Learn Japanese!

Discussion in 'The STAGE48 Lobby' started by Shin, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. Rizza Aulia Rahman

    Rizza Aulia Rahman Kenkyuusei Stage48 Donor

    May 11, 2015
    Kubo Shiori
    WHY NOT!!!!!???? :corr:

    I'm still learning Japanese (currently on Tenses and Phrases learning after Katakana n Hiragana) so I need something like this
  2. tyt0nidae

    tyt0nidae Kenkyuusei

    Nov 25, 2012
    That's a really good idea! I'm learning japanese but I discouraged quickly, ahhh I need some motivation ;_;
  3. foodlfg

    foodlfg Upcoming Girls

    Aug 2, 2011
    for grammar:
    looks quite comprehensive.

    初級 I

    第1課: Pronunciation
    第2課: Kana I: ひらがなHiragana
    第3課: Kana II: カタカナKatakana
    第4課: Kana III: Basic Kana Orthography
    第5課: 漢字
    第6課: 10 Major Aspects
    第7課: Nouns & Pronouns
    第8課: だ & です
    第9課: The Particles が & は
    第??課: Negative & Past
    第10課: Adjectives I: 形容詞
    第11課: Adjectives II: 形容動詞
    第12課: The Particle を I
    第13課: Regular Verbs I: 一段 Verbs
    第14課: Regular Verbs II: 五段 Verbs
    第15課: The Particle か
    第16課: The Particle も
    第17課: The Irregular Verbs する & 来る
    第18課: こそあど I: Basic Expressions
    第19課: Basic Daily Expressions
    第20課: The Particle て I
    第21課: Numbers I: Sino-Japanese Numbers
    第22課: Numbers II: Counters and Native Numbers
    第23課: The Particle の I
    第24課: The Particle に I
    第25課: The Particle へ
    第26課: The Particle で I
    第27課: The Particle て II: Final Particle
    第28課: ある & いる
    第29課: ~ている
    第30課: ~てある
    第31課: Nationalities, Languages, Fields of Study, & the Planets
    第32課: The Particle と I
    第33課: The Particle に II
    第34課: Interrogatives I
    第35課: The Copula II
    第36課: The Particle から
    第37課: The Particle まで
    第38課: Adverbs I
    第39課: Adverbs II: From Adjectives
    第40課: Adverbs III: Syntax Agreement
    第41課: 擬声語 I: 擬音語 I
    第42課: から, ので, & のだ
    第43課: のに
    第44課: The Date & Telling Time
    第45課: Basic Absolute Time Phrases
    第46課: Before
    第47課: After I
    第48課: When: 時
    第49課: Relative Time
    第50課: Transitivity I: Different Transitive & Intransitive Forms

    初級 II

    第51課: The Particle と II: Citation
    第52課: The Particle でも
    第53課: The Particle や
    第??課: The Particle し
    第54課: こそあど II: More こそあど
    第55課: Plants & Animals
    第56課: 擬声語 II: 擬音語 II: Animal Sounds
    第57課: 擬声語 III: 擬態語 & 擬情語
    第58課: While I: 間
    第59課: While II: うち
    第60課: Time Phrases + に
    第61課: Giving Verbs
    第62課: Permission: ~ていい
    第63課: The Particles が & けれど
    第??課: Contrasting は
    第64課: Family
    第65課: Start to: ~始める, ~出す, & ~かける
    第66課: End: ~終わる・終える, ~やむ, & ~上がる・上げる
    第67課: Whenever: 毎~, ~毎に, & ~おきに
    第68課: ~中: During/Throughout
    第69課: The Body
    第70課: Or
    第71課: Food
    第72課: Potential I
    第73課: Potential II: できる
    第74課: Colors
    第75課: 知る VS 分かる
    第76課: Noun → Verb with する
    第??課: 連用形 → Noun
    第77課: Pronouns II
    第78課: The Particle だけ
    第79課: The Particles しか & ほか
    第80課: The Particle たり
    第81課: The Non-Question "How": ~かた
    第??課: Interrogatives II: The Question "How"
    第82課: Interrogatives III: With Particles
    第83課: The Particle の II
    第84課: The Particle で II
    第85課: Numbers III: The Two Kinds of Numbers
    第86課: Numbers IV: Looking Closely at 四, 七, & 九
    第87課: Might: かもしれない
    第88課: て With Giving Verbs: ~てあげる, ~てくれる, & ~てもらう
    第89課: 語尾 I: よ & ね
    第90課: ~ていく & ~てくる
    第91課: Best That: ~方 Patterns & ~に越したことはない
    第92課: Good At & Bad At
    第93課: Like & Love
    第94課: Hate
    第95課: 語尾 II: わ, な, と, の, さ, ぞ, ぜ, & え
    第96課: 語尾 III: かな, かしら, じゃん, い, け, が, こと, たら, & や
    第97課: ~てしまう
    第98課: Want and Feeling I: ~たい & ほしい
    第??課: Want and Feeling II: ~がる
    第99課: Conditionals: The Particles と, なら(ば), たら, & ば
    第100課: Conditional Phrases

