many more.
  11. @JKT48Stuff

    EDIT: FYI, total viewers for Cherrybelle new movie (Crush) is 40.226, with 29.292 viewers on premiere day (VIVA JKT48 viewers on premiere day is 18,006)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
  12. potopekjkt48

    potopekjkt48 Kenkyuusei

    expect from the members, I don't think this movie is a good one for a "plan-to-released-internationally-movie".
    The cinematography is good, but the story flow is just a "meh" for me, too fast and no explanation.
    Last day, my friend in Bandung watched it in local cinema, from the beginning of the film until end, he's just sitting there, alone.
    Only 1 person in a cinema, lol. But I wish this movie to be at least have 100,000 viewers :)
  13. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    The others had been watching ahead .. average on 5-7 June .. right there "nobar" also 7 june .. so yeah other than that the rest are not watching
  14. AnggaBezt

    AnggaBezt Kenkyuusei

    thnking of those who are not jkt48 fans and never come to theatre, even handshake ... hope they understand any "gimmick" of the fandom
  15. Verandardia17

    Verandardia17 Kenkyuusei

    But many also come in Bandung also why ... because it is also quite interesting teaser
  16. VIVA JKT48 total viewers (June 12th) is 66.186
  17. sLc48

    sLc48 Kenkyuusei

    somehow it's predictable.
    If only they make a horror movie... or maybe a documentary
  18. abaone94

    abaone94 Kenkyuusei

    To be honest, I don't know what Maxima expected... 70 thousand viewers for a first movie about a group whose market is segmented is actually pretty good. Especially looking at the production time and a rather simple scenario. If you expect more people to see it, then make a proper movie; not just some fanservice movie or something like that.

    Maxima overrated this movie. You can't rely solely on the fans to increase its viewers. Spreading the market is far more important than only fervently asking the currently established market to repeatedly watch it by offering various fan services.

    Well, that is a good lesson on the managements part.
  19. Sayumi4

    Sayumi4 Kenkyuusei

    I'm sorry if this has been asked already, but when the movie is available for purchase are there any plans to English sub the movie either by fans or an official one with the release? I really want to watch it but I don't know the language or will be anywhere near to proficient by the time it come out:^^;:

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