Kawaguchi Mami

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Kawaguchi Mami (2015)

Kawaguchi Mami is a Draft Member.


Name: Kawaguchi Mami (川口真実)
Age: 29 Years Old
Birthdate: August 27, 1995
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 159cm
Bloodtype: A


  • Left the group on Baito AKB's final performance on February 28, 2015 to return on March 1, 2015 at the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015
    • Her former nickname was Mami (マミ)
  • Pros: Bright, has hospitality
  • Cons: Has lots of baggage, can't read the atmosphere occasionally
  • Hobbies: Musical appreciation
  • Special Talent: Awa Folk Dance, tap dance, Shamisen
  • Dogs or Cats?: Dogs
  • Admires Takahashi Minami

Team History

Baito AKB2015 Member Draft Pool
Joined AKB48 as a Baito AKB member in October 2014
Graduated from Baito AKB on February 28, 2015
Shifted to being a AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015 Finalist on March 1, 2015



Mami kawaguchi.jpg
Kawaguchi Mami on Baito AKB (2014)