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[[Image:JKT48G2.jpg|thumb|500px|2nd Generation]]
'''[[JKT48]]'s Trainee''' <small>(Research Students, Kenkyuusei)</small>.
'''[[JKT48]]'s Research Students'''.  
* They currently have 26 trainees.
* '''[[Alicia Chanzia]]''' - 2nd Generation (アチャ Acha)
* '''[[Annisa Athia]]''' - 2nd Generation (ニーチャン Ni-Chan)
* '''[[Abigail Rachel]]''' (Aralie) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Cindy Yuvia]]''' - 2nd Generation (シンフィア Cinvia)
* '''[[Adeline Wijaya]]''' (Delynn) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Della Delila]]''' - 2nd Generation (デラ Della)
* '''[[Alya Amanda]]''' (Alya) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Dellia Erdita]]''' - 2nd Generation (デリ Delli)
* '''[[Anindya Ramadhani]]''' (Anin) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Dena Siti Rohyati]]''' - 2nd Generation (デナ Dena)
* '''[[Aurhel Alana]]''' (Lana) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Dwi Putri Bonita]]''' - 2nd Generation (ウティ Uty)
* '''[[Catherina Vallencia]]''' (Erine) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Fakhiryani Shafariyanti]]''' - 2nd Generation (シャファ Shafa)
* '''[[Cathleen Nixie]]''' (Cathleen) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Intar Putri Kariina]]''' - 2nd Generation (カリーン Kariin)
* '''[[Celline Thefani]]''' (Elin) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Jennifer Hanna]]''' - 2nd Generation (ハンナ Hanna)
* '''[[Chelsea Davina]]''' (Chelsea) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Jennifer Rachel Natasya]]''' - 2nd Generation (ラヘル Rachel)
* '''[[Cynthia Yaputera]]''' (Cynthia) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Lidya Maulida Djuhandar]]''' - 2nd Generation (リディア Lidya)
* '''[[Dena Natalia]]''' (Danella) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Nadhifa Karimah]]''' - 2nd Generation (ディファ Dhifa)
* '''[[Desy Natalia]]''' (Daisy) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Nadila Cindi Wantari]]''' - 2nd Generation (ナディラ Nadila)
* '''[[Fritzy Rosmerian]]''' (Fritzy) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Natalia]]''' - 2nd Generation (ナッ Nat)
* '''[[Gendis Mayrannisa]]''' (Gendis) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Noella Sisterina]]''' - 2nd Generation (ノエラ Noella)
* '''[[Hillary Abigail]]''' (Lily) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Novinta Dhini]]''' - 2nd Generation (ノフィチャン Nobi-Chan)
* '''[[Jazzlyn Trisha]]''' (Trisha) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Octi Sevpin]]''' - 2nd Generation (オクティ Octi)
* '''[[Letycia Moreen]]''' (Moreen) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Olivia Robberecht]]''' - 2nd Generation (オリーブ Olive)
* '''[[Michelle Alexandra]]''' (Michie) - 11th Generation
* '''[[Priscillia Sari Dewi]]''' - 2nd Generation (シシル Sisil)
* '''[[Michelle Levia]]''' (Levi) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Ratu Vienny Fitrilya]]''' - 2nd Generation (フィニ Viny)
* '''[[Nayla Suji]]''' (Nayla) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Riskha Fairunissa]]''' - 2nd Generation (ルカ Ikha)
* '''[[Nina Tutachia]]''' (Nachia) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Rona Anggreani]]''' - 2nd Generation (アエン Ayen)
* '''[[Oline Manuel]]''' (Oline) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Saktia Oktapyani]]''' - 2nd Generation (フィア Via)
* '''[[Regina Wilian]]''' (Regie) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Shinta Naomi]]''' - 2nd Generation (ナオミ Naomi)
* '''[[Ribka Budiman]]''' (Ribka) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Sinka Juliani]]''' - 2nd Generation (シンカ Sinka)
* '''[[Shabilqis Naila]]''' (Nala) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Thalia Ivanka Elizabeth]]''' - 2nd Generation (タタ Tata)
