Suto Ririka (Riripon) / Draft 1st Generation

Discussion in 'NMB48 Graduated Members' started by mav48, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Panzeridolspower

    Panzeridolspower Kenkyuusei

    Nov 12, 2015
    just for say i'm so happy for her , it's magical a story for a drama !
    so beautiful for her, i hope she gona be happy , congratulation Suto Ririka for you marriage !
  2. LNK_Tomu

    LNK_Tomu Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
    Somewhere, there is a Hospital Administrator thinking "Humm, Medical Ethics Refresher training - don't take advantage of vunerable patients and their relatives."
  3. biboloxo

    biboloxo Future Girls

    Dec 21, 2012
    Nishino Nanase
    So now people are trying to turn her scandal into a Disney movie?
  4. LNK_Tomu

    LNK_Tomu Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
    Still a better plot than Twilight.
  5. ShaiHH

    ShaiHH Kenkyuusei

    May 10, 2015
    In the end, if it works out for her or not, that will be her choice and possibly mistake to make.
    Personally I wouldn't advice marrying the first person you fall in love with at age 20, but... see above.

    Might just fall in the same category as the timing of her announcement, her not being able to think totally straight especially now that she was under pressure of being outed. Yes she seem like an intelligent person , who is normally level-headed and mature. But she's still only 20 and talking about being in love (for the first time?). You don't magically turn into an adult at age 18, nor does it stop you from making decisions under pressure, where a different solution might have been better.
  6. NaMuNaRin

    NaMuNaRin Kenkyuusei

    Jun 1, 2017
    congratulation riripon! so happy for her :banana: Disney movie is not bad.. its good for her career (if that happen :p), so get out as soon as possible from 48G riripon :):) bye bye..
  7. SI-Doitsu

    SI-Doitsu Upcoming Girls

    Apr 26, 2016
    Siegen - Germany
    My NMB Oshi is getting married and I am happy for her, even if she is an active Idol.

    Riripon is with 20 at an age where the "inofficial Loveban" should be reduced to the minimum. As long as she did not damage her own reputation the reputation of the group is not in danger. As for her reputation, she is doing what the japanese society is expecting from a young woman: falling in love, getting married and maybe have children (OK - the last might be a problem for Shinobu greating a kawai pregnancy costume)

    As for her fans, let me quote Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." - As a true fan I know where I stand and in which direction I look. Everybody else needs to face the same question now and than make the decision.

    NMB: Probably planning the wedding reception (NMB-Motto: As long as it is entertaining)

    Aki-P: His reaction I have expected. I think he is supporting Riripon and is probably at his desk writing her wedding song.

    AKS: They have a big problem, now that every Woman Rights Group is waiting for their reaction. AKB is too big not to have any political influence.

    Juri: No comment I am just mad at her.

    Naachan: She knows Riripon and her comment on AKBs´ moral was definitely not aimed at her. I think she has the same feelings about AKB as Sasshi and Mayuyu and she gave AKB a well deserved beating like Takamina did when it was nessesary. And I think Mikis´Graduation has hurt her more than she is willing to admit.
  8. sdf7

    sdf7 Kenkyuusei

    Jun 18, 2017
  9. LNK_Tomu

    LNK_Tomu Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
    Have any Japanese Rights Groups actually come out and said this?

    Has anyone even reported on this outside of the Japanese media?

    Weren't Management due to do a statement today, or was that timed for the start of the week?
  10. levy

    levy Kenkyuusei

    Mar 5, 2017
    psst psst... tomonaga mio
  11. sdf7

    sdf7 Kenkyuusei

    Jun 18, 2017
    if it is a joke, it is a very bad joke. it makes her silly. it made a lot members and fans mad, even some fans want their voting money refunded. joke went over like a lead balloon. if joke, would nmb48/akb48 take her back ?
    if real, arranged marriage ? when did she date and get boyfriend ? how long they were involved. wouldn't someone found out earlier.
    if arranged marriage, I sorry
    if she did find her soulmate, then I happy for her. and I hope she has a good marriage and life. but sad that she no longer a idol in nmb48.
    interesting that her true love is the first guy she fell for. and she is still young. but that's timing. and love at young age is very powerful.
    but real or trolling/joke, wow. I did not see anyone happy for her announcement. some members jump up and fall, laughing so hard. others members and many fans are shocked and very mad. announce you getting married and no one is happy for you, but they angered. but I see that side too.
    if she did find her love and no one knew, would she still marry now ? or just hurried before big scandal. when did she decide to marry ? at end of voting ? if before election started, that bad to all, since she forced to quit.
    current idol rule, right or wrong. idol is going to have less people fantasize and worship the her, if she is in a relationship. but if she knows the rule before she joins idol, then.
    if it was not for it being against idol rule, then how many would still be mad
  12. kiranoir

    kiranoir Kenkyuusei

    Nov 7, 2013
    as usual, take this as a pinch of salt
  13. MeruShige

    MeruShige Kenkyuusei

    Feb 3, 2013
    Bronx, New York
    You must be blind if you didn't see "any happy members" after she announced it? Really?