    中級 I

    第101課: Must Not
    第102課: Must
    第103課: The Particle を II: With Intransitive Verbs
    第104課: Numbers V: Reading Counter Phrases
    第105課: Directions
    第106課: The Particle ながら
    第107課: Pronouns III: Reflexive
    第108課: Try I: ~てみる・みたい・みせる
    第???課: Try II: ~ようにする & ~ようとする
    第109課: Advanced Preparation: ~ておく
    第110課: Pluralization
    第111課: が VS を
    第???課: ~てある II: With を
    第112課: Nominalization
    第113課: Expressions with こと
    第114課: Daily Expressions II
    第115課: Numbers VI: Ordinal Numbers
    第116課: Numbers VII:Counters II
    第117課: Old
    第118課: Conjunctions
    第119課: In Order To: ~ため
    第120課: やはり & さすが
    第121課: ~とおりに & ~ように
    第122課: Easy & Difficult: ~やすい, ~難い, & ~づらい
    第123課: Too/Continue: ~すぎる, ~続ける, & ~急ぐ
    第124課: Fix/Error: ~忘れる, ~直す, ~間違える, & ~誤る
    第125課: Used to, Together, Completely: ~慣れる, ~合う・合わせる, & ~切る
    第126課: ヶ & ヵ
    第127課: Transitivity II: 自他同形動詞
    第128課: The Passive I
    第129課: The Passive II: 不可抗力の受身
    第???課: ニ格 VS カラ格
    第130課: The Causative I
    第131課: The Causative-Passive
    第132課: The Causative II: Transitive Verb Corruption
    第133課: Idioms I: 気
    第???課: Pluralization II: ~たち
    第134課: The Particle しも
    第135課: The Particles とか, など, & なんて
    第136課: The Particle より
    第137課: The Superlative
    第138課: Similarity I: ~ようだ, ~みたいだ, & ~っぽい
    第139課: Seem: ~そうだ
    第140課: Hearsay: ~そうだ & ~らしい
    第???課: Citation II: ~という, ということ, & というもの
    第141課: The Volitional I
    第142課: The Volitional II: The Negative Volitional: ~まい
    第143課: The Imperative
    第144課: The Particles ほど & くらい
    第145課: Honorifics I: Titles
    第146課: Honorifics II: Nouns
    第147課: Honorifics III: Adjectives & the Copula
    第148課: Honorifics: IV Light Honorifics: レル・ラレル敬語
    第149課: Honorifics V: Regular Verbs
    第150課: Honorifics VI: Irregular Verbs

