Tomisato Nao

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Tomisato Nao
Kanji 冨里奈央
Kana とみさと なお
Romaji Tomisato Nao
Nickname Naonao (なおなお)
Birth Info
Birthdate September 18, 2006  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Chiba, Japan
Blood type O
Current Age 18 Years Old
Height 164cm
Professional Info
Agency N46Div.
Social Networks 5th Generation Blog / Blog / SHOWROOM
Idol Career Info
Group Nogizaka46
Team 5th Generation
Debuted February 2022 / 5th Generation
Lightstick Colors
Turquoise Turquoise

Tomisato Nao is a member of Nogizaka46's 5th Generation.


  • Hobbies: Watching animal videos, raising animals in smartphone games
  • Favorite food: Cookies, cocoa, strawberries, sandwiches, sweets
  • Favorite animal: Dog, cat
  • Pros: Treats others in a way that she'd like to be treated
  • Cons: "Can't get up by myself in the morning zzz", does things at her own pace
  • Favorite color: Pink, white
  • Favorite Nogizaka46 song: Girl's Rule, Kaerimichi wa Toomawari Shitaku Naru, Sekkachi na Katatsumuri
  • Future ambition: To become a regular cast member of "Sakagami Animal Kingdom" animal variety show, run a cat cafe
  • She was the fifth Nogizaka46 5th Generation member to be announced.
  • In her introductory video, she is holding a see-through lily (Lilium maculatum).
  • During the Nogizaka46 5th Generation Audition, she won the media awards from Seventeen and Nikkan Sports.
  • Her family raises jellyfish and crayfish at home. Her dad enjoys fishing, and the family often goes crayfishing together.
  • Her father is a Nogizaka46 fan. He told Nao that if she made it to the final round of the Nogizaka46 audition, he would buy her an iPhone. He did indeed buy her an iPhone after she passed.
  • She would like to visit America and eat a big hamburger.
  • She would like to try danso (crossdressing cosplay) someday.
  • She would like to travel to Korea and Hawaii someday.


Early Life

  • Prior to joining Nogizaka46, she was an member of idol group Ichikawa Otome (市川乙女), under Ever Green Entertainment group, working under the name Aosaka Nana (青坂奈々).




  • On August 23th, received her first center position for Kangaenai yo ni Suru on 33rd single Ohitorisama Tengoku.
  • On December 6th, was chosen for her first Nogizaka46 Senbatsu on 34th single Monopoly.
  • On December 12th, featured on the cover of Weekly Playboy no 52, her first solo cover.


  • On July 29th, featured on the cover of BLT summer candy 2024.
  • On November 20th, was announced as the Unders center for the 37th single coupling track Sore Made no Yuuyo.

Singles Participation

Nogizaka46 A-Sides

Nogizaka46 B-Sides


Concert Units

5th Generation Concert

Nogizaka46 Summer National Tour 2023


Nogizaka46 12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE

Media Appearances

Variety Shows


  • Koshodo Monogatari (古書堂ものがたり) (2023)


Stage Plays


ItoRiriaKaerimichi.jpg IwamotoKaerimichi.jpg UmezawaKaerimichi.jpg KuboKaerimichi.jpg SatoKaerimichi.jpg NakamuraKaerimichi.jpg YoshidaKaerimichi.jpg
EndoDebut.jpg KakiDebut.jpg KanagawaDebut.jpg ShibataDebut.jpg TamuraDebut.jpg TsutsuiDebut.jpg YakuboDebut.jpg

3rd Generation
Ito RiriaIwamoto RenkaUmezawa MinamiKubo Shiori
Sato KaedeNakamura RenoYoshida Ayano Christie
4th Generation
Endo SakuraKaki HarukaKanagawa SayaKuromi HarukaSato RikaShibata Yuna
Tamura MayuTsutsui AyameHayashi RunaMatsuo MiyuYakubo MioYumiki Nao
5th Generation
Ioki MaoIkeda TeresaIchinose MikuInoue NagiOkamoto HinaOgawa Aya
Okuda IrohaKawasaki SakuraSugawara SatsukiTomisato NaoNakanishi Aruno
6th Generation
Atago KokoneOkoshi HinanoOzu ReinaKaibe AkariKawabata HinaSuzuki Yuuna
Setoguchi MitsukiNagashima RioMasuda MirineMorihira UrumiYada Moeka
Nogizaka46 History