Shibuya Hikaru

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Revision as of 20:31, 12 May 2015 by Shirocha (talk | contribs) (was not drafted)
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Shibuya Hikaru (2015)

Shibuya Hikaru was a Draft Member.


Name: Shibuya Hikaru (渋谷ひかる)
Age: 27 Years Old
Birthdate: January 4, 1998
Birthplace: Kanagawa, Japan
Height: 158cm
Bloodtype: O


  • Debuted on March 1st, at the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015
  • Pros: Bright, energetic
  • Cons: Acting without thinking
  • Hobbies: Playing games (Although she's bad at it)
  • Special Talent: Playing musical instruments
  • Dogs or Cats?: Dogs
  • Admires Iwata Karen and Watanabe Miyuki
  • Was not selected at the 2015 Draft Kaigi