* '''[[Victoria Kimberly]]''' (Kimmy) - 12th Generation
* '''[[Thalia]]''' - 2nd Generation (ファンカ Vanka)
* '''[[Viviyona Apriani]]''' - 2nd Generation (ヨナ Yona)
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List of members who have been promoted
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*[[Alissa Galliamova]] - 1st Generation  (Mova) (Team J)
*[[Ayana Shahab]] - 1st Generation  (Achan) (Team J)
*[[Beby Chaesara Anadila]] - 1st Generation  (Beby) (Team J)
*[[Cindy Gulla]] - 1st Generation  (Cindy) (Team J)
*[[Delima Rizky]] - 1st Generation  (Delima, Pilong) (Team J)
*[[Devi Kinal Putri]] - 1st Generation  (Kinal) (Team J)
*[[Diasta Priswarini]] - 1st Generation  (Diasta, Nyash) (Team J)
*[[Frieska Anastasia Laksani]] - 1st Generation  (Frieska, Tasya) (Team J)
*[[Gabriela Margareth Warouw]] - 1st Generation  (Gaby) (Team J)
*[[Ghaida Farisya]] - 1st Generation  (Ghaida, Farish) (Team J)
*[[Jessica Vania]] - 1st Generation  (Jeje) (Team J)
*[[Jessica Veranda]] - 1st Generation  (Ve) (Team J)
*[[Melody Nurramdhani Laksani]] - 1st Generation  (Melo) (Team J)
*[[Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia]] - 1st Generation  (Ayu-chin) (Team J)
*[[Nozawa Rena|Rena Nozawa]] - 1st Generation  (Rena-chan) (Team J)
*[[Rezky Wiranti Dhike]] - 1st Generation  (Dhike, Ikey) (Team J)
*[[Rica Leyona]] - 1st Generation  (Rica, Riyo) (Team J)
*[[Sendy Ariani]] - 1st Generation  (Sendy) (Team J)
*[[Shania Junianatha]] - 1st Generation  (Sanju) (Team J)
*[[Sonia Natalia]] - 1st Generation  (Sonia) (Team J)
*[[Sonya Pandarmawan]] - 1st Generation  (Panda) (Team J)
*[[Stella Cornelia]] - 1st Generation  (Stella) (Team J)
*[[Alicia Chanzia]] - 2nd Generation (Acha) (Team KIII)
*[[Cindy Yuvia]] - 2nd Generation (Cinvia) (Team KIII)
*[[Della Delila]] - 2nd Generation (Della) (Team KIII)
*[[Dwi Putri Bonita]] - 2nd Generation (Uty) (Team KIII)
*[[Intar Putri Kariina]] - 2nd Generation (Kariin) (Team KIII)
*[[Jennifer Hanna]] - 2nd Generation (Hanna) (Team KIII)
*[[Lidya Maulida Djuhandar]] - 2nd Generation (Lidya) (Team KIII)
*[[Nadila Cindi Wantari]] - 2nd Generation (Nadila) (Team KIII)
*[[Natalia]] - 2nd Generation (Nat) (Team KIII)
*[[Noella Sisterina]] - 2nd Generation (Noella) (Team KIII)
*[[Octi Sevpin]] - 2nd Generation (Octi) (Team KIII)
*[[Ratu Vienny Fitrilya]] - 2nd Generation (Viny) (Team KIII)
*[[Riskha Fairunissa]] - 2nd Generation (Ikha) (Team KIII)
*[[Rona Anggreani]] - 2nd Generation (Ayen) (Team KIII)
*[[Shinta Naomi]] - 2nd Generation (Naomi) (Team KIII)
*[[Sinka Juliani]] - 2nd Generation (Sinka) (Team KIII)
*[[Thalia]] - 2nd Generation (Tata) (Team KIII)
*[[Viviyona Apriani]] - 2nd Generation (Yona) (Team KIII)
*[[Jennifer Rachel Natasya]] - 2nd Generation (Rachel) (Team J)
*[[Thalia Ivanka Elizabeth]] - 2nd Generation (Vanka) (Team J)
*[[Dena Siti Rohyati]] - 2nd Generation (Dena) (Team J)
*[[Fakhriyani Shafariyanti]] - 2nd Generation (Shafa) (Team KIII)
*[[Novinta Dhini]] - 2nd Generation (Nobi-Chan) (Team KIII)
*[[Priscillia Sari Dewi]] - 2nd Generation (Sisil) (Team KIII)
*[[Saktia Oktapyani]] - 2nd Generation (Via) (Team KIII)
* [[Amanda Dwi Arista]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Andela Yuwono]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Ayu Safira Oktaviani]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Chikita Ravenska Mamesah]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Elaine Hartanto]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Feni Fitriyanti]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Fransisca Saraswati Puspa Dewi]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Maria Genoveva Natalia Desy Purnamasari Gunawan]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Martha Graciela]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Michelle Christo Kusnadi]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Nadhifa Salsabila]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Shani Indira Natio]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Shania Gracia]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Syahfira Angela Nurhaliza]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Sofia Meifaliani]] - 3rd Generation (Team J)
