Murashige Anna (Aanya) / 1st Generation

Discussion in 'HKT48 Graduated Members' started by, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. broz0rs

    broz0rs Next Girls

    Jan 3, 2015
    Well, for starters, it's been rumored that Aanya will have her own segment in the HKT48 documentary. I believe she's the only member in which her parents will be shown. Sasshi and the documentary film crew visits the Murashige household.


    Look how embarrassed she looks because her dad is talking lol. Would be amazing if they talk about the forbidden subject, but it might help her to clear the air just like how it did for Sasshi.
  2. Sraco

    Sraco Kenkyuusei

    Oct 26, 2015
    United States
    I actually found your site a few months ago and was amazed by the support Shige had from you guys!
    And I would volunteer to help translate (I actually wrote an application a while ago but I decided not to send it lol sorry), but I'd really be cornering myself with responsibilities/other stuff I need to do.....
  3. Explorerdk

    Explorerdk Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    May 30, 2013
    Just an correctional note... Both Madoka and Sakura was actually in Hatsukoi Butterfly (Which was an Coupling song) - Atleast they are on the DVD/CD I have :p Also.... notes they are in it... :)

    - Expdk
  4. SoothingEarthDragon

    SoothingEarthDragon Kenkyuusei

    Oct 26, 2015
    All the more proof that the company is as far from "trying o destroy her" as it possibly can. The company has pushed her more than 80% of HKT on the CDs and while the last few months have had some heartbreak-- they have pushed her more than maybe 90% of the members in videos. They are basically begging for us fans to actually show her the real support that the fans of all the other members show them.

    Even when she came in 67th place, that was way late and way short of where she really should have been. And up to that point they were arguably promoting her just as heavily as Sakura, and more than Kodama Haruka. If you watch the first three HKT48 shows, one cannot help but walk away with the impression that she must be the most popular member of the group-- they all but entirely revolved around her. So if fans were willing to pay the kind of money they are willing to pay to see Sakura and Haruka, they would happily kept her on the same level.

    In fact, because possibly Maria but definitely Erika is going to be recruitable around the time Anna has either hit her plateau or is getting ready to quit, that is just all the more reason to see her do well. Imagine if you could have a girl be a top star for 9 years and then suddenly get a nearly identical girl who had learned from all her sister's mistakes come in at the same age that the older one started and you have to do so much less to get her over in the first place because everyone is already familiar with her sister's work. That is a rather ideal situation.

    Fair enough. When I was making my chart, I must have made a mistake. That means there are 9 girls who have been in every single HKT senbatsu including the ones on the AKB48 CDs and Matsuoka Natsumi has only missed a single song with Yabuki Nako having 6/9 and Murashige, Fuchigami and Tanaka Miku having 5/9.

    Still, Murashige has gotten featured more than 80% of the HKT48 members ever and that is better than her ranking in the sousenkyo really warrants.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2016
  5. Explorerdk

    Explorerdk Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    May 30, 2013
    Sorry SoothingEarthDragon -_- Didn't notice you had mentioned Natsumi also... cause she is also in Hatsukoi Butterfly :p Same argument as with the other 2 :)

    - Expdk
  6. winxred12

    winxred12 Kenkyuusei

    Apr 13, 2013
    WA, USA
    Wow this thread has become gloomy. ..
    So i'm planning on starting up Murashige's Birthday project around March so until then I will be taking ideas, this year I will also be taking donations but i won't post that info until i figure out what it is i want to do.
  7. Rainabow

    Rainabow Kenkyuusei

    Apr 3, 2014
    Rainbow Road
    I can agree with that! I might be able to help this year as well!
  8. The Pum

    The Pum Kenkyuusei

    Nov 2, 2014
    Thank you very much, I'm happy to read this! But if you really want to help, 755 is untouched and even if it's one translation a year it will still be read by several people which is a plus. I'm quite happy to give you access to contribute as little or as much as you want. Same goes for everyone.

    This is what I mean about Slack, it's almost a cross between forum and instant messaging. You create channels for specific discussions, like for example a web team and a birthday committee. It's all private within the app, and you can create private channels so for example you might not want to discuss things so openly but with a select amount of people. It's not an alternative to S48 but perhaps a home for Shigekko's.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2016
  9. Sraco

    Sraco Kenkyuusei

    Oct 26, 2015
    United States
    ahh 755, I forgot that was thing....
    Hmm, well if it's 755, the posts should be relatively short as well.