    中級 II

    第151課: Adjective Nominalization I: ~さ & ~み
    第152課: Adjective Nominalization II: ~く
    第153課: せっかく & わざわざ
    第154課: せめて
    第155課: Idioms II: Basic Expressions
    第156課: Idioms III: The Body
    第157課: The Particle て III
    第158課: Obligation: つもり, はず, & ~べきだ
    第159課: 連用中止形
    第???課: 形容詞+です
    第160課: ~ずつ & ~わりで
    第161課: The Particle こそ
    第162課: The Particle のみ
    第163課: The Particle も II
    第164課: Miss out: ~残す, ~漏らす, ~損なう, ~そびれる, ~損じる, & ~逃す
    第165課: The Particle に III: Conjunctive に
    第166課: Adjectives III
    第167課: About: ~について, ~に関して, & ~をめぐって
    第168課: No Doubt that: ~に違いない & ~に相違ない
    第169課: Based on: ~に基づいて, ~を踏まえて, ~をもとにして, ~に沿って, ~に即して, & ~に則って
    第170課: After II: ~てからというもの(は) & ~て以来
    第171課: Circumstance: 場合 & ~に備えて
    第172課: Whenever II: ~度, ~都度, & ~につけ
    第173課: The Supplementary Verb する
    第174課: ~に対して
    第175課: Standpoint: ~として & ~にとって
    第176課: Through: ~を通して & ~を通じて
    第177課: Span: ~にかけて & ~にわたって
    第178課: ~によって
    第179課: ~において・における
    第180課: The Bases (活用形)
    第181課: Interjections
    第182課: 思しい & 思わしい
    第183課: More Negative Patterns: ~ないことには, ~なし・なき, ~なしで(は), ~なしに(は), ~なくして(は), ~ことなく, いとわない, & 甲斐もなく
    第184課: The Particle と III: と+…ない
    第185課: 込む
    第186課: As soon as: ~や(いなや), ~なり, ~途端(に), & ~次第
    第187課: Opportunity: きっかけ & 契機
    第188課: Combination Particles with ところ
    第189課: ~ざるを得ない & ~やむを得ない
    第190課: The Seasons
    第191課: Rain
    第192課: Funeral
    第193課: 君が代 & いろは
    第194課: The Particle さえ, すら, & だに
    第195課: 以 Adverbial Nouns
    第196課: Circumstance: まま, 思いきや, & もと
    第197課: Result: ~結果, ~うえで, ~挙句, ~すえに, & ~始末だ
    第198課: Compare & Contrast: ~に比べて, ~に引き換え, ~にもまして, & ~ないまでも
    第199課: As (change): ~につれて, ~に従って, ~に伴って, ~とともに, ~に応じて, & ~に応えて
    第200課: The Particles って, たって, & だって

    上級 I

    第201課: Simultaneous Action II: The Particle つつ (VS ながら)
    第202課: 抜く: ~ぬきで(は), ~ぬきに(は), ~ぬきで, ~ぬきにして(は), & ~ぬきの
    第203課: Reason: ~わけだ, ~せいで, ~由, ~ゆえ, & ~に託けて
    第204課: Defining Parameter: ~を始め(として), ~皮切りに(して), ~に至るまで, ~をもって, & ~といったところだ
    第205課: Four Morae Adverbs
    第206課: 相槌
    第207課: The Date: Traditional Calendar System
    第208課: Numbers VIII: 概数 & Reading the 九九
    第209課: Numbers IX: Decimals, Fractions, 大字, & Large Numbers
    第210課: Numbers X: Measurements
    第???課: The Particle まで II
    第211課: ~ての
    第212課: ~てたまる
    第213課: Combination Particles with もの
    第214課: Combination Particles with ばかり
    第215課: More Endings I: ~果てる ~付ける・く, ~立てる・つ, ~尽くす,& ~こなす
    第216課: More Endings II: ~返る・す, ~捲る, ~殴る, ~腐る, & ~通す
    第217課: The Particle から II: ~からある, ~からの, & ~からする
    第218課: The Volitional III: The Adjectival Volitional & Older Volitional Forms
    第219課: ら抜き言葉
    第220課: 自発動詞
    第221課: Potential III
    第222課: Exception: ~をのぞいて, ~をおいて, & ~ならでは
    第223課: Can’t Help I: ~ないではいられない
    第224課: Can’t Help II: ~てならない, ~てあまない, ~てしかたがない, ~にたえない, & ~にたまらない
    第225課: Can’t Help III: ~ないではすまない, ~ないではおかない, ~を余儀なく[される・させる], & ~を禁じ得ない
    第226課: Limit: ~限り, ~を限りに, ~限りでは, ~に限って, ~に限らない, & ~とは限らない
    第227課: Addition: ~に加えて, ~にとどまらず, ~もさることながら, ~はおろか・もちろん・もとより, & ~ともあれ
    第228課: The Particle どころ
    第229課: と Combination Particles I
    第230課: と Combination Particles II
    第231課: と Combination Particles III
    (Name will change to Citation III: と言えば, と言い, と言って, & と言ったらない)
    第232課: と Combination Particles IV
    第233課: Potential IV: ~かねる・かねない VS ~きれる・きれない VS ~える・うる/~えない
    第234課: Relation and Non-relation: ~いかん、~にもかかわらず、~もかまわず、~をものもせず(に)、~をよそに、~をめげず(に)、~& ならいざしらず
    第235課: Occasion: ~うえで, ~際に, ~折に, ~に際して, ~に当たって, ~に先立って, ~を前に(して), ~を控えて, ~に臨んで, & ~に面して
    第236課: Worth and Extent: ~に足る, ~に依存, ~に値する, & ~に及ぶ
    第237課: Nominal Phrases I: 中心, 上, & 分
    第238課: Nominal Phrases II: 相応, 由, 代り, & 経由
    第239課: Nominal Phrases III: 至極, 極み, 万一, 至り, & ゆかり
    第240課: Locational: ~渡る・す, ~出る・す, ~上がる・げる, ~入る・れる, ~下がる・げる, ~降りる・ろす, ~落ちる・とす, & ~回る・す
    第241課: Final Endings: ~こける, ~さす, ~倦む・ねる, ~逸れる, ~成す, & ~古す
    第242課: Advanced ~べき Phrases: ~べくもない、~べからず・ざる, ~べく, ~べくして, & ~べし
    第243課: The Verbs かかる & かける
    第244課: むしろ, かねて, さもないと, 況して・況や, たとえ, 強いて, 敢えて, さすが, 一旦, & 殊更
    第245課: Tendency: 嫌いがある, が早いか, が最後, & そばから
    第246課: Incidental: ~がてら, ~かたわら, ~かたがた, ~ついでに
    第247課: The Particles やら, なり, & きり
    第248課: 連体詞
    第249課: The Particles ども & だの
    第250課: The Auxiliary Verb ~ず I

