Members you respect the most

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by Akira Hitoshi, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. HogwartsHokage

    HogwartsHokage Kenkyuusei

    Aug 28, 2012
    Nah, not necessarily. Just because people mention Takamina doesn't mean they're not allowed to appreciate (or mention their appreciation for) anyone else. And the only reason why Takamina is brought up so often is because we've come to a general consensus that she deserves respect for sure. :)

    I would say Jurina, even though I dislike her sometimes (I still have an issue with her being in Yume no Kawa). She goes back and forth between Nagoya and Akiba to perform for both groups, she's been the center of SKE for a while and AKB for the past single, she keeps working even though she got sick a couple of times already...and on top of that, she goes to high school and she hasn't reached adulthood yet! I still find it amazing how she finds the energy to do the amount of work she's doing right now.

    I'm surprised she hasn't been mentioned much here, but Mariko deserves some respect as well. She's technically successful and well-known enough to leave AKB and launch her own solo career. During the general election, however, she said that she won't back down until the new girls are able to take her place; it was her way of saying that she cares for the other members, especially the newer ones and the ones hiding in the background. She also said that she won't leave AKB until all of 1st gen left (even though she's reaching - dare I say it - the age of 30 by now). Staying around in an idol group at that age and having to interact with generations of girls that are getting younger by the minute (almost a 10-year age difference for some already)...that takes perseverance for sure.
  2. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    Yeah your right, I seriously never thought about Mariko-sama before... [worried] Considering that she's almost 30, and hasn't had a real relationship, i'd say she definitely deserves our respect. And like you said, she really does care for the younger members in a way that only an older sister can. Even though it seems she won't leave AKB48 just yet, I feel like for the sake of herself her graduation is coming soon...but not too soon. Let's just hope that these respected members get the support they deserve [rock]
  3. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    I think I just tend to respect any member in AKB with high integrity, I guess enough to let fans know how serious they are when they're working while being chill when having fun :D
  4. YumeNoRui

    YumeNoRui Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    Jul 11, 2011
    1. Obviously takamina, best leadership I have ever seen in all idol or groups. Times I tend to think, during AKB early years when they have so little fans, what could have happen if takamina isn't there to lead and guide those girls through their hard times? Takamina has always been listening, watching and helping everyone, I would refer her as AKB48 pillar.
    If takamina did not get into AKB48, will we still see the AKB48 now?

    2. Mariko. I'm 26 years old like her, I can't help feeling amaze how she still can stuck around in an idol group at this age, leading younger generations, and breaking the age border. Go Mariko!

    3. Sayaka & Yuko. They are very strong and kind, one of the top leaders.

    4. Shiichan. Very hardworking, she able to stuck around her KKS times for so long and helping the younger generations even though she has not yet got promoted.

    5. Amina. Best AKB fan, she can actually remember how to dance ALL stages! And of coz what happen to her in Iwake PV, but she did not let it get to her.
  5. Mayuyusuki

    Mayuyusuki Member

    Nov 22, 2012
    In front of computer
    Depends on what your criteria is for respect.

    If we're talking leadership it's Takamina.

    But in terms of being a pure entertainer/professional/idol, it's Yuko.
  6. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    I would say that respect would be most if not all members of AKB and possibly their sister groups would admire this one member in particular, not because of their appearance or style of singing but their work ethics and how much effort they are willing to put in order to succeed, which in my case would be Takamina and Yuko.

    Of course there are other members that probably work so as hard as these two if not harder, but it seems that their effort shines the most in the group [rock]
  7. kitarin

    kitarin Kenkyuusei

    Nov 20, 2012
    Jakarta , Indonesia
    Matsui Jurina . The next Yuko ...
  8. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    ^True, I also have a feeling that Jurina will become Yuko's successor when she graduates...

    Let's just hope future generations of AKB will be able to uphold their legacy like what the current members are doing now... [rock]
  9. Silenka

    Silenka Future Girls Retired Staff

    Aug 9, 2012
    But Jurina wants to be the next Mariko :D

    I guess she can be both, Mariko personality wise and Yuuko activity wise? XD
  10. moomookan

    moomookan Member Wiki48 Editor

    Jan 7, 2012
    Yamauchi Mizuki, Yagi Toa
    Jurina, Yuko, Takamina, and Sayaka. All of them have amazing perseverance and work ethic while keeping leadership skills and smiles :)

    There are a few girls I can't respect though... Don't read if you're easily offended.
    I don't have much respect at all for Paruru and Mayuyu though... I think they're both rather selfish, and I prefer the ones who can be team players. Mayuyu is smart and fun to watch, but she's to calculating and not genuine in my eyes. Also Paruru's reaction to her ranking was pretty rude. Both girls are very cute though!
  11. yozikzo

    yozikzo Kenkyuusei

    Sep 6, 2012
    Nowhere to be found
    I respect sayaka and takamina but not much as i respect tomochin, i still don't know why i respect tomochin the most [think]
  12. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    I believe to earn respect, you simply have to give it to others to show much integrity you have...I think that's all it comes down to...just high morals and knowing when to be serious, and knowing when to have fun when the time comes ;)

    In terms of integrity, I still think Takamina has the highest sense respect in terms of motivating and leading others...she really is a natural born leader, not everyone can do what she can [rock]
  13. writerserenyty

    writerserenyty Kenkyuusei

    Aug 18, 2009
    In addition to leaders, I think the kenkyuusei (and lesser popular members) need a lot more credit; they did so much subbing in for other members, they practically keep the theater alive by performing so often, and they have to work so hard to learn everything. This is all when they're new and also don't have that many fans, so they do a ton of work for little credit.

    Honestly, though, all the girls work so hard that I can't help but feel at least a little respect for all of them. Not every member tries as hard as the others, but they all have to put in a lot of time and effort.
  14. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    ^ Yeah your right, it's just that not many recognize the kenkyuusei for their abilities yet because they aren't well known, but I think they also deserve a lot of credit to keep the legend of AKB alive by performing with everything they got at the theater :D [rock]
  15. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    In that case i think the opening post should disappear, cause in the end all the girls are worth respecting, frankly it would be easier trying to name a member not worth respecting.
  16. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    ^Then frankly I think your in the wrong discussion to be criticizing members...if you read the title in big letters, this isn't the place to be pessimistic or sarcastic... [wonder]
  17. mieniem

    mieniem Member Stage48 Donor

    Jul 14, 2009
    Canada, Ontario
    Um, I think you misunderstood me [nod]
  18. Akira Hitoshi

    Akira Hitoshi Kenkyuusei

    Sep 16, 2012
    Majijo's Rooftop, staring at the clouds...
    Watanabe Mayu
    Whether it's the members or Kenkyuusei...all of them deserve respect for sure but only some of them achieve great respect from others, as some may not have sacrificed as much as the other members have, we just aren't sure who, since everyone's opinions are different
  19. zetobelt

    zetobelt Kenkyuusei

    May 14, 2012
    Who else? Takamina. [clap]
  20. theflush

    theflush Kenkyuusei

    Jun 14, 2011
    Sayaka Akimoto, the girl works so hard and in my opinion gets too little recognition for it.

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