    Should I send in an application over on the site or just PM you here?
  10. The Pum

    The Pum Kenkyuusei

    Nov 2, 2014
    I think the problem I had with 755 is finding what's relevant, but I struggled with the informal language as well.

    PM me your email address if you're interested :) Same goes for everyone.
  11. winxred12

    winxred12 Kenkyuusei

    Apr 13, 2013
    WA, USA
    Ever since the event I have been living with the idea that she could graduate any time but I'm not going to let that get in the way of my plans.
    She is a teenager she is moody what a surprise... some of her friends have graduated and things haven't improved is it really surprising that she would say something like that? It's not the 1st time and if she doesn't graduate I want to have something nicer planned than what I did last year ... So yeah
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2016
  12. EraMemory

    EraMemory Kenkyuusei

    Jan 3, 2013
    That's an interesting approach to look at things. The man over here is proposing to do something for her- to celebrate her birthday, and to let Murashige know that she's appreciated and loved. And I think, to a depressed, waning young girl who's yet to get her share of the limelight, words of encouragement and the knowledge that you have fans who love you- from miles and miles across the seas and and more, even- is exactly the thing to encourage her to keep on going and braving what may come her way till she stands in the spotlight. The knowledge of being appreciated is a great moving factor- a blind busker, rather than the stray coin thrown his way, would much rather a rouse of applause.

    At the very least, it's a lot more done than simply just grouching over her state of life on an obscure forum.
  13. SoothingEarthDragon

    SoothingEarthDragon Kenkyuusei

    Oct 26, 2015
    And that would be great and fine and I would endorse it if her birthday was before the election in which her fate will be decided-- either a career revival or either pretty much hopelessly cast into obscurity for however longer she decides to stick around.

    Since it doesn't take place until after said election, it ought to be way down on the priority list-- again, it is akin to giving a dead woman a nice hairsyle change instead of saving her life.

    Nor have I endorsed "grouching" about it on an obscure forum. In fact, I am primarily scolding you for being willing to do only that. I am saying that we need to face the challenge of getting her over realistically and then decide how to best tackle the problem.

    But, maybe this is my fault. I have to remember what sort of people I am addressing. The kind who, if you describe the size and scope of a problem, they don't start thinking about how to tackle the problem, but wither.

    So let me do you a favor and help you be part of a solution for a problem that you want solved.

    First we need you to do two things as much as possible.

    1) The Pum has been kind enough to provide an online host for resources. Any pictures or videos or messages Murashige has written should be submitted to his site. I am sure you have something, so let's fill it up.

    2) Gather troops. This is most important. So let's break this down further.

    A) Various fans of hers have lapsed, have become apathetic or just don't care to bother to contribute. This is my frustration with you right now. Get out there, wake them up and give them a proverbial kick in the butt to make sure they know that this year is do or die-- now or never. Don't worry about what is going to happen two months after the election because if she fails, it will not matter.

    B) There are many people who don't know about Japanese idols at all. I am sure you know plenty. Try to sell them on her. Use whatever resources you have in terms of videos or pictures. Don't get discouraged if you get poor results because it isn't for everyone. Still, reach out to your friends and acquaintances and see who might be interested. I have plans to create a good resource to do this, but it will be a while off.

    C) Get fans of idols who are not currently in the election to rally behind her. Remember, fans of AKB48-- if she isn't their #1 or #2, then they are competing against her unless their #1 is so far ahead that they have nothing to lose from sending some love to their #3. So let's look outside current AKB48 members. There are a few I strongly recommend.

    Here is how I would appeal to...
    Takahashi Minami) TakaMina fans now have to choose someone else-- to just turn their back on the group would be a betrayal to her. Yes, many will go to Yokoyama Yui or Minegishi. But Minami also endorsed Murashige in one of the most telling ways. She literally said that Murashige was the next her and gave her the infamous banana parka. There could hardly be a more telling sign that TakaMina wants Murashige to succeed.

    Miyazwa Sae) Sae is going to be gone by the election! Her fans also need someone else to rally behind. Sae handpicked Murashige has her HKT48 Oshimen. If they are going to support someone, why not someone Sae's oshimen?