* [[Nina Hamidah]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Yansen Indiani]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Adriani Elisabeth]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Christi]] - 4th Generation (Christi) (Team T)
* [[Cindy Hapsari Maharani Pujiantoro Putri]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Fidly Immanda Azzahra]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Jinan Safa Safira]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Made Devi Ranita Ningtara]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Melati Putri Rahel Sesilia]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Sri Lintang]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Tan Zhi Hui Celine]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Zahra Yuriva Dermawan]] - 4th Generation (Team T)
* [[Adhisty Zara]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Elizabeth Gloria Setiawan]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Eve Antoinette Ichwan]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Nurhayati]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Puti Nadhira Azalia]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Regina Angelina]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Ruth Damayanti Sitanggang]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Violeta Burhan]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Citra Ayu Pranajaya Wibrado]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Hasyakyla Utami Kusumawardhani]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Ratu Vienny Fitrilya]] - 2nd Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Sania Julia Montolalu]] - 5th Generation (Team J)
* [[Ayu Safira Oktaviani]] - 3rd Generation (Team T)
* [[Rinanda Syahputri]] - 6th Generation (Team T)
* [[Erika Ebisawa Kuswan]] - 6th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Ariella Calista Ichwan]] - 6th Generation (Team J)
* [[Diani Amalia Ramadhani]] - 5th Generation (Team J)
* [[Gabryela Marcelina]] - 5th Generation (Team T)
* [[Kandiya Rafa Maulidita]] - 6th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Eve Antoinette Ichwan]] - 5th Generation (Team J)
* [[Riska Amelia Putri]] - 6th Generation (Team J)
* [[Anastasya Narwastu Tety Handuran]] - 6th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Angelina Christy]] - 7th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Gabriel Angelina]] - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Gita Sekar Andarini]] - 6th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Nabila Fitriana]] - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Yessica Tamara]] - 7th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Helisma Putri]] (Eli) - 7th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Mutiara Azzahra]] (Muthe) - 7th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri]] - 3rd Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Aurel Mayori]] (Yori) - 7th Generation (Team J)
* [[Azizi Asadel]] (Zee) - 7th Generation (Team J)
