AKB48 Team TP Trainee
AKB48 Team TP Units |
TIC TAC TOE ・ Peek A Boo |
AKB48 Team TP's Trainee (Research Students, Kenkyuusei) was the term used before they are renamed as Units Trainees. They currently have 8 trainees.
- Chen Yi-ling (娜娜 Nànà) - 4th Generation
- Chen Ying-zhen (臻臻 Zhēnzhēn) - 4th Generation
- Chen Zhao-ni (棗泥 Zǎoní, Nini) - 4th Generation
- Fan Chiang Yu-en (柚子 Yòuzi) - 4th Generation
- Hsu Pei-wan (婠婠 Wānwān, Yusi) - 4th Generation
- Meng Ting-yun (墨魚 Mòyú, Myu) - 4th Generation
- Wong Mann-ling (Melody, あや Aya) - 4th Generation
- Yi Pin (伊品 Yīpǐn) - 4th Generation
List of members who have transferred
- Chia I-chen (りか Rika) - 1st Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Lin Chieh-hsin (潔心 Chiehhsin) - 1st Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Tung Zih-syuan (安妮瑄 Annie) - 1st Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Li Cai-jie (采潔 Caijie) - 1st Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Miyata Ruka (Ruka, 嚕卡 LǔKǎ, 佳佳 JiāJiā) - 2nd Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Wu Wan-ling (淩淩 LíngLíng) - 2nd Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Lin Jia-ni (霓霓 Níní) - 2nd Generation (Daisy Trainee) (2020)
- Tsai Yi-jou (肉肉 Rourou) - 1st Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Gao Yun-jue (伊娃 Eva) - 1st Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Wang Yi-chia (嘉義王 Chiayiwang) - 1st Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Cheng Yu-wei (熊妹 Xiongmei) - 1st Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Lo Jui-ting (瑞婷 Juiting) - 1st Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Chang Fa-fa (阿法 Alpha) - 1st Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Weng Tung-hsun (嗡嗡 WēngWēng, Beezy) - 2nd Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Chou Chia-an (安安 Ānān) - 2nd Generation (Bellflower Trainee) (2020)
- Lin Yi-yun (エキ Eki) - 1st Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Oyama Mirei (みれい Mirei) - 1st Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Cheng Chia-yu (布丁 Pudding) - 1st Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Kao Yen-chen (晨晨 Chenchen) - 1st Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Wu Chi-hui (小卉 XiaoHui) - 2nd Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Yuan Tzu-chu (筑筑 ZhùZhù, Julie) - 2nd Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Lin Ting-li (阿莉 Ālì) - 2nd Generation (Sakura Trainee) (2020)
- Huang Yi-lin - 3rd Generation (Unit T Trainee) (2023)
- Chang Shao-tong - 3rd Generation (Unit T Trainee) (2023)
- Huang Yu-yan - 3rd Generation (Unit P Trainee) (2023)
- Su Heng-yu - 3rd Generation (Unit P Trainee) (2023)
List of members who have debuted
- Lau Hiu-ching (小晴 Koharu) - 1st Generation (Team TP)
- Lin Yu-hsin (れいち Reichi) - 1st Generation (Team TP)
- Li Jia-li (栗子 Lizi) - 1st Generation (Team TP)
- Tsai Ya-en (蕎奈麵 Qiáo nài miàn) - 1st Generation (Team TP)