Matsuo Miyu

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Matsuo Miyu
Kanji 松尾美佑
Kana まつお みゆ
Romaji Matsuo Miyu
Nickname Miyurin (みゆりん)
Birth Info
Birthdate January 3, 2004  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Chiba, Japan
Blood type O
Current Age 21 Years Old
Height 167cm
Professional Info
Agency N46Div.
Social Networks Blog / SHOWROOM
Idol Career Info
Group Nogizaka46
Team 4th Generation
Debuted September 2019 / Sakamichi Kenshusei
Lightstick Colors
Turquoise White

Matsuo Miyu is a member of Nogizaka46's 4th Generation.


  • Nogizaka46 oshimen: Sasaki Kotoko, Ikuta Erika, Akimoto Manatsu, and Shibata Yuna
  • Favorite Nogizaka46 song: Hadashi de Summer
  • Special skills: Tumbling, such as backflips
  • Favorite colors: Orange, yellow
  • Favorite foods: Pear
  • Favorite drinks: Water, hot chocolate, cafe latte. She likes Starbucks’ Tokyo Roast.
  • Her audition SHOWROOM number was #65. Her nickname during auditions was Roko-chan (ロコちゃん).
  • She originally passed the 4th Generation auditions in August 2018, but she withdrew prior to the announcement. On November 29, 2018 she was inadvertently announced as the member who had withdrawn.
    • Leaked images of the 4th Generation initial photoshoot revealed that Miyu was present in uniform at the press photos.
    • The original reason for her withdrawal was due to academic priorities, but she later revealed that she had anxiety as well.
  • She did cheerleading for several years. She can perform backflips and other cheer moves.
  • She likes biking, making accessories, and writing in her diary.
  • She has a pet cat named Kinako.


Sakamichi Joint Auditions finalist → Sakamichi KenshuseiNogizaka46 4th Generation
She passed the Sakamichi Joint Auditions on August 20, 2018
Her profile was uploaded to the Sakamichi Kenshusei official website on September 7, 2019
Promoted to Nogizaka46 4th Generation on February 16, 2020

Singles Participation

Nogizaka46 A-Sides

Nogizaka46 B-Sides

Other Original Songs

Albums Participation

Nogizaka46 Albums

Media Appearances

Variety Shows


  • Berg presents Nogizaka46 no Nogizaka ni Sounda da! (ベルク presents 乃木坂46の乃木坂に相談だ!) (2021 - ) - Host with Seimiya Rei


ItoRiriaKaerimichi.jpg IwamotoKaerimichi.jpg UmezawaKaerimichi.jpg KuboKaerimichi.jpg SatoKaerimichi.jpg NakamuraKaerimichi.jpg YoshidaKaerimichi.jpg
EndoDebut.jpg KakiDebut.jpg KanagawaDebut.jpg ShibataDebut.jpg TamuraDebut.jpg TsutsuiDebut.jpg YakuboDebut.jpg

3rd Generation
Ito RiriaIwamoto RenkaUmezawa MinamiKubo Shiori
Sato KaedeNakamura RenoYoshida Ayano Christie
4th Generation
Endo SakuraKaki HarukaKanagawa SayaKuromi HarukaSato RikaShibata Yuna
Tamura MayuTsutsui AyameHayashi RunaMatsuo MiyuYakubo MioYumiki Nao
5th Generation
Ioki MaoIkeda TeresaIchinose MikuInoue NagiOkamoto HinaOgawa Aya
Okuda IrohaKawasaki SakuraSugawara SatsukiTomisato NaoNakanishi Aruno
6th Generation
Atago KokoneOkoshi HinanoOzu ReinaKaibe AkariKawabata HinaSuzuki Yuuna
Setoguchi MitsukiNagashima RioMasuda MirineMorihira UrumiYada Moeka
Nogizaka46 History