NGT48 Assault Case

Discussion in 'General NGT48 Discussion' started by Cisalpine88, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. sscrla

    sscrla Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 27, 2015
    Takayanagi Akane
    Long article that is a mix of reporting and opinion.

    "NGT incident" Why does not Yasushi Akimoto apologize?

    The final paragraph:

    "If it keeps going as it is, it will pollute the late covenant of the genius / Akimoto. I think that it is time to openly hold a press conference, recognize the danger of this Commercial Code, and to dissolve all the groups."
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  2. Reveen

    Reveen Under Girls

    Feb 16, 2013
    Sunnyvale Trailer Park
    another ignorant foreigner in Japan chiming in on the situation, another edgy adelstein type

    if the video does not show watch the video here

    This is the kind of moron that is zero help to getting justice for maho, thank god he has such a pathetically small amount of views.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2019
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  3. nobodywil

    nobodywil Upcoming Girls

    Aug 20, 2009
    From the Islands to The Bay
    ^First Jake Adelsteam, now Hikosaemon. Yep, Justice got some heavy hitters as Allies for the cause. :^^;:
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  4. TWMASTER200

    TWMASTER200 Kenkyuusei

    Feb 9, 2018
    I will never understand this mentality. I've seen a few people voicing it. "shut it all down." I guess it's coming from people with no experience in the medium but it still confuses me that people can think like that. It's like "something bad happened" "idol culture is Satan and we must kill it" smh. Sorry if off topic a bit.
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  5. Meiji Ishin

    Meiji Ishin Kenkyuusei

    Aug 18, 2016
    Not arguing to shut it all down, but I think there is a strong argument for some sort of union for idols, there are plenty of examples of management companies abusing idols. Idols should have easy access to a organization that could work on their behalf, not just in situations like Maho's but also when management companies threaten large fines or require idols to pay for things like their costumes or transportation to events. Idol is made up of young performers and older management types and this is a recipe for abuse without some organization acting on behalf of the interests of the young and often naive performers.
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  6. souchan48

    souchan48 Future Girls

    Feb 8, 2013
    Oshimen: Amami Yuki
    he used to have high number of views thou. but he's gotten creepy so yeah
  7. DX|Takamina

    DX|Takamina Kenkyuusei

    Aug 13, 2013

    if the video does not show watch the video here
    Our thoughts about everything and more nuanced hopefully
    Derek his thoughts are interesting since he works with Necronomidol
  8. ET920

    ET920 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Ah, hyperbole, what we would do without it...

    Seems things are dying out slowly, though, press coverage slowed to a trickle (which seems obvious, without the sources themselves talking speculation is all you have left, and serious media can't just build articles with only it.
  9. wlerin

    wlerin Next Girls

    Mar 23, 2012
    Taniguchi Megu
    I'm not sure why people were expecting a quick resolution to this. It's going to take months, and in the meantime the members and the group need to continue with their lives. If "dying out" is what it takes to kill off the misguided speculation so they can focus on the actual issues, then so be it.
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  10. nobodywil

    nobodywil Upcoming Girls

    Aug 20, 2009
    From the Islands to The Bay
    ^Of course... so, while everybody waits. NGT and AKS would like you to buy some goodies to support their legal expenses, I mean your idols. :^^;:
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  11. welp

    welp Next Girls

    Jun 18, 2017
    Whatever you believe, seemingly, the case is quieting down outside 48 fan circles. (Less and less new domestic news reports/articles on the topic.) Within a month, the management "keep silent" policy will be effective. Entertainment industry will always be shady.Even if a 48 member commit suicide, the controversy will eventually quiet down as the agency keep silent.

    So you prefer her being fake? Likely, to Ogino, Team NIII was her friends and Maho was a colleague. Ones she sympathized would be her NIII friends and not the one causing damage to her friends.

    The more you argued, the more it showed you lacked basic knowledge about law, civil law system especially. As I have repeated, Japanese court only rule the tangible/calculate-able damages and not emotional damages. The damage may be compensated but not awarded.

    It all depends on the lawyer, if he can convince the judge that her hiatus is inevitable damage from the incident, the indemnity is possible.

    There is no general rule that criminal law is exclusive to penal code but it's general concept that laws with criminal penalties are criminal laws. Traffic law is criminal law in my country so as many countries around the world. Thus, the procedure of traffic cases goes accordingly to criminal procedure law. You may look into the description of criminal law in any criminal law textbook. Some laws may have duality (or even triformity) characters such as copyright law. The part constituting the economic right called copyright and how to exercise it is civil part and the part telling what is deemed violating such right and what is the punishment for such action is criminal part.
    (This is an explanation in common law system as in civil law system administrative penalties exist. It's very difficult to find an English description on criminal law in civil law system as countries using such system are not English speaking.)

    First you must calculate what kind of action is "assault" and to deliberately do such action is assault. To coerce by mean of assault is convulsion. Thus, to commit convulsion in itself is to also commit assault i.e., convulsion is assault with special intention, to coerce. (1 actions may fall into multiple offenses but can only be convicted for the offense of heaviest punishment.) The special intention (to coerce) may be hard to prove to the judge. Theft needs mens rea that is to take into possession, nothing hinted the guys wanted to possess her phone.

