Uchiyama Mikoto

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Uchiyama Mikoto
Uchiyama Mikoto (2019)
Kanji 内山命
Kana うちやま みこと
Romaji Uchiyama Mikoto
Nickname Mikotti (みこってぃ)
Birth Info
Birthdate November 14, 1995  
Birthplace Flag of Japan.png Mie, Japan
Blood type AB
Current Age 29 Years Old
Height 165cm
Professional Info
Agency **
Social Networks 7gogo / Instagram / Instagram / Twitter / Threads
Idol Career Info
Former Group SKE48
Former Team Team KII
Debuted March 2009 / 2nd Generation
Graduated May 2019

Uchiyama Mikoto was a member of SKE48's Team KII.


Itsudemo doko demo inochigake. Genki de akarui BOOISSHU GAARU
(Always desperate anywhere. A bright and lively boyish girl)


  • Lightstick colors: Yellow, Orange
  • Hobbies: Listening to music, cleaning her room, riding her bicycle
  • Favorite food: Chanja (salted Pacific cod entrails in spicy sauce), corn dog
  • Favorite phrase: 夢は大きく根は深く (Yume wa ookiku ne wa fukaku; When dreams are big, the roots are deep)
  • Oshimen: Mizuno Honoka
  • Special skills: Tying the stem of a cherry inside her mouth
  • Future ambition: Actress
  • Has three siblings
  • Speaks informally and with an accent, giving her a "country girl" character
  • Called an "ikemen" (attractive man) because of her height, short hair, and large shoe size
  • Became Team KII's co-leader on March 30, 2015, after Oba Mina became leader
  • Until 2017, she was the only member who participated in every Senbatsu Election and never ranked. She ranked for the first time in an election unit in 2018, when she ranked #42 and earned a position in Next Girls
  • Was cast for NHK drama "Tokusatsu Gagaga (ト ク サ ツ ガ ガ ガ)" that aired from January 18, 2019. She got a role in this drama after following the audition process

AKB48 Senbatsu Elections

AKB48 Janken Tournaments

Team History

Team KIISKE48 KenkyuuseiTeam ETeam KII → Graduation
Joined SKE48 on March, 2009 (2nd Generation)
Formed Team KII on May 25, 2009
Demoted to Kenkyuusei on December 6, 2010
Promoted to Team E on August 29, 2012
Transferred to Team KII on April 13, 2013 (SKE48 Team Shuffle)
Graduated from Team KII on May 30, 2019 (Announcement: March 29, 2019)

Singles Participation

SKE48 B-Sides

AKB48 B-Sides

Albums Participation

SKE48 Albums

AKB48 Albums


Stage Units

KII1 (Aitakatta)
Koi no PLAN
Rio no Kakumei
KII2 (Te wo Tsuginagara)
Ame no Pianist
RS2 (Aitakatta)
Namida no Shounan
Koi no PLAN
Rio no Kakumei
E2 (Saka Agari)
Ai no Iro
KII4 (Theater no Megami)
Arashi no Yoru ni wa
KII3 (Ramune no Nomikata)
Nice to meet you! (Revival)
KII5 (0Start)

Concert Units

SKE48 Densetsu, Hajimaru

1!2!3!4! YOROSHIKU! Shoubu wa Kore Kara da!

AKB48 Group Rinji Soukai "Shirokuro tsukeyou janai ka!"


SKE48 Request Hour Setlist Best 50 2013

AKB48 2013 Manatsu no Dome Tour ~Mada mada, Yaranakya Ikenai koto ga aru~

Nagoya Dome

SKE48 National Tour

Kobe World Hall
Yokohama Arena

AKB48 Kouhaku Utagassen 2014

Minna, Nakunjaneezo. Miyazawa Sae Graduation Concert in Nippon Gaishi Hall

Oba Mina Graduation Concert @ Pacifico Yokohama

Media Appearances

Stage Plays


Uchiyama Mikoto (2018)
Uchiyama Mikoto 10th Senbatsu Election Poster (2018)
Uchiyama Mikoto 9th Senbatsu Election Poster (2017)
Uchiyama Mikoto (2017)
Uchiyama Mikoto (December 2016)
Uchiyama Mikoto (2016)
Uchiyama Mikoto (2015)
Uchiyama Mikoto (December 2015)
Uchiyama Mikoto (2014)
Uchiyama mikotoNEW.jpg
Uchiyama Mikoto (2013)
Uchiyama mikoto kii.jpg
Uchiyama Mikoto (2013)
Uchiyama Mikoto (2012)
Uchiyama Mikoto (Late 2011)
Prof-uchiyama mikoto.jpg
Uchiyama Mikoto (Early 2011)
Uchiyama Mikoto (2010)
Uchiyama Mikoto (Late 2009)
Uchiyama Mikoto (Early 2009)