JKT48 Trainee / Academy Class A Pajama Drive

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JKT48 Trainee 1st Stage 'Pajama Drive' CD & DVD Set
JKT48 Academy Class A 1st Stage 'Pajama Drive' Promotion Poster

Pajama Drive (パジャマドライブ) is JKT48 Trainee and Academy Class A 1st Stage for almost all of JKT48 members. The stage is a revival from Team B 3rd Stage, with the songs being sung on Indonesian.

General Information

Stage Name
Pajama Drive (パジャマドライブ)
JKT48 Trainee (+ Candidate) / Academy Class A
Shonichi / Senshuuraku
2012.05.17 - 2012.12.13 (Trainee 1st Gen.)
2013.01.11 - 2013.05.12 (Trainee 2nd Gen.)
2014.05.24 - 2015.01.17 (Trainee 3rd Gen.)
2016.08.07 - 2016.11.19 (Trainee 4th and Candidate Trainee 5th Gen.)
2019.03.23 - (Academy Class A 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Gen.)

Base Setlist

M00. overture (JKT48 ver.)
M01. Shonichi (初日 / Hari Pertama)
M02. Hissatsu Teleport (必殺テレポート / Jurus Rahasia Teleport)
M03. Gokigen Naname na Mermaid (ご機嫌ななめなマーメード / Putri Duyung yang Sedang Sedih)
M04. Futari Nori no Jitensha (2人乗りの自転車 / Bersepeda Berdua)

M05. Tenshi no Shippo (天使のしっぽ / Ekor Malaikat)
M06. Pajama Drive (パジャマドライブ)
M07. Junjou Shugi (純情主義 / Prinsip Kesucian Cinta)
M08. Temodemo no Namida (てもでもの涙 / Air Mata Perasaan yang Tak Tersampaikan)
M09. Kagami no Naka no Jean Da Arc (鏡の中のジャンヌ・ダルク / Joan of Arc di Dalam Cermin)

M10. Two years later
M11. Inochi no Tsukaimichi (命の使い道 / Cara Menggunakan Hidup)
M12. Kiss Shite Son Shichatta (キスして損しちゃった / Rugi Sudah Dicium)


M13. Boku no Sakura (ぼくの桜 / Bunga Sakuraku)

M14. Wasshoi J! (ワッショイJ!) (Before 201?) / Wasshoi JKT! (ワッショイJKT!) (After 201?)
M15. Suifu wa Arashi ni Yume wo Miru (水夫は嵐に夢を見る / Pelaut yang Melihat Mimpi di Tengah Badai)


M16. Shiroi Shirts (白いシャツ / Baju Putih)



List of unit members.

DVD Release

JKT48 Trainee (1st and 2nd Generation on Separate Team)
Pajama Drive "Senshuuraku"
Release Date
Label/Catalog Number/Price
Label: HITS Records
(CD & DVD Set Box) / Rp 200.000
  • 1st Generation have audio and video recording while the 2nd Generation have video recording.


Abigail RachelAdeline WijayaAlya AmandaAnindya RamadhaniAurhel AlanaCatherina Vallencia
Cathleen NixieCelline ThefaniChelsea DavinaCynthia YaputeraDena NataliaDesy NataliaFritzy Rosmerian
Gendis MayrannisaHillary AbigailJazzlyn TrishaLetycia MoreenMichelle AlexandraMichelle Levia
Nayla SujiNina TutachiaOline ManuelRegina WilianRibka BudimanShabilqis NailaVictoria Kimberly
Trainee (+ Candidate) / Academy Class A Stages
Pajama DriveBoku no TaiyouAitakatta