Hidaka Yuzuki

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Hidaka Yuzuki
Hidaka Yuzuki (2019)
Kanji 日高優月
Kana ひだか ゆずき
Romaji Hidaka Yuzuki
Nickname Yuzuki (ゆづき)
Birth Info
Birthdate April 1, 1998  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Aichi, Japan
Blood type O
Current Age 26 Years Old
Height 162cm
Professional Info
Agency **
Social Networks 7gogo / Instagram / / InstagramTwitter / YouTube / YouTube / Threads
Idol Career Info
Former Group SKE48
Former Team Team KII
Debuted March 2013 / 6th Generation
Graduated October 2023

Hidaka Yuzuki was a member of SKE48's Team KII.



(Yuzuho-! (Yuzuho-~) Yakyuu to aidoru daisuki na saikyou no doukyuusei koto Hidaka Yuzuki desu.)
Yuzuho-! (Yuzuho-!) The strongest classmate who loves baseball and idols, I'm Hidaka Yuzuki


名古屋名物~ 手羽先 きしめん ひつまぶし 味噌煮込みうどん あと~?(ゆづき~) いつでもなんでも全力な日高優月です
(Nagoya meibutsu ~ tebasaki kishimen hitsumabushi misonikomi udon ato ~?(Yuzuki ~) itsu demo nan demo zenryokuna Hidaka Yuzuki desu)
What are Nagoya's specialties? Tebasaki, kishimen, hitsumabushi, miso nikomi udon. What else? *Yuzuki!* Thank you. I always give my all, no matter what. I'm 26 years old Hidaka Yuzuki


  • Hobbies: Baseball, Idol Research
  • Special Skills: Sleeping any time, horizontal bar, jumping
  • Favorite Color: Red
  • Favorite Flower: Rose
  • Favorite Food: Chicken cartilage, gyoza, noodles, pear, pineapple, mango
  • Least Favorite Food: Eggplant
  • Favorite Animal: Capybara, tiger, shark, spotted garden eel
  • Favorite brands: LDS, jouetie, WEGO, Spins
  • Favorite SKE48 Songs: Winning Ball, Glory Days, Tsuyogari Dokei
  • Dream: Multi-talent working with variety shows and sports
  • Good friends with: Sugawara Maya, Takeuchi Saki, Kumazaki Haruka, Yamada Juna
    • She wrote a letter for Sugawara's 17th birthday ceremony.
    • Whenever she and Sugawara share a hotel room, they always leave a note to each other when one has to leave earlier.
  • Her childhood dream was to become a ninja.
  • She is left-handed.
  • She practiced ballet from age 3 to age 13.
  • She was in her elementary and junior high school basketball clubs. She was a starting player in junior high school and played “swingman” (no fixed position).
  • She was a fan of SKE48 before joining the group and went to handshake events. Her oshimen were Takayanagi Akane and Saito Makiko. She also admired AKB48's Itano Tomomi.
  • She was promoted to Team KII, even though she had only performed with Team S and Team E as a Kenkyuusei.
  • She placed 2nd in the individual round of the SKE48 Sports Contest on the show ZERO POSITION. Because of this, she became captain of the White Team for the team round.
  • Many members have declared their "love" for Yuzuki, to the point where Yuzuki's popularity with girls has become a joke among fans and members. One of the earliest examples was in 2014, when Noguchi Yume and Tanaka Yuka announced they had formed the "We Love Hidaka Yuzuki-chan Alliance"
  • She is a lifelong fan of the Nagoya-based Chunichi Dragons baseball team. Her favorite player is Kawakami Kenshin. She has done a great amount of work with the team, such as:
    • She is a semi-regular host on Tokai Radio's "Dragons Station" (山浦ひさしのドラゴンズステーション) radio show, which discusses the team.
    • She has her own YouTube channel, Dragon-Woman Yuzuki's Sqeeze TV (ドラ女ゆづきのスクイズTV), where she uploads content filmed at the Dragons stadium, interviews with Dragons players, and discussing baseball.
    • She has thrown the opening pitch at two Dragons baseball games.
    • She also does monomane (impersonations) of various baseball players, including Dragons players.
  • She follows high school baseball as well. She once attended the Aichi prefectural high school summer baseball tournament with Umemoto Madoka.
  • On January 11th, 2016 a woman also named "Hidaka Yuzuki" appeared in a commercial for the English conversation class "ECC Junior". This woman had no relation to Yuzuki, but after fans alerted her of the commercial, she said she had never known someone with the same name as her and wanted to meet the woman in person.
  • On April 5th, 2016 her project "Baseball MM 100 Barrage" started on SKE48 Mobile.
  • She wants to perform Itoshiki Natasha someday.
  • She is a fan of the American vocal group The Drifters thanks to her father.
  • She is a fan of k-pop and groups like fromis_9 and Mamamoo.
  • She likes American comics and cartoons, especially PowerPuff Girls and Spongebob.
  • She is allergic to cats.
  • Her personal rule is to never hold on to the hanging straps when riding the train.
  • She likes the Sanrio character Kuromi.

AKB48 Senbatsu Elections

Team History

SKE48 KenkyuuseiTeam KII → Graduation
Joined SKE48 as a Kenkyuusei on February 28, 2013
Promoted to Team KII on February 24, 2014 (AKB48 Group Daisokaku Matsuri)
Graduated from SKE48 Team KII on October 31, 2023 (Announcement: June 8, 2023 | Final Theater Performance: October 29, 2023)

Singles Participation

SKE48 A-Sides

SKE48 B-Sides

AKB48 B-Sides

Albums Participation

SKE48 Albums


Stage Units

KKS2 (Aitakatta)
Namida no Shounan
Koi no PLAN
Rio no Kakumei
KKS3 (Seifuku no Me)
Omoide Ijou
KII3 (Ramune no Nomikata)
Usotsuki na Dachou (Revival)
Cross (After Furukawa Airi's graduation)
KII5 (0Start)
SKE2 (Te wo Tsunaginagara)
Choco no Yukue
KII7 (Jikan ga Nai)
Precious (Center)
Hitomi no Naka ni Apple
Go for the Dream!!

Concert Units

AKB48 Group Kenkyuusei Concert ~Oshimen Hayai Mono Gachi~

SKE48 National Tour

Kobe World Hall

SKE48 Zenkoku Tour ~Ki wa Juku Shita. Zenkoku e Ikou!~

Minna, Nakunjaneezo. Miyazawa Sae Graduation Concert in Nippon Gaishi Hall

AKB48 Group Seijin Shiki Concert ~Otona ni Nanka Naru Mono ka~

AKB48 Group Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2018

AKB48 Group Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2019

SKE48 Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2023

Media Appearances

Stage Plays



Hidaka Yuzuki (2018)
Hidaka Yuzuki 10th Senbatsu Election Poster (2018)
Hidaka Yuzuki 9th Senbatsu Election Poster (2017)
Hidaka Yuzuki (2017)
Hidaka Yuzuki (December 2016)
Hidaka Yuzuki (2016)
Hidaka Yuzuki (2015)
Hidaka Yuzuki (December 2015)
Hidaka Yuzuki (2014)
Yuzuki hidaka kks.jpg
Hidaka Yuzuki (2013)
Yuzuki hidaka.jpg
Hidaka Yuzuki (Early 2013)