JNR48 Members
JNR48 has had a total of 9 original members during their first generation. As of June 2020, JNR48 has 9 members.
JNR48 Members
- Bolded names indicate members, which are still active in JNR48 or one of the sister groups.
- Italicized names indicate members with pending graduations
- The members' pictures are of members who are still active and are listed in accordance to the alphabetical order of members in each generation.
1st Generation
- Announced June 6, 2020.
Members (9): Chen YiNing, Chen ZiYi, Deng HanYing, Guo QingYu, Sheng Chang, Wang YaTing, Wang YouRan, Xu ZhiFan, Zhang GuYi
- Still part of JNR48 (9): Chen YiNing, Chen ZiYi, Deng HanYing, Guo QingYu, Sheng Chang, Wang YaTing, Wang YouRan, Xu ZhiFan, Zhang GuYi