Kobayashi Ami

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Kobayashi Ami
Kobayashi Ami (2014)
Kanji 小林亜実
Kana こばやし あみ
Romaji Kobayashi Ami
Nickname Koami (こあみ)
Birth Info
Birthdate January 12, 1993  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Blood type O
Current Age 32 Years Old
Height 162cm
Professional Info
Social Networks Instagram / Twitter
Idol Career Info
Former Group SKE48
Former Team Team E
Debuted September 2010 / 4th Generation
Graduated March 2015

Kobayashi Ami was a member of SKE48's Team E.


KUKKINGUTAIMU. Komugiko, satou ni tamago ni BATAA, saigo ni KIRAKIRAPAUDAA o furikakete, oishiku nare. Minasan ni Koami KEEKI wo otodoke shitai na. 22-sai no Kobayashi Ami desu.
(Cooking time. Flour, sugar in eggs in butter, finally I'll sprinkle glitter powder, it'll become delicious. I wanna deliver the Koami cake to all of you. I'm Kobayashi Ami, 32 years old.)


  • Lightstick colors: Yellow, Blue
  • Admired member: Hirata Rikako
  • Oshimen: Kojima Haruna, Kizaki Yuria, Yamada Nana
  • Hobbies: Baking bread and sweets, shoujo manga, sleeping, watching movies
  • Special skills: Able to understand the feelings of her pet dog, sports
  • Future dream: Actress
  • Favorite color: Pastel shades of pink, light blue, yellow green, yellow
  • Favorite food: Hamburgers, strawberries, hitsumabushi, sekihan (rice with azuki beans), marshmallows, gummies
  • Least favorite food: Cucumber, the core of cabbages
  • Good Friends With: Shibata Aya, Kuwabara Mizuki, Sato Mieko
  • She is a former member of Art Club, Cooking Club and Marathon Club.
  • She auditioned for SKE48 after learning about the concept of 48 Group idols using their idol career as a stepping stone to continue on their own path afterword. She said she wanted to learn things from performing on stage, then advance to being an actress.
  • She was the oldest member of the SKE48 4th Generation.
  • She achieved all "A"s in school throughout middle school and high school.
  • She enrolled in university in 2011 majoring in home economics.
  • She describes her personality as stubborn, aware of her surroundings, and competitive.
  • A running joke among members is "KoAmi knows everything", referring to her intelligence and her astute awareness of her surroundings. For example, she knew Team S member Ono Haruka would announce graduation even before she told the members about it.
  • She loves marshmallows and called herself "Princess Marshmallow" in 2012.
  • She is best friends with Shibata Aya. They performed Omoide no Hotondo together at her graduation stage.
  • She was said to look like Kitahara Rie, which she was happy about.
  • She has an arm fetish, though she doesn't care about vascularity.
  • She has obtained her Food Specialist Food Coordinator Level 3 and Pancierge Test Level 3 qualifications.
  • On January 10th, 2015 "SKE48 Kobayashi Ami's Official Kitchen" opened on the recipe website "Cookpad".
  • From April 20th, 2015 to March 31st, 2017 she was affiliated with Asia Business Partners Production.
  • On December 22nd, 2017 she joined Asia Promotion.
  • She now runs a Instagram account and an online column with her bread recipes.
  • She became acquainted with AKB48's Hama Sayuna while acting in the 2022 theater show "Kokoro Odoru".

AKB48 Senbatsu Elections

AKB48 Janken Tournaments

Team History

SKE48 KenkyuuseiTeam ETeam KIITeam E → Graduation
Joined SKE48 as a Kenkyuusei on September, 2010
Promoted to Team E on December 6, 2010
Transferred to Team KII on April 13, 2013 (SKE48 Team Shuffle)
Transferred to Team E on February 24, 2014 (AKB48 Group Daisokaku Matsuri)
Graduated from SKE48 on March 31, 2015 (Announcement: February 6, 2015 | Last activity: March 31, 2015)

Singles Participation

SKE48 B-Sides

AKB48 B-Sides

Albums Participation

SKE48 Albums

AKB48 Albums


Stage Units

E1 (Pajama Drive)
Kagami no Naka no Jean D'arc
E2 (Saka Agari)
KII4 (Theater no Megami)
Arashi no Yoru ni wa
E4 (Te wo Tsunaginagara)
Choco no Yukue

Concert Units

SKE48 Request Hour Setlist Best 50 2013

SKE48 National Tour

Kobe World Hall

Media Appearances


  • Kokoro Odoru (ココロ踊ル) (2022)


Kobayashi ami kii.jpg
Kobayashi Ami (2013)
Kobayashi amiL2012.jpg
Kobayashi Ami (Late 2012)
Kobayashi ami.jpg
Kobayashi Ami (Early 2012)
Kobayashi Ami (2011)
Kobayashi Ami (2010)