Sugawara Satsuki

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Sugawara Satsuki
Kanji 菅原咲月
Kana すがわら さつき
Romaji Sugawara Satsuki
Nickname Satsukichan (さつきちゃん), Shokichi (小吉), Sacchan (さっちゃん)
Birth Info
Birthdate October 31, 2005  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Chiba, Japan
Blood type A
Current Age 19 Years Old
Height 157cm
Professional Info
Agency N46Div.
Social Networks 5th Generation Blog / Blog / SHOWROOM
Idol Career Info
Group Nogizaka46
Team 5th Generation
Debuted February 2022 / 5th Generation
Lightstick Colors
Pink Light Blue

Sugawara Satsuki is a member of Nogizaka46's 5th Generation and Vice Captain of Nogizaka46.


  • Favorite food: Whelk (shellfish) sushi, fruits, Sweet Tamagoyaki bento box, salmon onigiri
  • Pros: Challenging spirit
  • Cons: Acting without planning
  • Favorite color: Pink, white
  • Favorite Nogizaka46 song: Kaerimichi wa Toomawari Shitaku Naru
  • She was the third Nogizaka46 5th Generation member to be announced.
  • Favorite karaoke song: Glamorous Sky by Nakashima Mika.
  • Favorite novelist: Minato Kanae.
  • Her nickname before joining the group was Satsukingu.
  • In her introductory video, she held a red Gerbera flower.
  • During the Nogizaka46 5th Generation Audition, she won serveral the media awards from CanCam, EX Taishu, UTB and FRIDAY.
  • She is an only child.
  • One of her hobbies is watching idols, which she has been doing since 6th grade of elementary school.
  • She says she absolutely can't cook, to a level where she can't even help someone out.
  • Says she was most athletic in 4th grade. She was in basketball club.
  • Often wears perfume, since she feels uncomfortable without. Liked sweet scents a while ago, but lately she’s into woody scents.
  • Always carries the following items on her: earphones, cell phone, lipstick, headache medicine, wallet, perfume.
  • Owned a monthly serialization in the magazine Nikkei Entertainment since 2023.
  • She is a member of "Love It! Family" (April - June 2024).





  • On March 29th, was chosen for her first Nogizaka46 Senbatsu and Fukujin on 32nd single Hito wa Yume wo Nido Miru.
  • On August 4th, her solo series "Kisakuna Aisare Idol" (気さくな愛されアイドル) on Nikkei Entertainment! was announced, starting from September issue.
  • On August 9th, featured on the cover of B.L.T SUMMER CANDY 2023.


  • On April 5th, was appointed to be a member of "Love It! Family" (ラヴィット!ファミリー) starting from April till June, the sixth member from Nogizaka46.
  • On April 7th, was appointed as the 17th regular MC of Nogizaka46's "no" (乃木坂46の「の」).
  • On August 2th, was announced to play the heroin Kaede in the drama "Headtachi no Jingi Naki Zuno Sen" (頭たちの仁義なき頭脳戦), a spin-off of TV Asahi drama "Densetsu no Head Sho" (伝説の頭 翔)
  • Starting from November 4th, served as MC for "Weekly Nogizaka News" (週刊乃木坂ニュース) broadcast every Monday on the YouTube channel Nogizaka Haishinchu.
  • On December 13th, was appointed Nogizaka46 Vice Captain during the first day of Nogizaka46 Thanksgiving Festival 2024.

Singles Participation

Nogizaka46 A-Sides

Nogizaka46 B-Sides


5th Generation Concert

Nogizaka46 Summer National Tour 2023


Nogizaka46 12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE

Print Media

Magazine Serializations

  • Nikkei Entertainment! (日経エンタテインメント!) (2023 - ) - Kisakuna Aisare Idol (気さくな愛されアイドル)

Media Appearances

Variety Shows

  • Nogizaka Under Construction (乃木坂工事中) (2022 - )
  • Shin Nogizaka Star Tanjo! (新・乃木坂スター誕生!) (2022 - )
  • TBS "Love It!" (ラヴィット!) (2024) - Seasonal regular


  • Koshodo Monogatari (古書堂ものがたり) (2023) - Lemino
  • Headtachi no Jingi Naki Zuno Sen (頭たちの仁義なき頭脳戦) (2024) - TELASA


Stage Plays


ItoRiriaKaerimichi.jpg IwamotoKaerimichi.jpg UmezawaKaerimichi.jpg KuboKaerimichi.jpg SatoKaerimichi.jpg NakamuraKaerimichi.jpg YoshidaKaerimichi.jpg
EndoDebut.jpg KakiDebut.jpg KanagawaDebut.jpg ShibataDebut.jpg TamuraDebut.jpg TsutsuiDebut.jpg YakuboDebut.jpg

3rd Generation
Ito RiriaIwamoto RenkaUmezawa MinamiKubo Shiori
Sato KaedeNakamura RenoYoshida Ayano Christie
4th Generation
Endo SakuraKaki HarukaKanagawa SayaKuromi HarukaSato RikaShibata Yuna
Tamura MayuTsutsui AyameHayashi RunaMatsuo MiyuYakubo MioYumiki Nao
5th Generation
Ioki MaoIkeda TeresaIchinose MikuInoue NagiOkamoto HinaOgawa Aya
Okuda IrohaKawasaki SakuraSugawara SatsukiTomisato NaoNakanishi Aruno
6th Generation
Atago KokoneOkoshi HinanoOzu ReinaKaibe AkariKawabata HinaSuzuki Yuuna
Setoguchi MitsukiNagashima RioMasuda MirineMorihira UrumiYada Moeka
Nogizaka46 History