    Michishige Sayumi) This is going to be a bit trickier. Many fans of Hello Project remain fans of Hello Project by putting their fingers in their ears and screaming whenever someone mentions anything AKB48 related. I know because I was there once and I have seen it happen. Nonetheless, the parallels between Michishige and Murashige go beyond their names. While their appearances could not be more separate, they are both from Yamaguchi, they both tended to declare themselves "ichiban kawaii", they both tend to switch between being deredere and being combative, and both had their little gimmick poses that they over-used. They also both have two sisters, both had radio shows and both can entertain people in an empty room with nothing but a camera which is something most girls just cannot do. Considering that Michishige has pretty much vanished from the world since her graduation over a year ago, I would think they would be quite happy to put over someone somewhat similar in the rival company.

    Nakamoto Himeka) Everyone knows the rivalry between Nogizaka and the 48 groups is just for show. But, nonetheless, Nogizaka members are not in the sousenkyo. Unless that changes this year, this means Nogizaka fan have no one to support. Nakamoto Himeka and Murashige Anna were trained by the same teachers at ASH (Actor School Hiroshima) and there have been subtle hints that they know each other or are even friends. Both are phenomenal singers that are underused by their companies. While there is not much similarity between their appearance and personality (Himeka tends towards being a burriko), they are both natural entertainers. They also both don't to gravure.

    Sayashi Riho) She just graduated at the beginning of this month. Again, Hello! Project fans can be needlessly hostile towards 48 group stuff in general, but... Again, Sayashi Riho is a friend of Murashige's from ASH. Also, Murashige and Sashihara went to the Morning Musume concert together, complimented Sayashi and gave them chocolates. In other words, other than Sashihara, if anyone in AKB48 group is a friend to Morning Musume and especially to Sayashi, it is Murashige.

    Suu-metal) Like Himeka and Riho, she is also from ASH. Unfortunately since Murashige got cut from the rock song that HKT did, it will be hard to get her over to those fans unless you underline it as an injustice (they stole Suzuka's friends style and did a rock song yet didn't let her be part of it!) Still, it might be worth a shot.

    Torindoru Reina) Murashige has always been extraordinarily proud of her resemblance to the model and is a big fan of hers. I don't at all doubt that fans of Torindoru Reina would be thrilled to find out there is effectively a younger, singing, dancing comedian version of her out there and very likely don't even know about her yet!

    There might be other communities beyond this that might very well immediately embrace Murashige if only someone introduces them to her. So don't keep her a secret to yourself! Go out there and network, promote her like crazy the next 4 months and try to gather as many people you can to her cause. I am in the process of doing so myself, but I can only do so much alone.
  14. hjr1891

    hjr1891 Member

    May 11, 2013
    Anywhere, Everywhere
    One way to not get folks help? Insult them.

    This is just one in a string of insulting posts by you addressing Annya's fans here. Fix the attitude you come at people with, preferably long before you try to tell them what to do.
  15. broz0rs

    broz0rs Next Girls

    Jan 3, 2015

    Perhaps your energy is better suited for sites like

    I'm starting to feel bad that you're taking so much time to write this stuff and the members here just taking a quick glance only. Thank goodness I learned to read just the introduction and conclusion when I was grading papers. I don't think the Aanya birthday committee would spend nearly as much time on their project as much as you spend time writing your posts.
  16. SoothingEarthDragon

    SoothingEarthDragon Kenkyuusei

    Oct 26, 2015
    That is cute. That is adorable. You think you told me off. Bet you patted yourself on the back for that one.

    All I am doing is hitting you with the truth. And truth can hurt.
    I am not looking for any glory or fame or recognition. I get nothing out of this. Literally nothing. :censored: me, I don't matter. I am just laying what it down for you.
    I am not advising on my behalf. I am advising what to do on behalf of someone who has nothing to do with me.

    And if anything I have written hurts you-- cuts you to the bone with just how acute it is-- then you have no right to call yourself the fans of anyone. You haven't the slightest right, because you really are not.
    Call me whatever you like, but you have to understand on some level what I am writing is not wrong.

    Do you think Sakura's fans got her to where she is by being lazy, apathetic, cheap and prioritizing everything backwards? No.

    We are talking about a girl who is about to become 18. One who has arguably thrown herself into entertaining everyone far more than any of her peers. One who has likely suffered more embarrassment and pain than any others selected for her job to make everyone see her and make them smile. And what has she gotten in return?

