Difference between revisions of "User:MeoJim"

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**[[Team NIII]] = tbc
**[[Team NIII]] = e60012

Revision as of 10:59, 14 April 2017

Found AKB48 back in April 2015, after marathoning AKB variety shows. Started to contribute in October 2015 after compiling a breakdown of how each team has fared in each Sousenkyo (afternoon well spent!). I'm still a novice at wikiEditing, so I'll mostly let other people edit the wiki, unless I am absolutely sure that I know what I'm contributing is correct. It's likely many of my contributions will be minor, as I'll leave the bigger announcements and information to other people ^_^

Currently my main area of focus is keeping AKB48 SHOW! up to date, but I'll work on other shows if I have the time.

Pages I watch

Things to do for Graduation

  • Note it on their profile page
  • Note it on their team page
  • note it on their group Members page
  • write their name in Graduation
  • If there are any more info, use the mark out feature to make a note of last handshake/last theater performance, until time arises
  • Graduated from (Group) (Team) on (Final theater Performance) (Announcement: when she announced her graduation | Last activity: when she finishes duties in her group)

Team Colours

-All are hexidecimal colours

  • Kenkyuusei
    • All Kenkyuusei = 8f8f8f