    Indeed, the teacher hitting her pupil, if it's hurt, is punishable as assault and the pupil may report her to the police. But, this may later cause him troubles at school and the officer may not take the case due to culture. (Assault is petty crime anyway.) To slap someone to wake up or to kill insect may be deemed "protection" thus is exempted from penalty. (It is the defender's burden to prove protection excuse.)

    I own a pretty big textbook on criminal law and that should be more than cursory reading.

    Yet, rivalry will better incubate animosity and things can go ugly. BNK48's wotas discussed, while they couldn't imagine a BNK member attempt to cause physical harm to another member, it might be possible that some member might viciously leak other members' not-so-innocent past.

    Obviously, Japanese culture discourages formation of labor union and I wonder if Japanese labor law supports such action.

    Your example of abuse is a custom in Korea. No K-pop idol will see this as abuse. And, I don't think J-pop is free from what seen as abuse in Korea (but may be in different degrees). Idol is meant to be highly manipulated thus, idol industry and abuse may be inseparate.
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  12. TWMASTER200

    TWMASTER200 Kenkyuusei

    Feb 9, 2018
    This is exactly the point I was trying to make. There are plenty of things that could be better about the idol industry and that is exactly what should be the focus in these situations. My main argument is the people yelling "reee it's all bad terminate the industry" aren't very helpful to the actual problems and honestly don't know what they are talking about.
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  13. wlerin

    wlerin Next Girls

    Mar 23, 2012
    Taniguchi Megu
    Those "people" have been against it from the beginning and are only trying to suborn this to further their own agenda.
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  14. Dill

    Dill Next Girls

    Aug 18, 2017
    No, I would have liked her to have some amount of human emphaty. But I already wrote that.

    Anyway, speaking about silent policy, a tweet about Niigata Nippo Newspaper

    Frankly, I never thought NGT could be brought down by newspapers, both in Japan and all around the world.
    Fans are the only ones that can push towards a direction or another, with their support and their money and their voices, and if they just accept bad situations to happen, well, things will not get better, like ever.
    So, really, it's up to all of us, in a way or another.
    It's not about being a mob or having an "agenda" (whatever that means lol), it's about chosing between what it's right and what is not.

    Your choice.
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  15. nobodywil

    nobodywil Upcoming Girls

    Aug 20, 2009
    From the Islands to The Bay
    In 2019... When #JusticeforMahohon started to become a “thing”, the Twitter mobs and MSM with an “agenda” came “from outta nowhere!” :^^;:
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  16. STS

    STS Future Girls

    Jun 27, 2014
    Do you noticed that girlschannel-chan try to keep NGT's topics on TOP?
  17. Memeawaki Sakura

    Memeawaki Sakura Kenkyuusei

    Jun 30, 2017
    They (Adelstein) are people that are trying to change Japan fundamentally to align with modern western social justice values. They'll rub their hands all over anything they can use to virtue signal, and idol scandals are always absolute jackpots due to the "young female worker vs corporate old men" scenario. As someone earlier in this thread said, it's like a form of imperialism.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
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  18. GATX105

    GATX105 Member

    Jul 4, 2011
    So you still don't get it? Why I'm confident that you've (at best) been misapplying these random things you've just read and quoted from many sources other than your so-called textbook? How obtuse are you?
    And, if you really have a textbook which you've read, it should have told you what the elements of assault are (at least for where that textbook applies). Oh and I'm interested to know what this country of yours is where you can get imprisoned for an illegal turn or a meter violation. Maybe folks shouldn't drive there lol. And I'm surprised there are people (like you?) that read criminal law textbooks for fun. That is if you really have and read a crim law textbook.

    Do you think it's as complex as that? I think initially, (many?) people just wanted maho's statements that a member was involved (from info she got from the attackers) and that one member came out of a member's apartment, addressed (investigated, proven/disproven, and acted on if true). And that management's story has conflicts/inconsistencies with maho's recap of the incident.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
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  19. Ashitaba

    Ashitaba Upcoming Girls

    May 2, 2014
    Idol Hell
    Minegishi Minami
    Maybe we see the solution so easy because we're watching everything unfold from a safe distance but when you're the one who messes up big time you kind of don't want to admit it. They tried shifting blame and it didn't work, and they'd be willing to do anything but admitting they're wrong. I agree they're probably waiting for it all to die down because it's easier than doing the right thing.
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  20. Meiji Ishin

    Meiji Ishin Kenkyuusei

    Aug 18, 2016
    I was referencing the idea of shutting down Idol altogether and talking big picture not just the Maho situation and arguing for some sort outside party that could advocate on behalf of the idols and provide them with information regarding contract law, labour rights etc. I would point to the idol who recently committed suicide because she felt trapped with management threatening her with large fines if she quit as an example. If she had access to someone who could at least explain the legality or lack thereof of the contract she signed especially considering she was a minor (which many idols are) maybe she sees another way out than suicide.
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