* [[Nyimas Ratu Rafa]] (Ratu) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Umega Maulana]] (Ume) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Dhea Angelia]] (Dey) - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Reva Fidela]] (Adel) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Lulu Salsabila]] (Lulu) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Flora Shafiq]] (Flora) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Jessica Chandra]] (Jessi) - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Amirah Fatin]] (Mira) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Jesslyn Callista]] (Jesslyn) - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Cornelia Vanisa]] (Oniel) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Febriola Sinambela]] (Olla) - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Fiony Alveria]] (Fiony) - 8th Generation (Team T)
* [[Freya Jayawardana]] (Freya) - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Viona Fadrin]] (Vivi) - 7th Generation (Team T)
* [[Zahra Nur]] (Ara) - 8th Generation (Team KIII)
* [[Amanina Afiqah]] (Afiqah) - 8th Generation (Team J)
* [[Adzana Shaliha]] (Ashel) - 9th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Indah Cahya]] (Indah) - 9th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Kathrina Irene]] (Kathrina) - 9th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Marsha Lenathea]] (Marsha) - 9th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Amanda Sukma]] (Amanda) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Aurellia]] (Lia) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Callista Alifia]] (Callie) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Gabriela Abigail]] (Ella) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Indira Seruni]] (Indira) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Jesslyn Elly]] (Lyn) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Raisha Syifa]] (Raisha) - 10th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Grace Octaviani]] (Gracie) - 11th Generation (JKT48)
* [[Greesella Adhalia]] (Greesel) - 11th Generation (JKT48)
*[[Allisa Galliomova]] - 1st Generation (モバ Mova) (Team J)
==Former Trainee==
*[[Ayana Shahab]]- 1st Generation (アーチャン Achan) (Team J)
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*[[Beby Chaesara Anadila]] - 1st Generation (ベビー Beby) (Team J)
List of members who have graduated
*[[Cindy Gulla]] - 1st Generation (シンディ Cindy) (Team J)
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*[[Delima Rizky]] - 1st Generation (デリマ Delima, ピロン Pilong) (Team J)
=== JKT48 Trainee / Kenkyuusei Era ===
*[[Devi Kinal Putri]] - 1st Generation (キナル Kinal) (Team J)
==== Normal Trainees ====
*[[Diasta Priswarini]] - 1st Generation (ディアスタ Diasta, ニャシュ Nyash) (Team J)
*[[Siti Gayatri]] - 1st Generation <small>(2012)</small>
*[[Frieska Anastasia Laksani]] - 1st Generation (フリスカ Frieska, ターシャ Tasya) (Team J)
*[[Intania Pratama Ilham]] - 1st Generation <small>(2012)</small>
*[[Gabriela Margareth Warouw]] - 1st Generation (ガビー Gaby) (Team J)
*[[Allisa Astri]] - 1st Generation <small>(2012)</small>
*[[Ghaida Farisya]] - 1st Generation (ガイダ Ghaida, ファリシュ Farish) (Team J)
*[[Fahira]] - 1st Generation <small>(2012)</small>
*[[Jessica Vania Widjaja]] - 1st Generation (ジェジェ Jeje) (Team J)
*[[Neneng Rosediana]] - 1st Generation <small>(2012)</small>
*[[Jessica Veranda Hardja]] - 1st Generation (ヴェイ Vey) (Team J)
*[[Cleopatra]] - 1st Generation <small>(2012)</small>
*[[Melody Nurramdhani Laksani]] - 1st Generation (メロ Melo) (Team J)
*[[Althea Callista]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2013)</small>
*[[Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia]] - 1st Generation (アユチン Ayu-chin) (Team J)
*[[Nurhalima Oktavianti]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2013)</small>
*[[Rena Nozawa]] - 1st Generation (レナチャン Rena-chan) (Team J)
*[[Olivia Robberecht]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2013)</small>
*[[Rezky Wiranti Dhike]] - 1st Generation (ディケ Dhike, イキー Ikey) (Team J)
*[[Annisa Athia]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2013)</small>