    上級 II

    第251課: The Causative III: ~かす Verbs
    第252課: さ入れ言葉
    第253課: Prefixes
    第254課: Native Suffixes I: Nominal I
    第255課: Native Suffixes II: Nominal II
    第256課: Native Suffixes III: Adjectival & Adverbial
    第257課: Native Suffixes IV: Verbal
    第258課: Sino-Japanese Suffixes I
    第259課: Sino-Japanese Suffixes II
    第260課: Suffixes of Appearance: ~だらけ, ~まみれ, ~ずくめ, ~めく, ~げ, & ~気
    第261課: Slang る Verbs
    第262課: Honorifics VI: Irregular Verbs II
    第263課: ク語法
    第264課: The Causative IV: ~しめる & ~させ給う
    第265課: Interrogatives IV: Rare Words
    第266課: 擬声語 IV: From Chinese
    第267課: The Auxiliary ~たる: ~たるや, ~たるもの, & ~たりとも
    第268課: 美化語
    第269課: The Particles とて & とも
    第270課: The Particle して
    第271課: Dialectical 自他動詞
    第272課: The Particle つ
    第273課: The Particle しき
    第274課: Punctuation
    第275課: Romanization Systems
    第276課: Abbreviations
    第277課: 音訓 (ON & KUN Readings)
    第278課: 送り仮名
    第279課: 四つ仮名
    第280課: 変体仮名
    第281課: 名乗り
    第282課: 部首
    第283課: 国字
    第284課: 当て字
    第285課: 旧字体 & 新字体
    第286課: 略字 & 幽霊字
    第287課: Phonology I: Basic Information
    第???課: Phonology 1.5: Consonants
    第288課: Phonology II: Pitch (高低アクセント)
    第289課: Phonology III: 連濁
    第290課: Phonology IV: 露出形 VS 被覆形
    第291課: Phonology V: 撥音添加 & 撥音化
    第292課: Phonology VI: 促音化
    第293課: Phonology VII: サ行とハ行の揺れ
    第294課: Etymology
    第295課: 和製英語
    第296課: 幼児語
    第297課: Verlan (倒語)
    第298課: 敵性語禁止
    第299課: Idioms IV: 四字熟語
    第300課: Idioms V: 諺


