Members you hated, but now love (or vice versa)

Discussion in 'General AKB48 Discussion' started by karles48, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. noTKMNnoLIFE

    noTKMNnoLIFE Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2015
    Akane Machuri
    I forgot I posted here until I saw that old quote (I'm pretty bad at forgetting most of what I post soon after :^^;:), but I took some time learning more about Paruru since then and here's my thoughts now: hmmm... neutral? It's still a tough call. I guess she's just not my type and I'll never like her, even though I can't hate her either. It's more like I feel a little sorry for her.

    If she was around 16, I'd like her. A lot of her behaviour would be cute and quirky then, but at 21 it's more concerning for an adult: very shy/awkward social skills, social media meltdowns, and other bizarre behaviour/comments that make her seem very out of touch for her age.
  2. Mimi

    Mimi Kenkyuusei

    Jan 26, 2014
    Well everyone is built differently and Haruppi naturally has a cute chubby face so like with several girls in the group, assholes start calling them fat for no reason and drive physically fit and healthy girls into thinking they're ugly and that they need to fast for three days straight. I remember people making those remarks about her here when Sayonara Surfboard came out.

    I didn't actually know about this dieting thing, I only remember how some were shocked when she told a draftee during the draft kaigi that she needs to lose some weight. I thought it was strange, but since such remarks seem to be a lot more acceptable in Japanese culture, I thought maybe it was just me. But hearing that she might be obsessing over her weight and the three days fasting thing (if it's true), it now seems worrisome, especially since I got the impression that dieting is encouraged in Japanese culture and that it's the stereotypical thing that all girls obsess over, so maybe there's no one to tell her she looks fine and to encourage her to eat healthily.

    But who knows, I'm making a lot of assumptions here.

    I often think that if Paruru lived in the West, they would definitely label her autistic or something. But let's not pretend that all the other girls look and behave their age either.:^^;: I sometimes think these idols are just putting on an act, but then I see how they behave off screen, the things they cry about, etc... I realised this when watching a Q&A session with Ladybaby and one of the girls who's 20 or something literally didn't answer to any question. She just looked around like a shy child or simply gave a short one word Parurulike remark like a little kid would do, and then when I compare that to some of the 13 year olds here back in high school...:^^;:
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  3. noTKMNnoLIFE

    noTKMNnoLIFE Kenkyuusei

    Jun 5, 2015
    Akane Machuri
    Yeah there's an obvious cultural difference, but Paruru's behaviour is still considered odd, even by Japanese standards. Her 'salty' label is an acknowledgement of that.
  4. souchan48

    souchan48 Future Girls

    Feb 8, 2013
    Oshimen: Amami Yuki
    Whats wrong with being shy and introverted? Not all are extroverted like you guys.
  5. JadeFlower

    JadeFlower Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    My first post in this treat :D
    Dislike → Neutral/Love
    And the member is: Sashihara Rino
    Mayuyu, Yuko and Myao are some of my Oshimen and yeah I would say it's because of that. First Myao was 5th Gen Ace and participate in Singles etc. But then this point came when Sasshi's blog became popular and I've got the feeling only because of this she got into Senbatsu and of course SS. This made me really angry cause Members like Sato Amina who had a good rank never got into Senbatsu. Then Myao was put out of Senbatsu. After her Scandal she went to HKT. She is popular so let's transfer her to another group. HKT was something a bit like a corner for a popular member who did something bad and there she had the chance to be numer 1 etc. That was my thought and I know thats wrong but yeah.
    I've ever seen her as a rival of Yuko and Mayuyu especially after I've know SS 2013 Results.
    So I started hating her because of Myao, Senbatsu, SS and KFT (Sorry I don't like it). But every time I said to myself you cannot hate her you didn't know her and often it's management decision. And then I watched AKB's spring concert and after that I started liking her :) How she was happy for Nako and crying with Riechan made me really happy that Sasshi have also a positiv (in this Moment for me) side. She is a funny person, beautiful who cares about HKT :) But I guess I will always have the conflict because of Myao xD

    I like Jurina but there are some facts which I think are a little bit annoying.
    Shuffles!!!! She knows that she is the center of SKE so the management would never transfer her to another group so why always this "so let's say that I'm in SKE otherwise I will not go" thing?! I cannot unterstand. Also the fact. She will never be Center of SSK and this year she cryied so hard just like she thought she would be Top3 but there is Sasshi, Mayuyu and Yukirin. (This year Takamina cause of her graduation).