    Her grades in high school have slipped and slipped as she has dedicated herself to touching the souls of people around the world and bringing them just a little brightness-- a smile, a laugh. She easily could have coasted on her looks alone by being silent and obedient like Sakura. She could have taken off her clothes as often as possible. like Mio She didn't. And she has suffered for it. She hasn't even really gotten to display the depths of her singing talent outside of a very rare moment despite HKT48 supposedly being a singing group.

    And now she is turning 18 you are asking her to not go to college and give up any dreams of studying abroad or becoming a proper model or anything else. And in return you....?

    Do what? Make so little effort on her behalf that she isn't going to be better than the 17th most popular member of her group-- a ranking that no doubt drops year by year, generation by generation? Do you imagine there is any future in that? Is that somehow remotely worth giving up what you are asking her to give up without offering anything in exchange?

    Again, I don't matter. If you try to use me as an excuse to do nothing, the truth is that you never intended to do anything on her behalf in the first place and you were desperately looking for any excuse beyond you simply not being a good person. If it makes you feel like less of an :censored: to blame me for doing as little as you were going to do all along, feel free to do so-- but be certain you are fully aware that you are not fooling anyone with a bit sense of common sense and a elementary BS detector.
  17. The Pum

    The Pum Kenkyuusei

    Nov 2, 2014
    I'm quite happy to support anything anyone wants to do and I've got the resources to build a community and promote it. I'm not doing it for ep33n or money, in fact I spend my own money on what I've done. I spend my own time translating almost every day (albeit I've not been so active since November due to other commitments). I'm not sure what else I can give to you guys or Shige. You can criticise SoothingEarthDragon all you want but there is a lot of integrity in what they've said. Imo.
  18. EraMemory

    EraMemory Kenkyuusei

    Jan 3, 2013
    I'm sorry, I'm afraid that you might not know who I am.

    I'm EraMemory, or by real name Erin. I am a mixologist by trade.

    However, my real calling has always been the support of the 48 group, and its members. I am a translator of MyAidol, where we aim to spread knowledge and love of the 48 group to the foreign overseas community. I work closely with the other translators, including Half, who you might know if you have been following his subs, as you both share an avid love of Murashige Anna. I put out subtitles for shows like AKBingo, Nemousu and Majisuka Gakuen, and though I do not get paid, I feel that the fact that new fans are attracted to the 48 groups through my work, as well as maintaining the interest of the overseas community who may not be so proficient in Japanese as I, having lived and worked in Japan for the past 4 years, may be, is recompense enough. I also translate and proofread the AKB48-based manga, AKB49 Renai Kinshi Jourei.

    Outside of subbing, I continue to do idol-supportive work in the fan community. I am part of several birthday committees of the members, and am a community leader among several circles of the fanbase. We organize activities such as promoting new singles (especially those of solo work, such as Fujita Nana's recent solo single, that may not receive as much sales), launching campaigns to support members during events such as the request hour and Sousenkyo (I recall having a hand in Murashige's one myself for the Sousenkyo two years ago, and we averaged two hundred passerbys to pitch in a vote for her every day), or simply showing our support by attending their events and cheering our beloved idols.

    I must admit, Murashige is not high on my list, but having always liked her as well as being concerned by the recent sad tones in her Google plus post, I decided to drop around the forum to investigate further.

    You, sir, are obvious a much greater lover of Murashige then I am, and I can respect that, though I do not approve of your tone. Nonetheless, it is heartwarming to see that in your own way you too are trying to keep the fires of passion burning, and move all Shige-lovers into action, to let her know that she is appreciated, and to convince the management that she is not one to throw away. It is how it is, and if more people put words into actions like that, perhaps we will keep the Murashige bandwagon rolling.

    I've already made it a point to drop by Murashige's lane at the next handshake event, and I will try my best to convey your, as well as all Murashige's fans, thoughts and appreciation of how wonderful this little Russian monkey is.
  19. jugglingfreak

    jugglingfreak Kenkyuusei

    Jan 19, 2014
    So, what are you doing apart from crying about other people?

    I see you telling other people what you think they should do, but nothing about what you are actually doing, other than complaining.
  20. chiuchimu

    chiuchimu Member Stage48 Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
    I think showing Anna like this is going to be good for her.
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