    第301課: Introduction to Classical Japanese
    第302課: Historical かな Orthography
    第303課: Parts of Speech & Basic Syntax
    第304課: The Copula Verbs にあり (なり) & とあり (たり)
    第305課: Adjectives I: ク & シク
    第306課: Adjectives II: ナリ & タリ
    第307課: Regular Verbs I: 四段
    第308課: Regular Verbs II: 上一段 & 下二段
    第309課: Regular Verbs III: 上二段 & 下二段
    第310課: Irregular Verbs I: サ変 & カ変
    第311課: Irregular Verbs II: ラ変 & ナ変
    第312課: The Auxiliary Verb ~ず II
    第313課: The Auxiliary Verbs ~き & ~けり
    第314課: The Auxiliary Verbs ~ぬ & ~つ
    第315課: The Auxiliary Verbs ~たり & ~り
    第316課: Nouns & Pronouns
    第317課: Numbers XI: ひふみ
    第318課: Adverbs
    第319課: Conjunctions
    第320課: Interjections
    第321課: Demonstratives
    第322課: The Particles が & を
    第323課: The Particles に, にて, & へ
    第324課: The Particles より & から
    第325課: The Particles の & と
    第326課: The Particles て, して, & で
    第327課: The Particles つつ & ながら
    第328課: The Particle ば
    第329課: The Particles と, とも, ど, & ども
    第330課: Combination Particles with もの
    第331課: Bound Particles
    第332課: Adverbial Particles
    第333課: The Auxiliary Verb ~らし
    第334課: The History of ~ます
    第335課: 万葉仮名 Introduction
  4. sscrla

    sscrla Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 27, 2015
    Takayanagi Akane
    I have studied Chinese, and I find watching soap operas or dramas on tv or online helps a lot. For Chinese I watch le tv (used to be letv)
    or Mango tv (used to be Hunan tv)
    These are the sites that don't block you for living outside mainland China as much as the others.

    Are there any comparable sites for streaming Japanese dramas? I know about maplestage
    http://www.maplestage.com/dramas/jp/ ,
    but I usually use maplestage for Taiwanese dramas and haven't tried any of the Japanese ones yet.

    One good thing about the Chinese dramas is that almost all have character subtitles so you can read along.
  5. Awy

    Awy Kenkyuusei

    Dec 28, 2016
    Invite me line
    And make a group for learn japanese

    Attached Files:

  6. Astro48

    Astro48 Upcoming Girls

    Mar 2, 2015
    Tobetsu cho
    I'm beginning learning Japanese, gonna attend a Japanese class next year. がんばる!
  7. Keyakitonogi

    Keyakitonogi Kenkyuusei

    Feb 15, 2017
    Hello guys!!!im looking for someone to practice Japanese on line....if you have some Time feel free to message me on line....my id is sethsaab
  8. Astro48

    Astro48 Upcoming Girls

    Mar 2, 2015
    Tobetsu cho
    Anyone using android phone & installs Google Japanese input?

    My real name is Haris Ashari and in Japanese it should be written as ハリス・アシャリ

    Then, how to type the symbol ・ which is commonly used to separate 2 loanwords on Google Japanese input? I found it when typing few loanwords such as ダース・ベイダー (Dasu Beida, Darth Vader).
  9. sscrla

    sscrla Stage48 Moderator Staff Member Stage48 Moderator

    Dec 27, 2015
    Takayanagi Akane
    I use SwiftKey. The Japanese period is to the right of the space bar. If you switch to numbers, that key is the English period. If you then switch to symbols, you get what you are asking about (I don't know the name)


  10. Keyakitonogi

    Keyakitonogi Kenkyuusei

    Feb 15, 2017
    It's on the symbols key....just press a couple of times....
  11. marioworldakb

    marioworldakb Under Girls Stage48 Donor

    Jan 4, 2017
    Hinachan's Cell House
    Iwata "Sukinaso" Hina
    Anyone still interested in learning Japanese? I'm aiming for N1 this year. :D
  12. Astro48

    Astro48 Upcoming Girls

    Mar 2, 2015
    Tobetsu cho
    I haven't started my Japanese class. My dad asked me to work for at least 2 years until I'll begin pursuing master degree in Japan...
  13. Humbucker

    Humbucker Next Girls

    Jun 19, 2014
    Fortune Cookie Palace
    Sashihara Rino
  14. rka

    rka Senbatsu Stage48 Donor

    Jan 19, 2013
    Heck, i have been now promoted to "medium level japanese - phase 1", leaving behind the beginner stages. This is the fifth class i take, each is 22.5 hours plus homework (~40 hours in total, so i have learned the language for a combined 160 hours before the start of the next class).

    My teacher said i would now qualify for N5. lol.
    I have read that fluent knowledge of japanese would require about 5000 hours of training. Which is kinda discouraging i have to admit

    I know about 150 kanji, and have learned basic ways of conversation. The last thing we did was expressing things which happen successively or at the same time.
    But i am still lacking very basic things. For example, i officially dont know yet how to say "I think ..." or "...because...". And - this is my own fault - i suck at reading Katakana.

    In total, i still cant follow most of a typical AKBingo episode.