    Neutral→It would come the point if I start don't liking her
    Sakuratan. Sorry but her SS Speech made me angry. Of course I'm happy for her that she is in Senbatsu but this sentence: (I'm using a translation sorry if it's wrong) With that ticket (11th SS) "I was able to ride the Senbatsu train."
    Girl, you are in HKT Senbatsu since theologisch beginning also you were chosen for UZA, Sayonara Crawl and every single after KnP. Managemnt won't put you out of Senbatsu!! It sounds like it's over... I won't talk about I want rebuilt AKB... Also I don't like her MG role it's to many Acchan. And in this prank (Takamina have a boyfriend) she was worries about KR sales because of Takamina's "Graduation" and that they would drop!! I mean why is this fucking single so important when an (important) member announce her graduation! (Even it was fake)
    Sorry to all Jurina and Sakura Oshis but this is my opinion

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  6. Mimi

    Mimi Kenkyuusei

    Jan 26, 2014
    LoL... I wish.:rofl:
  7. Kappa

    Kappa Kenkyuusei

    May 28, 2014
    There's also the fact that idols are suppose to be all happy and smiles. I think she could get away with being salty in Japan if she was a normal civilian. I've met way for awkward Japanese people than her.
  8. kk127

    kk127 Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    somewhere far away
    about Jurina
    Mgm transferred SKE's number 3 to AKB in a minute (Yuria), they kicked Yukirin around the country like a ball (NMB, NGT), they switched Team B's iconic member to A like she was never in B (Mayu), hell, they can do whatever they want, J isn't safe from anthing
    how do you know she won't win SSK, no one through Mayu would win in 2014, and no one thought Sasshi woud win, ever, and she won, TWICE. and you're saying Jurina shouldn't cry?? You do realize Mayu was the same in 2010 and literally every single 48G girl cry in SSK, right? and how do you even know what Jurina thought about??

    about Sakura,
    uh, her AKB senbatsu spot wasn't secure at all until she ranked in in 2014, before she was occasionally in and out and was only in HKT senbatsu (which is like 1000 times less privileged than AKB). I don't get what she said is wrong. She did get the huge push and her secure senbatsu spot because she ranked in 11 in 2014. Every single after KNP is also after she ranked in Senbatsu in 2014, and everything started with her fans effort in 2014. So it is true that because of that 11th spot, mgm gave her the ticket to be on the all star secure AKB senbatsu train.
    about KR, she was worried because it was her first center single in AKB??, she was under tons of pressure, imagine all the outbreak if Takamina's (fake) scandal got out, Sakura being center would mean she would have to be in the forefront of the single, and answering all the quesitons during interviews, music shows, blah blah blah, and she was 16, imagine being 16 and dealing with all the hate, the sales drop, everyone blaming you as the reason cuz you're center and the 1st time center at that. Sorry but all your reasons for hating Sakura is kind of weird.

    i'm not telling you to change your opinion or anything, i was just addressing some parts i found weird, that's all :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. JadeFlower

    JadeFlower Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    Okey, maybe I should correct me. Or some things I've say.
    First I know that the reasons I dislike Sakura are stupid. But I think that people shows their negative side especially during election. And I don't like her speech at all. So that was the point when I start disliking her. Maybe it's unfair and I should got over that and I'll try it. Also I will not hate her. I guess she will never be one of my favourites.
    To Jurina. I love her. But the thing with Shuffle and that she was so disappointed during election I couldn't understand that. Jurina is SKE Center and for many songs. They won't transfer her to another group. Maybe Kennin position (I guess managemnt want her in AKB :D) but not transfer. Just same with Sayanee. She will never be transfer to another group. Maybe if they decided it by theirself but not from management.

    To the thing with election. She will might win after Mayuyu and Sasshi graduate. Also it was obviously that Sasshi will win this year and last year Mayuyu

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  10. kk127

    kk127 Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    somewhere far away
    about 5% of the people thought Mayu would win last year

    Sasshi was seen as too strong and Mayu had like 5% chance, but she pulled the impossible, anything can happen in the 48G
  11. souchan48

    souchan48 Future Girls

    Feb 8, 2013
    Oshimen: Amami Yuki
    Jurina has equal chance winning ssk as me winning olympic medals. Unless the top 3 graduated.
  12. SayaneeOshi

    SayaneeOshi Kenkyuusei

    Jun 3, 2015
    Yes, I agree with you somewhat. It's true that I never felt the strong dislike/hatred as you for Mayuyu. I always felt neutral towards her and had moments where I could feel either admiration for her hard work or annoyance for being so overambitious, especially when SSK was concerned. I guess my problem was not with Mayuyu herself (who has every right to aim for #1) but how everyone around her painted Mayuyu as "the saviour and true center of AKB48" when in my humble opinion there isn't really anyone who is the ideal center, not Mayuyu, not Jurina, not Sashihara, etc. Fans are drawn to diferent kinds of girls. The so-called 2nd chapter, I doubt anyone will really say it started with Mayuyu's elected single Kokoro no Placard. I don't even know when 2nd chapter formally started, it was really after Maeda Atsuko left?
    Back to Mayuyu, she really has some admirable traits, never had a scandal (though the scandals don't bother me at all), always been a goody-two shoes, and has one of the most beautiful faces in the group. Due to my personal tastes, she's not really top of my oshi list, highly doubt she will ever be. As for SSK, I admit I'd rather not have Mayuyu win again because I wish Yukirin would do it just once (or Sayanee lol but that's my bias talking). I'd even prefer Sasshi win over Mayuyu because of the massive historical mark she'd make (win in a row/most overall wins).
    I think you now regard Mayuyu even higher than I do, and that's an interesting case in a good way. ;)
  13. Smartiesdoodle

    Smartiesdoodle Kenkyuusei

    Sep 15, 2015
    Sashihara rino

    You see, I'm myself is a girl..and for me, it took something more than a look to state that I love another girl (this sounds weird lol)
    At first she's just a backsinger, I always have my eyes on yuko and a lil bit on akicha. I saw her for like 4 sec in every MV. But suddenly, she won ssk over yuko and I was like whaaa?