*[[Rica Leyona]] - 1st Generation (リカ Rica, リヨ Riyo) (Team J)
* [[Dellia Erdita]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2013)</small>
*[[Sendy Ariani]] - 1st Generation (センディ Sendy) (Team J)
* [[Nadhifa Karimah]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2013)</small>
*[[Shania Junianatha]] - 1st Generation (サンジュ Sanju) (Team J)
* [[Pipit Ananda]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2014)</small>
*[[Sonia Natalia]] - 1st Generation (ソニア Sonia) (Team J)
* [[Shaffa Nabila]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2014)</small>
*[[Sonya Pandarwaman]] - 1st Generation (パンダ Panda) (Team J)
* [[Milenia Christien Glory Goenawan]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2014)</small>
*[[Stella Cornelia]] - 1st Generation (ステラ Stella) (Team J)
* [[Kezia Putri Andinta]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2014)</small>
* [[Zebi Magnolia Fawwaz]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2014)</small>
* [[Anggie Putri Kurniasari]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2015)</small>
* [[Rizka Khalila]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2015)</small>
* [[Alycia Ferryana]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2016)</small>
* [[Farina Yogi Devani]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2016)</small>
* [[Indah Permata Sari]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2016)</small>
* [[Putri Farin Kartika]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2016)</small>
* [[Triarona Kusuma]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2016)</small>
* [[Chintya Hanindhitakirana Wirawan]] - 5th Generation <small>(2017)</small>
* [[Dena Siti Rohyati]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Alia Giselle]] (Gisel) - 10th Generation <small>(2023)</small>
* [[Aulia Asyira]] (Aulia) - 11th Generation <small>(2023)</small>
* [[Jeane Victoria]] (Jeane) - 11th Generation <small>(2024)</small>
* [[Aisa Maharani]] (Sasha) - 12th Generation <small>(2024)</small>
==Former Research Students==
==== Candidate Trainees ====
*[[Siti Gayatri]] - 1st Generation (February, 2012)
* [[Jessica Berliana Ekawardani]] - 4th Generation <small>(2015)</small>
*[[Intania Pratama Ilham]] - 1st Generation (February, 2012)
* [[Mega Suryani]] - 4th generation  <small>(2015)</small>
*[[Allisa Astri]] - 1st Generation (May, 2012)
* [[Anggita Destiana Dewi]] - 5th Generation <small>(2016)</small>
*[[Fahira]] - 1st Generation (May, 2012)
* [[Helma Sonya]] - 5th Generation <small>(2016)</small>
*[[Neneng Rosediana]] - 1st Generation (November, 2012)
* [[Rissanda Putri Tuarissa]] - 5th Generation <small>(2016)</small>
*[[Cleopatra]] - 1st Generation (December, 2012)
*[[Althea Callista]]''' - 2nd Generation (January, 2013)
=== JKT48 Academy Era ===
*[[Nurhalima Oktavianti]]''' - 2nd Generation (January, 2013)
==== Class A Trainees ====
* [[Amanda Dwi Arista]] - 3rd Generation <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Priscillia Sari Dewi]] - 2nd Generation <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Denise Caroline]] - 6th Generation <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Putri Cahyaning Anggraini]] - 6th Generation (Riri) <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Amanda Priscella]] - 6th Generation (Ella) <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Erika Sintia]] - 6th Generation (Sintia) <small>(2019)</small>
* [[Graciella Ruth Wiranto]] - 6th Generation (Ciel) <small>(2019)</small>
* [[Rifa Fatmasari]] (Rifa) - 7th Generation <small>(2019)</small>
* [[Reva Adriana]] (Reva) - 8th Generation <small>(2019)</small>