    But i will continue doing my best.
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  15. Silenka

    Silenka Future Girls Retired Staff

    Aug 9, 2012
    @rka (and anyone else taking Japanese seriously), honestly I think your rate of learning depends on the quality and intensity of the class you take, as well as your natural ability to learn.

    I will admit that I have a really good natural ability to absorb language, which probably partly stems from a keen lifelong interest in it. So your mileage may vary when comparing your experience to my own, but I'd like to tell you about the stark contrast between the Japanese programs of the two colleges I attended, and how important it is to choose a college with a good Japanese program.

    The first college I went to was a community college. It wasn't known for Japanese but it offered 3 years of Japanese, all of which I took before moving on. The professor, unfortunately, wasn't much of a disciplinarian and the class would always get off-topic. The general ability of the class was poor, but the prof would pass everyone to the next level anyway, which held the more advanced students back. I can honestly say I didn't learn very much Japanese in that class, despite taking three years. My grasp of the language was still poor when I left there: I was unable to read most kanji (because we didn't focus on that), I had a terrible time translating anything (because my vocabulary wasn't big enough), and I was missing knowledge of many key grammatical structures. We learned from the Genki textbook, which is not particularly tailor-made to help you get fluent (bleh), and otherwise "read" a couple of novels like Yukiguni (the prof lost patience with our low ability and read most of it to us).

    When I started college again, I went to a college known for its Japanese program. Surprisingly, there are actually many colleges that are known for Japanese in Ohio. At my college, all of the Japanese teachers were actually Japanese (except for one or two, who taught culture portions in English). Otherwise, from unit 1 and beyond, the classes were taught entirely in Japanese from the textbook "Japanese, the Spoken Langauge" which was co-authored by the department head of East Asian Studies at my college (there is also a "written language" textbook we used). What made this textbook superior were the mock conversations that included many new vocab and grammatical structures per lesson, as well as the video component that went along with it (Japanese acting out the settings). You would watch and listen, then memorize and repeat the conversations yourself in the classroom setting, then do exercises that further reinforced the vocab and grammar you learned. It was actually a very good system.

    There were 3 versions of the class to take depending on your preference and schedule: classroom track with a big class of people, individual instruction (self-study from the textbook, then 15 mins with a teacher 4 days a week), and intensive summer classes which was like 8am to 4pm Mon-Fri. I experienced all 3 types, and all 3 were good, but intensive was by far the best. Listening to, writing, and speaking Japanese for 5 days a week with peers and actual Japanese people was a blessing. It's hard to replicate that experience without living in a Japanese community or going to Japan. Immersion is the best way to learn and if you have the option, you should, because it forces you to not just listen or repeat back memorized lines, but also to speak. You got a concern? Gonna be out sick tommorow? Need something explained? You better figure out how to tell the Japanese teachers because they're gonna pretend they don't know English [hehe]

    Of course, if you're not focusing on Japanese you're probably stuck with whatever you got at the college of your choice. But if you're serious about learning then I can only say you should also be serious about choosing who teaches you. It makes an enormous difference. I never would have guessed how much of a difference if I hadn't gone back to college and (unwittingly) chosen the one with probably the best Japanese instruction around. I took level 2 and level 4 Japanese in the intensive course (level 5+ is generally for grad students). In the span of a few weeks for each course, I and my classmates learned to speak, listen, read and write extremely well. I won't say intensive wasn't stressful and exhausting - it totally is - but worth it for the solid base you gain in the language.

    What I'm trying to say is that it absolutely won't take 5000 hours if you have the right kind of instruction in the language.

    And @rka, as for "I think", it's expressed with to omoimasu (root omou).
    Taberu to omoimasu I think I'll eat [something].
    Ii idea da to omoimasu I think it's a good idea.

    Because is expressed in a variety of ways but one of the most common is using kara.

    Doushite konakatta? Why didn't you come?
    Byouki datta kara. Because I was ill.

    Mushi ga kowai kara nigemashita. I'm afraid of bugs, so I ran away.

    Both of these structures you can simply just tack onto the end of a fully realized sentence :D But kara you put it after the clause you want to express as the reason, as in my 2nd example.