    And it all changes after I saw KFC MV, shes not that stunningly pretty..but in this video she's perfectly fitted as a center. So I start researching her..
    Boy I was wrong on her, I read about her scandal before ssk and how she managed to grow with HKT. Maybe some of you guys think this is a reward, but as a girl..I know it's a nightmare at first. Scandal, transfer, losing fans, friends, read your own scandal everywhere..everytime people making a jokes about her scandal she can handle it perfectly, some people says "it's not fair, other girl has to suffer first and she got lucky" well I think it's the other way around, if I am an idol and I have a scandal..the first thing I'm gonna do is pack my bag and leave because I know I can't handle the pressure. So if one can handle, nothing but respect for her.

    Some of people get annoyed with her words in twitter or mobame, but least she's honest and straight. Never hides her feeling, never had any two faced moment.
    A guy in my country must be like her as a gf since the don't have to be mind reader and guess what she thinks..she'll say it directly LOL.

    Like -----> meh
    Shimazaki haruka

    In eien pressure she's really pretty, but idk..I just don't like her smirk. Like a sad sad but a lil bit desperate smirk, I just don't understand it.

    Jurina, I always think she is reaaaaaaaaally beautifuul srysly. But recently..idk, her shine is a lil bit gloomy now. Maybe because she's being kennin too long. I really want to see her fill a big hole on ske after rena leaves.

    Lovehate relationship:
    Watanabe mayu

    I'm sorry but she's like everywhere, so basically it's not that I hate her..but I've seen her too much...somebody help me
  14. C o c o a l i e n

    C o c o a l i e n Kenkyuusei

    Jan 21, 2016
    Before, I Dislike Watanabe Mayu ... i don't know ... well , it feels like her face piss me off in a way or she's hiding something behind her cutesy image ... plus , her role in Majisuka Gakuen really pissed me off LOL .. But when I heard her sing and performances this 2015-16 ... something pinched my heart and started to like her :)
  15. Matsui Hikari

    Matsui Hikari Future Girls Stage48 Donor

    Sep 28, 2015
    OMG....I used to hate Paruru but near mid 2015, I started falling in love with her <3 Her cuteness is like god~ As of now, I have a list of members who I hate and will probably never come to like: Sashihara Rino (bruh..I expect to get attacked), Kojima Mako, Mukaichi Mion (next ace...blah...blah..blah), and just the tiniest bit of Miyawaki Sakura (main cause: center for Kimi wa Melody)
  16. MayuMK30048

    MayuMK30048 Kenkyuusei

    Mar 9, 2013
    Sakura was always in the radar of management. on her senbatsu position being in and out before 2014. I think it's because there are still no available spots at that time. 2013, Tomochin and Mariko are still there. and on 2014 after MaeShika and Yuko graduated. Sakura had been a regular senbatsu. besides, it's like only one year (2013) when her senbatsu position is not lock.

    I agree. I think most new Paruru fans. had always been neutral or dislike at her first. but then, started liking/loving her instantly. once they see the positive side of her. even S48 forum members had warmed up to her (even though around 2012. the hate for her was reaching a meltdown) I think Paruru is just misunderstood. she had always been an orthodox idol prior to 2012. when management promote her salty chara. then, almost everyone started to join the hate bandwagon. because her salty chara wasn't fit for an idol. or very contrast to a traditional idol (like Mayuyu) but now her salty chara is already well-known. I think Paruru is the only idol. who can get away with the salty chara.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
  17. Kudostar

    Kudostar Kenkyuusei

    Jan 30, 2016
    What's wrong with sashihara rino?
  18. JadeFlower

    JadeFlower Member

    Jun 30, 2015
    Everyone has their own opinion to don't like someone. Maybe it's the way of presenting?

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  19. Kudostar

    Kudostar Kenkyuusei

    Jan 30, 2016
    I know, but hate until expected her to get attacked is something too far for me in my personal opinion. I have the girl I like, I have the girl that I find it not too appealing. But that kind of hatred..she/he must have been hurt by sasshi personally.That's why I ask what is the reason.
  20. Smartiesdoodle

    Smartiesdoodle Kenkyuusei

    Sep 15, 2015
    I guess you've read it the wrong way..he/she expected to get attacked by sasshi's fan for hating her :)

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