Yamauchi Tsubasa

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Yamauchi Tsubasa
Yamauchi Tsubasa (2014)
Kanji 山内つばさ
Kana やまうち つばさ
Romaji Yamauchi Tsubasa
Nickname Chuba (ちゅば)
Birth Info
Birthdate June 6, 2000  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Osaka, Japan
Blood type A
Current Age 24 Years Old
Height 158.2cm
Professional Info
Agency **
Social Networks Ameblo / Big Up! / TikTok / Twitter
Idol Career Info
Former Group NMB48
Former Team Team N
Debuted February 2012 / 3rd Generation
Graduated March 2015

Yamauchi Tsubasa was a member of NMB48's Team N. She now pursuing a solo career under the name tsubasa.


Naniwa kara chubatto tsubasa wo hirogete doko made mo~ (RETTSU FURAI). Chubasa koukuu e youkoso. NMB48 sainenshou, Osaka-ken shusshin, shougaku 6-nensei, 24-sai no Chuba koto Yamauchi Tsubasa desu
(I'll spread my wings from Naniwa and to the distance~ (Let's fly). Welcome to the Chubasa aircraft. The youngest member of NMB48, from Osaka prefecture, in 6th year of primary school, I'm 24-year old Chuba or Yamauchi Tsubasa)


  • Favorite foods: Cod roe spaghetti
  • Skills and hobby: Singing
  • Future dream: Singer
  • Good friends with: Yabushita Shu
  • She is a former member of Marathon Club.
  • She was known as one of the best singers of NMB48's 3rd Generation.
    • Her high score in karaoke was 98/100, which is very difficult to achieve.
    • Her singing ability dragged attention from fans on Natsu Matsuri, where she performed several times.

AKB48 Senbatsu Elections

Team History

NMB48 KenkyuuseiTeam BIITeam N → Graduation
Joined NMB48 as a Kenkyuusei on February, 2012
Promoted to Team BII on October 10, 2012 (Team BII Formation)
Transferred to Team N on February 24, 2014 (AKB48 Group Daisokaku Matsuri)
Graduated from NMB48 on March 15, 2015 (Announcement: December 19, 2014 | Last activity: March 15, 2015)

Singles Participation

NMB48 B-Sides

AKB48 B-Sides

Albums Participation

NMB48 B-Sides

AKB48 Albums


Stage Units

RS3 (Aitakatta)
Namida no Shounan
Koi no PLAN
Rio no Kakumei
BII1 (Aitakatta)
Namida no Shounan
Koi no PLAN
Rio no Kakumei
BII2 (Tadaima Renaichuu)
7ji 12fun no Hatsukoi
N3 (Koko ni Datte Tenshi wa Iru)
Nando mo Nerae! (Under)

Concert Units

NMB48 National Tour

NHK Hall (Tokyo)
NTK Hall (Nagoya)


Yamauchi Tsubasa (2013)
Yamauchi tsubasa.jpg
Yamauchi Tsubasa (Late 2012)
Yamauchi Tsubasa (Early 2012)