    An additional note about omou, it's not just used when you want to say "I think", it's actually also a way of politely suggesting that something is the case. It's used this way in Japanese in places we might not think to use "I think".
    ...although I can't seem to think of an example right now XD
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
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  16. Humbucker

    Humbucker Next Girls

    Jun 19, 2014
    Fortune Cookie Palace
    Sashihara Rino
    I have never been in any Japanese class ... and I can't read kanjis ... I should have written this at the Confession thread instead ... :XD:
  17. marioworldakb

    marioworldakb Under Girls Stage48 Donor

    Jan 4, 2017
    Hinachan's Cell House
    Iwata "Sukinaso" Hina
    Confession time:

    I have a double degree in Chinese and Japanese Language and Literature plus two translation certificates respectively from my university. (4 year bachelor + 10 year plus Anime/JMusic/JMovie) Nothing to be proud of anyways, never took JLPT because I thought it would be good enough to serve for my interest in anime and Japanese sub-culture back in the days. Now it's mostly because of idols lol...

    But during my recent trip in Japan, I realize the frustration of not fully expressing myself though I do get my points across (In pieces of broken Japanese language...) and I decided to challenge myself and aim for N1 and currently in search for a Japanese Penpal so I can practice often.

    Just my personal learning experience...I find that going into classes do help you get your way around basic Japanese daily conversation. (Asking for directions, requests, shopping etc) But for deeper conversation it won't help a lot because you have no idea how to express yourself with the correct words and Japanese people will often get confused to what you meant. I learn about this when I was in my university's Japanese conversation club and my trip in Japan.

    The most useful source I can recall now from my courses was the linguistics ones. Since you actually have to understand how the language works structurally. And I now really appreciate myself that I have taken those courses because those linguistic knowledge has slowly integrated into my mind and think like a Japanese person.

    It's super boring and difficult read but now I look back, I really appreciate the details this book offers
    book 2.jpg book.jpg

    Another helpful source of learning Japanese is actually learning their history, culture, geography, religion and especially literature. Since I personally love all of them, I have grown to understand how and why Japanese people think in a certain way. Such as Japanese aesthetics, reasoning and world view.

    For example, for cherry blossoms...foreigners may just think that it is beautiful or cute and that's about it. But for Japanese people, they see more than that, they see life...as we all know cherry blossoms have very short life span and they only blossom once per cycle of year. There is a thing called impermanence (nothing lasts forever) and sakura trees represents this concept exactly. They endure a year of endless wind, rain or other trials and one day they will blossom in the most beautiful state, but in the next second they fall to ground just like that. At that moment, you may think to yourself, what is the meaning of life? Is there even one? And the answer is for you to search on your own.

    Why did I mention this you say? Remember the first ever single title of AKB song? Sakura no Hanabiratachi (Petals of Sakura). And read the above paragraph again, now can you appreciate them a little bit more whenever they sing this song? "Life is short, so make yours worth." Maybe that's why I became to like AKB in the first place...sorry for being so nostalgic lol.

    By the way on my trip that the idol group I happen to met is called "Sakura Cinderella". They also came up with their new 5th single namely "Sakura no Ki no Shita de" (Under the Sakura tree) and I immediately wanted to support them when I heard their song. Made me think of AKB when they started T ^ T. Check out my thread! Yes, I'm hardcore selling them lol
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  18. Nieru

    Nieru Kenkyuusei

    Apr 1, 2015
    Let's be honest, N1 will not help you fix broken Japanese and help your communication.
  19. marioworldakb

    marioworldakb Under Girls Stage48 Donor

    Jan 4, 2017
    Hinachan's Cell House
    Iwata "Sukinaso" Hina
    No, that's why I'm searching for Japanese friends to communicate with. But it would be nice to correct my grammars and increase my vocabularies.

    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. rka

    rka Senbatsu Stage48 Donor

    Jan 19, 2013
    I am still taking my basic japanese classes for beginners 101, and we havefinished the modules about connecting sentences (to express causes or chronological turns of events: -te, -te kara, -nagara, verb stem + ni). I asked the teacher for a compilation chart, but it turns out she asked me to compile that on my own, for me and the rest of class.

    So i did as ordered, but in the end i had the idea to just make up 4 very raw and basic sentences to sum up this lession in a neat way. But i dont know if thats actually makes sense.

    I came up with
    tabete ikimasu (i eat, then go)
    tabete kara ikimasu (I go after i have eaten (i eat))
    tabenagara ikimasu (i eat while going)
    tabe ni ikimasu (i go to eat)

    I dont know exactly if someone would say tabenagara ikimasu, though? Are there better ways to present these 4 ways we have learned with very raw sentences?

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