Nakano Airi

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Nakano Airi
Nakano Airi (2019)
Kanji 中野愛理
Kana なかのあいり
Romaji Nakano Airi
Nickname Raburin / Loverin (らぶりん)
Birth Info
Birthdate March 24, 2001  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Aichi, Japan
Blood type A
Current Age 24 Years Old
Height 162cm
Professional Info
Agency Zest Inc.
Social Networks Blog / Instagram / SHOWROOM / Twitter
Idol Career Info
Group SKE48
Team Team KII
Debuted January 2018 / Draft 3rd Generation
Lightstick Colors
Pink White

Nakano Airi is a member of SKE48's Team KII and Coming Flavor.


  • Debuted on January 21st, at the AKB48 Group 3rd Draft Kaigi
  • Pros: Hates losing
  • Cons: Negative thinking
  • Hobbies: Watching idols
  • 'Favorite foods: Ice cream, strawberries, ramen, tapioca
  • Special Talents: Making sweets, high speed blinking
  • Admires: Hidaka Yuzuki, Matsui Rena, Matsui Jurina
    • She says that she loves and admires Yuzuki most in the world. In October 2023, she pinned a message to the top of her X account after Yuzuki's graduation, expressing that she was happy to have been a member of SKE48 at the same time as Yuzuki. As of October 2024, the message is still pinned.
  • Future ambition: Model
  • First choice at the Draft: SKE48
    • Team KII's 1st and only choice at the Draft
  • She wanted to be an idol since she was in 4th grade. She took SKE48's 6th Generation and 7th Generation auditions, as well as HKT48's auditions, but failed all of them. She considered the Draft her last chance.
  • She, Otani Yuki, and Hirata Shiina formed the "Squid Alliance", as they all love squid.
  • On November 24th, 2021 she was selected as the Grand Prix winner of "AKB48 Group x 'bis' x SHOWROOM Audition". She served as a regular model for bis magazine for one year, starting from the January 2022 issue released on December 1st, 2021.

AKB48 Senbatsu Elections

Team History

2017 Member Draft PoolSKE48 KenkyuuseiTeam KII
Joined the 2017 Member Draft Pool on November 11, 2017
Drafted into Team KII on January 21, 2018
Promoted to Team KII on September 16, 2018 (SKE48 Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2018 ~Member no Kazu Dake Kamikyoku wa aru~)

Singles Participation

SKE48 A-Sides

SKE48 B-Sides

Coming Flavor A-Sides

Coming Flavor B-Sides

Coming Flavor Digital Songs


Stage Units

SKE2 (Te wo Tsunaginagara)
Choco no Yukue
Kono Mune no Barcode
Wimbledon e Tsureteitte
KII7 (Jikan ga Nai)
Tensei Shite mo Sukideshita
Go for the Dream!!
Hitomi no Naka ni Apple

Concert Units

Oba Mina Graduation Concert @ Pacifico Yokohama

SKE48 Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2023


Nakano Airi (2018)
NakanoAiri (Draft Kaigi 2018)


Team KII
Aoki RikaArai YukiIto MikiIriuchijima SayakaOta AyakaOkamoto Ayaka
Shinohara KyokaSuzuki EnaSuzuki SaraNakano AiriNishii MioFujimoto FuyukaYamamura Sakura