* [[Pamela Krysanthe]] (Pamela) - 8th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Olivia Payten]] (Olivia) - 9th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Tiara Sasi]] (Tiara) - 9th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Devytha Maharani]] (Devytha) - 8th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Eriena Kartika]] (Eri-chan) - 8th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Aiko Harumi]] (Aiko) - 7th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Salma Annisa]] (Alma) - 8th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Shalza Grasita]] (Shalza) - 6th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Caithlyn Gwyneth]] (Caithlyn) - 9th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Chalista Ellysia]] (Chalista) - 9th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Christabel Jocelyn]] (Abel) - 9th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Cindy Nugroho]] (Nunu) - 8th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Febi Komaril]] (Febi) - 7th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Febrina Diponegoro]] (Bri) - 7th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Gabriella Stevany]] (Vany) - 8th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Keisya Ramadhani]] (Keisya) - 8th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Nabila Gusmarlia]] (Nabila) - 9th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Putri Elzahra]] (Zahra) - 9th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
* [[Shinta Devi]] (Shinta) - 9th Generation <small>(2021)</small>
==== Class B Trainees ====
* [[Jihan Miftahul Jannah]] - 6th Generation <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Kanya Caya]] - 7th Generation <small>(2018)</small>
* [[Calista Lea]] (Lea) - 7th Generation <small>(2019)</small>
* [[Iris Vevina Prasetio]] (Irish) - 9th Generation  <small>(2019)</small>
* [[Abieza Syabira]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Alia Giselle]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Amanda Sukma]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Aurellia]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Callista Alifia]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Danessa Valerie Hertanto]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Gabriela Abigail]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Indira Seruni]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Jesslyn Elly]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Naura Safinatunnajah]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
* [[Raisha Syifa]] - 10th Generation <small>(2020)</small>
==== Staff ====
* [[Shania Junianatha]] (Idol Science Teacher) <small>(2019)</small>
* Onat (Dance Teacher) <small> (2019/2020) </small>
* Ishinabe (Manner Teacher) <small> (2019/2020) </small>
* [[JKT48 Kenkyuusei 1st Stage|1st Stage]] 「パジャマドライブ」 (JKT48 Kenkyuusei 1st Stage "Pajama Drive") [2012.05.17 - 2012.12.13]
== Events ==
*[2014.11.22 - 2014.11.23] [[JKT48 3rd Generation Trainee "Mulai Sekarang Sungguh2 Part 1"|JKT48 3rd Generation Trainee Event/Concert "Mulai Sekarang Sungguh-Sungguh Part 1"]]
*[2015.01.24] [[JKT48 3rd Generation Trainee "Mulai Sekarang Sungguh2 Part 2"|JKT48 3rd Generation Trainee Event/Concert "Mulai Sekarang Sungguh-Sungguh Part 2"]]
== JKT48 Academy/Trainee Songs on [[JKT48]] Albums & Singles ==
* [[Mirai no Kajitsu (JKT48 Song)|Mirai no Kajitsu]] from [[RIVER (JKT48 Single)|RIVER]] <small>(2nd Generation)</small>
* [[Iiwake Maybe (JKT48 Song)|Iiwake Maybe]] from [[Kokoro no Placard (JKT48 Single)|Kokoro no Placard]] <small>(3rd Generation)</small>
* [[Wink wa Sankai (JKT48 Song)|Wink wa Sankai]] from [[Kaze wa Fuiteiru (JKT48 Single)|Kaze wa Fuiteiru]] <small>(3rd Generation)</small>
* [[Kimi to Niji to Taiyou to (JKT48 Song)|Kimi to Niji to Taiyou to]] from [[JOY KICK! TEARS]]
* [[Mirai ga Me ni Shimiru (JKT48 Song)|Mirai ga Me ni Shimiru]]
[[Category: JKT48]]