    Riripon! My NMB48 soul. My reason for paying attention to NMB48. You are the Queen for me. She shook AKB48 from the moment she joined. I love this girl.

    Congrats girl! Marriage is beautiful. Especially when he is a doctor or medical field.

    I may never understand the thought process of some Japanese people and their idols. I may never understand how they view their idols as theirs. I will never accept the Loveban rule. (Please reframe from arguing with me this isn't an opening statement to a debate just my passing opinions). I am still your supporter Riripon and I hope you flourish and stay in NMB48. Please.

    This girl made SSK 2017 everything lmfaooo
  14. kiranoir

    kiranoir Kenkyuusei

    Nov 7, 2013
    Pity the guy, got a hunch that he might had to gave her up after all this
  15. Nighthawk141

    Nighthawk141 Kenkyuusei

    Nov 16, 2014
    Watanabe Mayu
    They are idol, do you expect them to mad infront of camera? LIVE?
    Note that they're part of NMB and I too thought that this is kind of joke or prank that NMB usually do
  16. LNK_Tomu

    LNK_Tomu Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
    Less. It's an interesting idea, but not, in my view, interesting enough to pick up casual voters who weren't already thinking of her. She might get a few 'throw-away' votes, but not a huge amount. Add in the hate of some wota because their 'undating' idol is suddenly dating (and we have seen from the scandals how much they can hate that idea) and I think she would have lost votes.

    Source? 20+ year age gap makes the whole thing worse.
  17. ngak2306

    ngak2306 Kenkyuusei

    Jun 18, 2017
    I've been following this thread since yesterday, after I got home from work and heard about the engage announcement. And I will go straight to the point that I really dont like or support that decision of her. Until she graduates, she still is an idol. She chose to be an idol, not that anyone promoted her or put her there against her will. Like it or not, when you're playing a game, you have to follow the rule. And the rule is not to have relationship while being an idol. If you break the rule, you'll get punished. And she deserves to be punished by her fans, her managers, even her colleagues for that reason.

    I personally don't care about the true love story, since I'm not interested in her personal live, or whatever the case of going one step ahead of Bunshu that you guys stated above. She was, and still is an idol. If she finds her true love while being an idol, either she announces it and graduates before getting caught by a tabloid magazine, or decides to play the thrilling game of having a boyfriend and being an idol at the same time. In this case, she decided to play the game, and failed. But when she failed, instead of knowing that she brought this upon herself and be sorry about it, she chose to make a scene at a national (can even called international) event and delivered a blow straight to her fans and her colleagues while having a straight face. She should have gone down by herself, since this was her fault, but, instead, she dragged the whole ship into the sea with her.

    To people who are mad about Juri, Yuko or any other members' comments on this matter, with the reason of them not knowing Riripon/not being in the idol industry anymore, let me tell you this. Their voices are still relevant. And yes, as I said above, Riripon deserves those comments. No one has said a single thing about Riripon's personality, they only said that what she did as an idol was wrong and humiliating. It doens't matter that someone must have a close relationship with Riripon or know her condition extremely well to make a comment or not, as long as they are in the same industry. In Yuko or Takamina's cases, it's not like they personally went to Aki-P and said "Fired her!!!". They just gave their opinions, like we all did.

    This is a scandal, like many others happened before, that will damage the 48G somehow. And we fans have every right to hate her for that. So stop saying in a way like she was so innocent and did nothing wrong. A thief may steal for many reasons, but he/she still is a thief.
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  18. Reveen

    Reveen Under Girls

    Feb 16, 2013
    Sunnyvale Trailer Park
    A rumour site so it's not confirmed, that's why I deleted the post.

    I would laugh my ass off it's true though :lol:
  19. PetalidiStelle

    PetalidiStelle Kenkyuusei

    Oct 31, 2016
    floor riripon.png
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  20. sakurazaki

    sakurazaki Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    They could've just stay silent / look confused (like Mayu) lol

    But as Sayanee said, none of the members really understood what she said at that time & thought Riripon was just making a joke / said something funny, and that's why they were really happy / laughing their ass off when she announced that.

    Had Riripon told the members beforehand about her 'scandal' & what she's really meaning, I doubt any of them would be laughing.

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