Hosoi Takahiro

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Hosoi Takahiro (細井孝宏)
Hosoi Takahiro
Birth Info
Birthdate June 7, 1971
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Japan
Current Age 53 Years Old
Professional Info
Social Networks Twitter
Staff Career Info
Group AKB48
Task Theater Manager

Hosoi Takahiro is the AKB48 Theater Manager.


  • Was AKS Director Operations Headquarters, he is in charge of the AKB48 Group overall management (until 2014).
  • Prior to joining AKS, he was in charge of design (CAD) and sales positions at the beginning of his career. After that, he experienced planning jobs of software production company, producer of products, promotion-related, management planning
  • Hobbies: fishing, road bikes, motor sports, cars, bikes, wrestling, fighting sports, military, cuisine
  • Favorite food is Rice' is the axis, I like side dishes such as rice, it is awesome natto rice, I like noodles such as udon, soba and pasta, so most of the week It is becoming a carbohydrate festival
  • Favorite sweets are Happy Turns. Pastry is Mont Blanc Cake