Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani

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Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani
Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani (Late 2016)
Birth Info
Birthdate May 20, 2002
Birthplace Flag of Indonesia.png Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Blood Type A
Current Age 22 Years Old
Height 152cm
Professional Info
Agency JKT48 Project
Social Networks Twitter
Idol Career Info
Group JKT48
Team Trainee
Debuted May, 2016 / 5th Generation

Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani is a JKT48 Trainee.


Sporty girl yang suka lagu band lama, halo aku Kyla!
(Sporty girl who likes old-school band's songs. Hello, I'm Kyla.)


  • Name in Japanese: ハシャキラ・ウタミ・クスマワルダニ
  • Nickname in Japanese: キーラ
  • Skill: Sports
  • Her younger sister is Adhisty Zara and seems really close with her
  • Is the granddaugther of Acil Bimbo (An famous Indonesian old musician)
  • Likes old-school music bands and it's also added in her catchphrase
  • One of her oshi in JKT48 is Melati Putri Rahel Sesilia
  • On her 15th birthday, she had been given a birthday greeting by Indonesian Singer Fatin Shidqia Lubis via Video in her Twitter fan account.
  • She ever undered some of group song in Team T 2nd Stage due to unhealthy condition of main member

JKT48 Senbatsu Elections

Team History

JKT48 Trainee
Joined JKT48 as a Trainee on May 28, 2016

Singles Participation

JKT48 B-Sides

Albums Participation

JKT48 Albums


Stage Units

RS1 (Pajama Drive)
Pajama Drive
JSS (Team J B•E•L•I•E•V•E Show)
Classmate (Under)
T3 (Boku no Taiyou)
Boku to Juliet to Jet Coaster (Under)
J4 (Tadaima Renaichuu)
7ji 12fun no Hatsukoi (Under)
Kikyou (Under)


Kyla - JKT48 SSK 2017.jpg
Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani JKT48 4th Senbatsu Sousenkyo Poster (2017), with the title "No Problem"
Haskyla utami.jpg
Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani (Early 2016)
Abigail RachelAdeline WijayaAlya AmandaAnindya RamadhaniAurhel AlanaCatherina Vallencia
Cathleen NixieCelline ThefaniChelsea DavinaCynthia YaputeraDena NataliaDesy NataliaFritzy Rosmerian
Gendis MayrannisaHillary AbigailJazzlyn TrishaLetycia MoreenMichelle AlexandraMichelle Levia
Nayla SujiNina TutachiaOline ManuelRegina WilianRibka BudimanShabilqis NailaVictoria Kimberly
Trainee (+ Candidate) / Academy Class A Stages
Pajama DriveBoku no TaiyouAitakatta