Uchiyama Natsuki

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Uchiyama Natsuki
Uchiyama Natsuki (2015)
Kanji 内山奈月
Kana うちやま なつき
Romaji Uchiyama Natsuki
Nickname Nakkii (なっきー)
Birth Info
Birthdate September 25, 1995  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Kanagawa, Japan
Blood type A
Current Age 29 Years Old
Height 160cm
Professional Info
Agency **
Social Networks Twitter
Idol Career Info
Former Group AKB48
Former Team Team B
Debuted July 2012 / 14th Generation
Graduated February 2016

Uchiyama Natsuki was a member of AKB48's Team B.


  • Good friends with: Umeta Ayano, Okada Nana
  • She is very good at memorizing sentences.
  • She knows the whole Japanese Constitution by heart and can recite any article from it.
    • Because of her knowledge, she collaborated with Minamino Shigeru, an associate professor at the Kyushu University School of Law, in the 256-page book “Kenpo-shugi” (Constitutionalism) about the Japanese Constitution.
  • She was a university student (Keio University).
  • She posted cooking lessons on her Google+ account.
  • She declared she wanted to have a SKE48 Kennin position.
  • She says she resembles Suda Akari.
  • She is a former member of the unofficial "Kabutomu Chu!" sub-unit with Maeda Mitsuki and Hashimoto Hikari.

AKB48 Senbatsu Elections

AKB48 Janken Tournaments

Team History

AKB48 KenkyuuseiTeam 4Team B → Graduation
Joined AKB48 as a Kenkyuusei on July, 2012
Promoted to Team 4 on August 24, 2013 (Tokyo Dome Concert)
Transferred to Team B on February 24, 2014 (AKB48 Group Daisokaku Matsuri)
Graduated from AKB48 Team B on February 21, 2016 (Announcement: November 1, 2015 | Graduation Ceremony: January 31, 2016)

Singles Participation

AKB48 B-Sides

Albums Participation

AKB48 Albums


Kabutomu Chu!

Stage Units

RS6 (Boku no Taiyou)
Higurashi no Koi
42 (Te wo Tsunaginagara)
Choco no Yukue
B3 (Pajama Drive)
Tenshi no Shippo (Revival)
B6 (Tadaima Renaichuu)

Concert Units

AKB48 Group Kenkyuusei Concert ~Oshimen Hayai Mono Gachi~

AKB48 Kouhaku Utagassen 2013

AKB48 Zenkoku Tour 2014


AKB48 9th Anniversary

AKB48 Kouhaku Utagassen 2014

AKB48 x JKT48 Concert "Bergandengan Tangan Bersama Kakak"

Media Appearances


Variety Shows


Uchiyama Natsuki (2014)
Ken-uchiyama natuki.jpg
Uchiyama Natsuki (2013)
Uchiyama natsuki.jpg
Uchiyama Natsuki (2012)