Kaki Haruka

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Kaki Haruka
Kaki Haruka (2018)
Kanji 賀喜遥香
Kana かき はるか
Romaji Kaki Haruka
Nickname Kakki (かっきー), Kakichan (かきちゃん)
Birth Info
Birthdate August 8, 2001  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Osaka, Japan  
Hometown Flag of Japan.png Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan
Blood type A
Current Age 23 Years Old
Height 166cm
Professional Info
Agency N46Div.
Social Networks Blog / SHOWROOM
Idol Career Info
Group Nogizaka46
Team 4th Generation
Debuted December 2018 / 4th Generation
Lightstick Colors
Orange Green

Kaki Haruka is a member of Nogizaka46's 4th Generation.


  • Oshimen: Yamashita Mizuki
  • Favorite food: Shrimp, deep-fried eggplant
  • Favorite animal: Cats, but ironically she is allergic to them
  • Hobbies: Drawing illustrations, watching YouTube
  • Favorite Nogizaka46 Song: Arigachi na Renai, Jiyuu no Kanata
  • Favorite Nogizaka46 Music Video: Sayonara no Imi
  • She is the first Sakamichi Series member to be from Tochigi prefecture. However, she was born in Osaka, and lived there until age 10.
  • She has the exact same birthday as fellow 4th Generation member Kitagawa Yuri.
  • She has a younger brother who is two years younger.
  • She played basketball in junior high school and played in the center position.
  • She auditioned for the Hinatazaka46 (formerly Hiragana Keyaki) 2nd Generation.
  • She is known for her good manga-style illustrations.
    • Her favorite illustrator is Yamako (ヤマコ) of HoneyWorks.
    • She sometimes publishes her illustrations on her blogs and shares them on her SHOWROOM broadcasts.
    • She aimed to be an animator at one point.
  • She has very dexterous hands, she is even able to fold 5mm small paper cranes.
  • She likes anime. Her favorite series include Neon Genesis Evangelion, Natsume Yuujinchou, and My Hero Academia. She also loves Shoujo manga.
  • After being selected for Senbatsu for Yoakemade Tsuyogaranakutemoii, she went on a nationwide one-person campaign from August 5th to September 13th, participating in over 60 PR campaigns.
  • Her first photobook Massara was announced on March 30th, 2022 and was released on June 7th, 2022. The photobook was shot in Miyakojima, Okinawa and Tokyo. She is the first Nogizaka46 4th generation member to release a photobook.
    • Regarding the shooting location, she said that she grew up in the landlocked Tochigi prefecture, and she always dreamed of seeing a clear ocean like that of Okinawa.
    • Her photobook sold 146,000 copies in the first week, making her the Sakamichi Series member with the highest debut photobook first week sales.
  • In April 2023 she starred in the music video for KIYO's song "UCHOTEN-NEKO"

Single Participation

Nogizaka46 A-Sides

Nogizaka46 B-Sides

Other Original Songs

Albums Participation

Nogizaka46 Albums


Concert Units

Nogizaka46 Ikuta Erika Graduation Concert

Nogizaka46 10th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE


  • [2022.06.07] - Massara (まっさら)

Media Appearances

Variety Shows


  • Saru ni Au (猿に会う) (2020)
  • The Mystery Collection of Enmado Sara (閻魔堂沙羅の推理奇譚) (2020) - Episode 2


  • SCHOOL OF LOCK! "NOGIZAKA LOCKS!" (SCHOOL OF LOCK!「乃木坂LOCKS!」) (2021 - ) - Thursday MC

ItoRiriaKaerimichi.jpg IwamotoKaerimichi.jpg UmezawaKaerimichi.jpg KuboKaerimichi.jpg SatoKaerimichi.jpg NakamuraKaerimichi.jpg YoshidaKaerimichi.jpg
EndoDebut.jpg KakiDebut.jpg KanagawaDebut.jpg ShibataDebut.jpg TamuraDebut.jpg TsutsuiDebut.jpg YakuboDebut.jpg

3rd Generation
Ito RiriaIwamoto RenkaUmezawa MinamiKubo Shiori
Sato KaedeNakamura RenoYoshida Ayano Christie
4th Generation
Endo SakuraKaki HarukaKanagawa SayaKuromi HarukaSato RikaShibata Yuna
Tamura MayuTsutsui AyameHayashi RunaMatsuo MiyuYakubo MioYumiki Nao
5th Generation
Ioki MaoIkeda TeresaIchinose MikuInoue NagiOkamoto HinaOgawa Aya
Okuda IrohaKawasaki SakuraSugawara SatsukiTomisato NaoNakanishi Aruno
6th Generation
Atago KokoneOkoshi HinanoOzu ReinaKaibe AkariKawabata HinaSuzuki Yuuna
Setoguchi MitsukiNagashima RioMasuda MirineMorihira UrumiYada Moeka
Nogizaka46 History