Latest revision as of 14:13, 25 June 2024

JKT48's Trainee (Research Students, Kenkyuusei).

  • They currently have 26 trainees.


List of members who have been promoted

Former Trainee

List of members who have graduated

JKT48 Trainee / Kenkyuusei Era

Normal Trainees

Candidate Trainees

JKT48 Academy Era

Class A Trainees

Class B Trainees


  • Shania Junianatha (Idol Science Teacher) (2019)
  • Onat (Dance Teacher) (2019/2020)
  • Ishinabe (Manner Teacher) (2019/2020)


# Stage name Date Performances
1 Pajama Drive 2012.05.17 - 2012.12.13
2013.01.11 - 2013.05.12
2014.05.24 - 2015.01.17
2016.08.07 - 2016.11.19
2019.03.23 - 2021.03.11
2 Boku no Taiyou
(Matahari Milikku)
2013.05.17 - 2013.06.25
2020.02.28 - 2020.08.15
3 Aitakatta
(Ingin Bertemu)
2023.04.30 -


JKT48 Academy/Trainee Songs on JKT48 Albums & Singles


Class Picture Romaji Name in Japanese Nickname Birthdate Birthplace Blood Type Age Height Agency Generation
- Abigail Rachel アビガイル・ラチェル Aralie (アラリー) August 6, 2008 Jakarta, Indonesia B 17 161cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Adeline Wijaya アデリヌ・ウィジャヤ Delynn (デリンヌ) September 1, 2007 Jakarta, Indonesia B 16 167cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Alya Amanda アリア・アマンダ Alya (アリア) August 26, 2006 Jakarta, Indonesia A 17 160cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Anindya Ramadhani アニンディア・ラマダニ Anindya (アニンディア) October 18, 2005 Depok, West Java, Indonesia O 18 154cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Aurhel Alana アウレル・アラナ Lana (ラナ) September 14, 2006 Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia ** 17 163cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Catherina Vallencia カトリーナ・ ヴァレンシア Erine (エリン) August 21, 2007 Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia B 16 163cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Cathleen Nixie キャスリーン・ニクシー Cathy (キャシー)
Cathleen (キャスリーン)
May 29, 2009 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia A 15 158cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Celline Thefani セリーヌ・テファニ Elin (エリン) April 9, 2007 Banten, Indonesia O 17 163cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Chelsea Davina チェルシー・ダビーナ Chelsea (チェルシー) December 23, 2009 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia B 14 168cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Cynthia Yaputera シンティア・ヤプテラ Cynthia (シンティア) November 22, 2003 Jakarta, Indonesia O 20 158cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Dena Natalia デナ・ナタリア Danella (ダネラ) December 16, 2005 Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia O 18 162cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Desy Natalia デシー・ナタリア Daisy (デイシー) December 16, 2005 Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia O 18 165cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Fritzy Rosmerian フリッツィー・ロスメリアン Fritzy (フリッツィー) July 28, 2008 Jakarta, Indonesia A 15 157cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Gendis Mayrannisa ゲンディス・マイランニサ Gendis (ゲンディス) June 27, 2010 Jakarta, Indonesia B 14 160cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Hillary Abigail ヒラリー ・アビガイル Lily (リリー) October 19, 2007 Jakarta, Indonesia O 16 160cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Jazzlyn Trisha ジャッズリン・トリシャ Trisha (トリシャ) October 16, 2011 Jakarta, Indonesia O 12 164cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Letycia Moreen レティシャ・モリーン Moreen (モリーン) June 7, 2010 Jakarta, Indonesia O 14 164cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Michelle Alexandra ミシェル・アレクサンドラ Michie (ミチー) April 22, 2009 Jakarta, Indonesia O 15 160cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 11th
- Michelle Levia ミシェル・レヴィア Levi (レヴィ) January 24, 2009 Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia O 15 168cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Nayla Suji ナイラ・スジ Nayla (ナイラ) June 18, 2007 Kumamoto, Japan AB 17 161cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Nina Tutachia ニナ・トゥータチア Nachia (ナチア) October 16, 2009 Bali, Indonesia O 14 162cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Oline Manuel オリヌ・マヌエル Oline (オリヌ) November 3, 2007 Jakarta, Indonesia B 16 167cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Regina Wilian レジナ・ウィリアン Regie (レジー) December 10, 2009 Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia B 14 169cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Ribka Budiman リブカ・ブディマン Ribka (リブカ) December 10, 2009 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia O 14 163cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Shabilqis Naila シャビルキス・ナイラ Nala (ナラ) September 1, 2008 Jakarta, Indonesia B 15 160cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th
- Victoria Kimberly ヴィクトリア・キムベルリー Kimmy (キミー) March 8, 2010 Jakarta, Indonesia AB 14 158cm PT. Indonesia Musik Nusantara 12th